Social events are never complete without alcoholic beverages. As a matter of fact drinking has been a part of the culture and tradition of several countries. For people to enjoy the “feast” or the “drink” better, alcoholic drink recipes also evolved in terms of preparation, increased in number and variation over time.
For one to be able to create interesting and sumptuous alcoholic drink recipes, it is first best to know the classification and alcohol content of each drink. To ensure great tasting alcoholic drinks, the recipes’ ingredients should correspond among each other. From the style of the preparation up to the serving of the beverage, all should be in accordance to the type of alcoholic beverage that is mixed in the preparation. For example, pineapple and some other fruits don’t go well with beers just like lime or lemon juices with malt liquors. Some alcoholic drink recipes can be served without ice but most are usually served frozen or chilled.
Alcoholic drinks range from wines, spirits and beers. Some of these have high alcohol content and some have minimal alcohol levels. Wines usually undergo years in fermentation and usually contains up to 18% of alcohol. Beer on the other hand undergoes a brief fermentation process which explains why it has a relatively lower alcohol percentage. Spirits are made from distillation of malted liquor and wine thus giving it a higher alcohol content of up to 55%. Whisky, brandy and rum are some of the most popular samples of spirits. Sugar and starch are essential ingredients in making these alcoholic beverages so it is best to know which of these have higher sugar content especially when you are preparing a drink for someone who has certain medical conditions. Herbs, fruits, cream, soda and other essences are usually added to make the drink more interesting and flavorful.