Great One-Horned Rhino Facing Threat

The majestic Great One Horned Rhino is a pride of Northeast India but its survival is at danger today. Human interference is one of the major factors responsible for putting the life of One Horned Rhinos at risk. Grazing of livestocks inside the protected areas makes the animals vulnerable to several fatal diseases. Unabated poaching

How Long Do You Grill Pork Loin Per Pound?

Introduction Whether you are grilling outside on the grill or in the broiler oven, there’s nothing quite as tasty as a grilled pork loin. But if you are inexperienced with cooking this particular cut of pork you may have some questions: How long do you grill pork loin per pound? What grilling techniques should I

Pain in Lower Left Side

There are a number of reasons why pain in your lower left side could exist, as well as a number of solutions on how to reduce and get rid of that pain. In order to determine the exact solution we must first determine the cause of the pain. What are the common symptoms? Side pain

Refrigerator’s Air Circulation and Humidity

The refrigerator relies on forced air to transfer heat. Fans inside the appliance move air around. The faster the air flows, the more quickly the heat is removed. For this reason, you don’t want to do anything to block the airflow. There are three basic types of forced-air systems in refrigerators. In ceiling-type refrigeration, a

Dog Nutritional Products Should Include a Detoxifier

As we domesticate the dog more and more each day, canine health problems continue to more closely follow human disorders. As the natural dog is separated further and further from their wild environment their health problems increase dramatically. One of the major contributors to this canine health problem is the constant exposure to harmful toxins.

3 Tips For Curing Diarrhea

The secret to curing diarrhea lies in recognizing the underlying cause. Probably 95% of the time diarrhea is due to an intestinal virus. There is no medicinal cure, as such, for an intestinal virus. Your body will clear the infection on its own, given enough time – usually a few to several days. For garden-variety

Best Ayurvedic and Herbal Treatment For Gastritis

Gastritis is a common name for all kinds of inflammation of the inner lining of the stomach, which is known as the mucosa. It is characterized by severe stomach ailments like cramps in the stomach, diarrhea and constipation and even blood with the stools. In Ayurveda, gastritis is known as Urdhavaga Amalapitta. It is caused

Bentonite Clay Colon Cleanse

Eat clay? Really? Yes, really. But not just any clay. This is not a recommendation to go digging in the yard to make “mud soup” for lunch. Instead, it’s about a natural clay called “bentonite”. It is being increasingly used by alternative medicine practitioners for effective internal cleansing and detoxification. The consumption of clay for

How Beneficial Is Turmeric?

Turmeric used lavishly in ancient India, for a variety of reasons, was known by a variety of Sanskrit names. Some of the names are ‘Haridra’ which means ‘the yellow one’, Aushadhi, Gauri and Kanchani (the golden goddess). According to documented evidence, it has been used in India, for more than 6000 years, as a spice,

Why to Hire a Pest Control Service?

Pests and similar rodents who infest buildings and structures are usually on a lookout for places that are warm and cozy. Since buildings are plastered and are a safe place to live in far away from the perils of nature, these pests and rodents take shelter and create a nuisance for humans who live there.

Double Dead Meat – Food To Avoid In The Philippines

Double dead meat, aka hot meat, is a Filipino term designating meat or poultry sold in markets, which have already died from disease before having been cut up. The term botcha is also used interchangeably with double dead meat. The term is said to originate from two Chinese words bot and cha, which means “do

Diarrhoea and Vomiting (D & V) – Some Common Causative Agents and Their Management (Part 1)

Diarrhoea and Vomiting (D & V)-Some Common Causative Agents and Their Management (Part 1) Salmonellosis (Typhoid Fever) CAUSATIVE AGENT(S): Salmonella typhi and paratyphi A, B, C. The disease is prevalent in the Far East, Middle East, South and Central America, Africa, Southern and Eastern Europe. SOURCE OF INFECTION: Both types have a purely human reservoir

