6 Things to Include in Your Personal Goal Setting

Over the past few days I have been slowly going over my goals for 2014, just to see if I am on track with what I have planned for this year. I think it is really important to have our goals written out, either in a notebook or diary, and for you visual learners you may like to use a dream or vision board. I personally have my goals written on a big whiteboard in my office. This is great because it means that everyday I walk past them and it’s a good little reminder of what they are and how close I am to achieving them.

With my goals I break them down into 6 different categories.

Health and fitness, spiritual, finance, education, family and Judo.

My health and fitness goals are things such as eating healthy all the time (chocolate on weekends). For you it may be to only have junk food only 1 or 2 days a week or maybe to only have fast food once a month.

Spiritual goals are things that will grow me spiritually, such as reading a leadership book or the bible. For you it could be to meditate once a week, do some yoga or even just some quiet time on top of a mountain and reflect on life.

Financial goals are obviously how much money to save and what I am saving for. These things could be a holiday with my wife or maybe to save up and buy something nice for one another.

Educational goal are obviously to learn something, either accredited or a short course once every few months. It could be to study a language, maybe spend 2 hours a week on the University of Judo, maybe shadow your coach during state or national training sessions, cooking classes or anything that will educate you.

Family and friends are the most important thing in the world so it is important that you see them and hang out together. If life is busy then schedule some time to see them.

Judo goals are simply your Judo goals. My goals for this year is to get my 4th Dan. For you it might be to throw someones with a well timed foot sweep attack or maybe to win the national championships.

Either way, write your goals down and then re-evaluate them every 2-3 months and see if you are on track. As always I am here if you need help with your Judo, nutrition, strength and conditioning and more. This will help you stay on track and you will probably find you will achieve them faster than you think.

Source by Matt D’Aquino