A Short History of Enchiladas

Mexican food lovers will definitely be aware of the enchilada. Today, they are not only available at pure Mexican restaurants but are also found in restaurants offering Tex-Mex specialties, diners and also many supermarkets.

An Enchilada is a simple corn tortilla rolled with meat and cheese. It can also be topped with spicy sauces or onions, sour cream, beans, guacamole, nacho cheese, etc. It is similar to taco, a wide variety of ingredients can be used for making enchilada. It can be steak, fish, chicken and variety of vegetables, cheeses, beans, etc. It is a very tasty and versatile dish

A lot of evidence suggests that the enchiladas came from the Mayans. The dish was first related to Mexico in the pre-Columbian days. There is evidence that the enchiladas were tortillas with fish inside. The dish relates closely with papadzules which is a popular Mayan dish also coming from the Yucatan region. This dish has corn tortillas which are dipped in pumpkinseed and rolled with boiled chopped egg, then topped with tomato sauce. It was a primary food of the nobles and was served on special occasions.

When the Spanish conquerors reached the Western Hemisphere, they observed the varieties of foods eaten by the local people. The tortillas made from flat corn bread were known as tlaxcalli but the Spanish conquerors had named it tortilla. Through the succeeding centuries, Mexicans continued enjoying the dish and the enchilada is found in many varieties of cookbooks dating back to the first Mexican cookbook called El Cocinero Mexicano or The Mexican Chef published in 1831.

With the globalization of food in this modern world, many chefs look for the best food of every culture for sharing with customers and friends. The enchilada has been admired by many gourmands across the world. Besides being tasty, it is extremely adaptable and nutritious which makes it a great serving item. In addition, many Mexican immigrants brought their culture including their foods to the US. The enchilada and other admired foods are continuously growing popular with their easy recipes of preparing it. One can expect that the enchilada will be seen in the neighborhood soon.

Source by Tauqeer Ul Hassan