How I Overcame Prostatitis

There are few things in life that are more frustrating and painful than prostatitis. If you’ve ever suffered from it, you know what I mean. In this article, I will tell you what I went through and how I overcame this affliction. If you’ve been doing any research, you know that there are multiple types

Some Products Derived From Horses

Horses and humans interact in a variety of ways such as competitive sports and non-competitive pursuits in the field of agriculture, entertainment and warfare. Although various breeds have been domesticated, a wide variety of techniques, equipment and accessories has been employed to control and protect them from harm. Rearing horses does not only provide pleasure

The Importance of Pest Control

Pest control and management refers to any system or measure that seeks to eliminate or regulate the population of insects considered harmful to human and animal health and the environment. Pest control requires a lot of work and resources but it is a necessity, especially for homes. Here are the reasons why pest management is

Dog Ear Infection – Yeast Infection Treatment and Advice

You might have heard of using apple cider vinegar for natural remedies in people, but have you heard of using it for your dog’s health, more importantly did you know it can be used for dog ear infection treatment? Apple cider vinegar helps with gases, as an aid to digestion, for constipation, and many other

Link Romantic Feelings To The Sight Of Your Face

Anchoring is an NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) term used to describe the mind’s tendency to associate two unrelated events or experiences, especially when a strong emotion is present. For example, if your mother fed you chicken soup when you were ill as a child, you will always associate chicken soup to being loved and cared for.

Hives Diet – What to Eat and What to Avoid If You Have Hives

It is notable that most allergic symptoms worsen after the consumption of foods as eggs, shellfish, fish, strawberries, pineapple, tomatoes, chocolate or drinking alcohol (especially wine and beer) or smoking. During the allergies, the body reacts to them by producing extra histamine, hence anti-histamines drugs are recommended. Other foods that contain great amounts of histamine,

Vitamin Euphoria – A Shot in the Dark

Do we need to pop those vitamin pills? Vitamins seem to be so good for everything. The newly born needs them to grow properly; women take them to be happy; men use them to maintain or increase potency; athletes ingest them to stay fit; and older people take them to become younger or to avoid

Cooking Frozen Packaged Meals in a Toaster Oven

Many people buy a toaster oven so that they don’t have to turn on their energy hogging full-sized oven for small meals. Then, to their dismay, they notice that most prepackaged frozen meals have this warning: “Do not cook in a toaster oven.” These countertop ovens are just smaller versions of normal ovens, so is

Travel Tips for Russia

Russia is becoming increasingly popular with tourists due to its rich cultural heritage and its popular cities of Moscow and Saint Petersburg. If you are planning or are going on a trip to Russia, then we suggest you consider some of the following travel tips. Familiarise yourself with Russia Do some reading around Russia before

The Botox Theory

Botox is a toxin produced by the Bacterium Clostridium Botulinum. Botox is quite generally used product in Cosmetic Science. It causes facial paralysis of muscles. It gives rise to Botolism, which is probably associated with food poisoning. Little and diluted quantity is safe for users and this causes weakening of muscles in a very controlled

How Interesting is Vinegar?

Lowly vinegar, and we are talking about apple cider vinegar or brown rice vinegar, has several uses for health. Standard white (grain) vinegar is distilled by a process which removes nutrients. Many claims have been made for the benefits of vinegar, and it is a fact that vinegar, whether used as a supplement or a

16 Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Cinnamon is considered one of the oldest spices and unsurpassed ingredient in the kitchen. It has a very pleasant smell and taste and is used as an addition to fruit salads, pies, and other desserts. Many people like the coffee that sprinkled with a little cinnamon, because it gets a special flavor. It may also

Harmful Effects Of Junk Food

Listed below are some important health complications caused due to sumptuous consumption of junk food. Lack of energy: Junk foods do not contain any nutrients that are beneficial to the human body. In most cases, these foods are filled with harmful carbohydrates, fats and cholesterol that do not provide any useful energy. As a result,

