Network Marketing Requires Commitment

The hundreds of network marketing (MLM or multi-level marketing) companies in existence are daily recruiting new distributors into their ranks. These are people with high hopes who are anxious to earn extra money to supplement or to possibly entirely replace their present incomes. They may be desperate people who are currently out of work who are brought into the industry with the promise of easy success or they may be people who have seen their incomes dwindle in a bad economy. Sometimes they are leaders in other areas who see the potential and catch the vision.

Because of the fact that 98% of those who begin a network marketing business “fail” in the industry, it is essential that a new distributor understand what is required to achieve success as a network marketer. It is not an easy business where everyone succeeds. However, it is a business where anyone CAN succeed.

The old school network marketers who originally found success with an MLM business twenty years ago are generally still teaching the same methods of recruiting new distributors who become their “downline” on whose purchases they are paid. The first thing they want you to do is to make your list of friends and family. They say to set goals and make a commitment. You should buy sales aids from the company and distribute them. You should tell everyone within three feet of you about your business. You should spend lots of money traveling to company events. You should pass out flyers. Of course, all important is that you remain active by buying the company’s products so that you could be paid if you had happened to meet the qualifications to do so.

For the new distributors who have been in network marketing before, they have probably exhausted their list and alienated their friends and family. They have found that most of those old methods do not really work or have extremely limited effectiveness although some could work for the natural leaders who sign on as distributors.

A few of those factors are still helpful and even essential. One of the most important elements in determining your success in network marketing will be to make a commitment. It needs to be a determination of how much time you will spend working on your business each day and each week. You must commit to stick with it long enough (usually a couple of years) to take it to the level of your expectations. You should commit to learn all you can about the networking industry and about your company. You should commit to reviewing your goals each day and remembering your dreams. Commitment is a vital part of your road to success.

Source by Irene Mori