The art of grilling takes many years to master. Even if you’ve been grilling for years, there are always new things you can learn and areas to improve. If you’re willing to try new things, you can grill anything like a pro in no time! Just keep in mind that it’s the simple things that you may be ignoring all these years that could make the biggest difference!
Here are 5 easy ways to improve your grilling skills:
Learn to preheat
The grill takes time to generate heat and it should be given ample time to do so. To be able to cook food properly and evenly, fire your grill early – ignite it, close the lid and allow it to preheat in peace for 15 minutes before you take the food out.
Clean your grates before you oil it
Ideally, you should clean your grates every after use but let’s face it, not everybody has the time for that. During the pre-heating stage, the food residue from your last barbecue session will be charred, making it easier to remove using a grill brush.
When clean, lightly spray with cooking spray or use tongs to dip a crumpled up paper towel in oil to coat the grates lightly.
Take advantage of the different cooking zones
To make sure you avoid the dreaded scenario that is charred on the outside but undercooked on the inside, cook thicker cuts of meat or high-fat meat (like chicken with the skin on) using both direct and indirect heat. Cook them quickly over direct heat to get the outside crispy then transfer the meats to indirect heat cooking zone to cook through.
Always use a thermometer
Many grillers make the mistake of not using a thermometer when grilling meat, poultry or fish, thinking that they could judge the doneness just by looking. Get rid of the guesswork – to ensure food safety and delicious, perfectly cooked meat, always use a thermometer to check when your food reaches the right temperature.
Allow your food to cook
When you’re waiting for food to cook on the grill and you’re already hungry, it’s hard not to want to do something. Don’t press on your burger, stop flipping the steak and don’t keep opening the lid to check. Allow your food to cook through their cooking times without disturbance.
Improve your grilling skills with these 5 easy ways!