Acute Telogen Effluvium Vs Chronic Telogen Effluvium

Telogen effluvium can be chronic or acute. The main characteristic of these conditions is excessive shedding that occurs fairly evenly throughout the scalp. Because of the diffuse pattern, this condition is also referred to as “diffuse hair loss.” Most women will experience at least one bout of acute telogen effluvium in her lifetime. Although it

A Stem Cell Serum That May Be Better Than Botox

One of the most popular and effective beauty treatments on the market today is Botox, a substance that when injected into the muscles near the site of fine lines and wrinkles will make the area smooth. Since approved for cosmetic purposes in 2002, millions of women and men have received Botox treatments. Stem cell cream

Benefits to Using Apple Cider Vinegar for Your Dog’s Health

I am sure you have heard of using apple cider vinegar for natural remedies in people, but have you heard of using it for your dog’s health? Apple cider vinegar can help with digestion, gas, constipation, bladder stones, and urinary tract infections. It is used to deter insects such as mosquitoes, fleas and tics. It

Microgreens Versus Sprouts

Microgreen Facts Microgreens (micro greens) are a tiny form of edible greens produced from the seeds of vegetables, herbs or other plants. They range in size from one to two inches long, including the stem and leaves. Microgreens can have surprisingly intense flavors considering their small size, though not as strong as mature greens and

10 Surefire Ways To Handle Anxiety & Amplify Your Writing

AGITA [aj-I-tuh] n. That feeling of agitation or anxiety can hit the pit of your stomach as quickly as food poisoning. And that’s what it is. An unhealthy infection or virus. It will linger for days, months, or even years. This feeling came to me after the loss of an emotional state or attachment. The

Nine Effective Ways to Avoid the Stomach Flu

Stomach flu isn’t really a flu. It’s a form of digestive upset which is caused by a virus. It’s very like food poisoning, but that’s caused by a bacteria. Medically, flu is also considered to be caused by a virus, hence the name of stomach flu. Symptoms are typically nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea, but really

Where Does Botox Come From?

Botox is a purified protein complex produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum type A, which contains the same toxin that causes food poisoning. The Botox treatment is a non-surgical, physician-administered treatment that can temporarily reduce moderate to severe frown lines between the brows. During treatment, very low doses of Botox Cosmetic are administered via a

How to Safeguard Your Immune System

The immune system of a human body is a network of cells, tissues and organs that work together to defend the body against the attacks by the ‘foreign’ invaders. The term ‘foreign invader’ is used for the bacteria, parasites, fungi and other viruses that can lead to illness through infections. It is the job of

Are Eggs Good for Dogs?

The fact is that dogs love eggs. But are they good for them? Question: Is it OK to mix a raw egg with your dog’s food? Well there seems to be 2 schools of thought, one being that raw eggs are great for dogs and the second is that they are very bad for dogs.

Microscopic and Macroscopic Identification of Moulds in Foods

Like bacteria, moulds play an important role in foods. They can usually be seen by the naked eye (unlike bacteria). They are multi-cellular, consist of many cells connected with together. Moulds are saprophytes and break down complex organic materials into simpler substance. This can encourage the decay of rotting matter. In this way moulds contribute

Are Eggs Good Or Bad For You? – The Final Verdict

Over the years there have been several health scares concerning hen’s eggs. The two main concerns have been Salmonellosis, food poisoning caused by the Salmonella bacteria and those of cholesterol. Other concerns are that because of the cholesterol in eggs, eating them could increase the risks of heart disease and strokes. The Salmonella bacteria can

Stocking a Non-Toxic Spice Rack

I recently had someone ask me what was wrong with sassafras–I did not include this item in the main spice section of my book. My answer was that if you bought it in a store, it was probably fine. The FDA banned its use because it contained safrole, which causes liver damage and some kinds

What is Reactive Arthritis (Reiter’s Syndrome)?

