Network marketing is one of the most effective ways online of selling products and providing a service to others. Most successful networkers have a strong belief, commitment and value.
The core principle and function is to provide a service to others, if you help enough people to get what they want, you will eventually get what you want. This is why you need the strong belief and commitment to make it work.
Ever since 1949 when the first company Nutrille (A Californian based food supplement business) realised the potential of creating a network of distributors who were paid a percentage from the sales and creating growth for the business.
It was only the late 1950 that 2 leading distributors broke away due to issues with internal management and the lack of leadership. Although they were bound by their commitment to the people they have brought into the business they formed a partnership and set up a direct selling networking company which operated in over 50 countries and commanded 10% total annual sales on a global market.
The two partners were, Rich DeVos and Jay Van Andel and the company was The Amway Corporation.
Their core principle was, Service to others, duplication, leadership, integrity, fairness and justice. Which lead them to coming up with a whole new business philosophy and marketing plan.
Their main philosophy was to generate a sense of security and well being that could strengthen family values and bring a balance in their lives. These were, Mental (working for yourself and having an income), Emotional (being part of something that grows with you), Physical (taking the products) and Spiritual (developing their contribution).
This is still true of a networking business today besides the Physical, unless you are involved with a health product. (Which still seem to be a popular choice of product to market). You have to be committed to continuous learning and develop new skills, business and personal, along the way.