“Home cannot do without embroidery. It rewards, forgives, and cures…” they used to say in ancient times.
Let’s look at the ancient towels and garments: where the pattern is located, what colour the mistress used, what she depicted.
Every element of the pattern can tell a story, it defends, helps, bringing the worlds of the sky and the earth together. In the times of old girls used to embroider dowry for themselves. The towels were given as presents and used to decorate the house.
A thing without embroidery could not appear in the house. Stitch work was the measure of the hostess’s thrift and skills. Only the embroidered items had magic influence and could protect the house and the hosts. Embroidered towels were hanged above the windows and the door so that neither misfortune, nor diseases could find way into the house; the patterns on the tablecloth protected the food and the table. Clothes were embroidered too.
If murrain occurred in the village, an ordinary towel became a reliable rescue. All the women in the village embroidered it within a single day or night hoping that it should release them from the misfortune.
A towel from the grandma’s chest can tell a lot of funny and sad stories. If you learn to read the stitch work patterns on the towels and to embroider them, you will discover many wonderful legends as well as you will get to know how people used to live, what helped them to deal with trouble and bring joy to the house.
Let’s learn to give happiness. The beauty of embroidery can make anyone happy.