My name is Barbara Allan. In 1988, at the age of 25 I suddenly developed arthritis. This was 6 weeks after contracting Shigella food poisoning while camping during a vacation in Michigan. The type of arthritis I was diagnosed with is reactive arthritis, since it was in reaction to a Shigella infection. (Shigella is a

Insight Into Chicken Recipes

Chicken is one of the favorite food items found around the globe. It can be cooked in many different ways. It can either be deep-fried, roasted, while some want to eat it in the form of spicy chicken curry. If you are really conscious about your health and don’t want to eat deep fried one

How to Grow Healthy Organic Food

How to Grow Healthy Organic Food The increasing pollution of the environment with industrial waste and poisonous substances have become a major health concern in recent years. Food, air, water and other essentials components of human existence are now polluted with dangerously high concentrations of poisonous chemical. As a result, there is now an increasing

The Right Food to Feed Ragdoll Cats And Kittens

Cat food can be classified into dry, moist, and semi-moist foods. Each one has its advantages, and Ragdolls need various kinds of food at different stages. Kittens need on the whole breast milk and moist food, while adults require more protein and dry food. Pregnant Ragdolls have special dietary needs that change all through the

Modern Food Hygiene Legislation, a Blessing or a Curse?

Many years ago food handlers just donned a pinafore, rolled up their sleeves and prepared foods in the ways taught at Grandma’s knee. Because the people consuming the foods were in the main from the same family or local village surrounded by identical bacteria and hazards, these consumers were seldom struck down by food poisoning

Why Seniors Need To Eat Right And Healthy As They Age

True, eating a well-balanced diet is important at any age, but when you enter into the golden era of your life, you need to give more attention and importance to what you eat. Yes, you have heard this advice before; older adults need to pay special emphasis on their diet. But, do you know why

Canning Tomatoes for Spaghetti Sauce

So you planted a garden this year and the tomatoes are coming out of your ears. maybe your neighbors planted a garden and the tomatoes are coming out of their ears and landing in a cardboard box on the front porch. Either way, you have too many tomatoes to eat. The solution? Turn those tomatoes

The Importance of Keeping Your Kitchen Clean

Neglecting to clean your kitchen on a regular basis can have detrimental consequences on your family. Since the kitchen is where our food preparation is performed, avoiding the cleaning of the area can result in food poisoning from cross contamination and other such harmful things. As such maintaining a hygienic kitchen environment is essential. This

All You Need to Know About Irritable Bowel Syndrome

IBS is a condition affecting the large intestine marked by alternating periods of diarrhea and constipation, abdominal cramping, and straining. It is sometimes called a spastic colon. It is not a disease, and there is no cure for IBS, but it can be managed over one’s lifetime. IBS has a high incidence in women under

Benefits Of A Formal Food Hygiene Training

The food industry is continuously changing and so are the safety standards. In order to keep aware of the latest changes, it is necessary to have food hygiene training. Whether you’re in a food business or just a homemaker, food safety training is something that you may want to consider. It is you sole responsibility

Food and Farms Emerge As a Key Movement of Our Era

If all politics is personal, as is widely held, then ultimately not much is more political than our food, and the farms which produce it. Everyone must eat, thus everyone has a vested interest in food. Just now, early in the 21st Century, foods and farms are emerging as a leading-edge political movement. Thousands of

Insurance Coverage for the Egg /Poultry Farmer

Like any business owner, a poultry farm owner faces exposure to many commercial liability risks. Storms, floods, fires, insect and rodent damages and equipment is perhaps more real to this industry than others. Nonetheless, the genuine threat posed to this type of farmer relates to the dreaded salmonella bacteria. Salmonella contamination can result in food

Shrimp and Vegetables With Pasta, Capers, and White Wine

Professional chefs and home cooks find creative uses for leftovers. Their recipes are often excellent. I had some leftover spaghetti on hand and some frozen shrimp that was starting to develop freezer burn. A thrifty person, I couldn’t discard these ingredients, and decided to combine them in an original recipe. When I looked in the