The Perks of Using Fresh Pasta

One of the reasons I enrolled myself in cooking lessons is my desire to serve authentic Italian cuisine to my family. We are all lovers of anything Italian, most of all Italian food and as you may expect, our favourite is pasta. However, I found that the best chefs do not use dried or store-bought pasta. So, I went on a mission to learn how to make fresh pasta from scratch. When I was finally cooking dishes with pasta I made with my own hands, I was able to note the benefits of using it fresh instead of dried.

Here are just some of the perks I discovered in using fresh pasta:

– If you wish for more delicious and lighter pasta, then you will be able to get this from the one you made yourself. Because you can immediately cook your pasta after making it, the effect is you will have lighter pasta that can be cooked in a relatively shorter amount of time compared to the dried one.

Cooking any Italian pasta dish using fresh pasta will also guarantee a better flavour to your recipe. This is because the one you make at home is able to soak the flavours of the sauce better than the dried ones that are much heavier in weight. The lightness of your pasta will enable it to absorb the essence of such ingredients as seafood, meats, cheeses, olive oil and tomatoes, among others.

– Any pasta recipe is made more delicious if you will use pasta water in the sauce. The homemade pasta gives off better liquid for adding to sauces because its flavours, which are still fresh, are able to seep better into the water used in cooking it.

– Pasta made directly in your own kitchen does not have any preservatives added to its ingredients. Because of this, it will definitely be more nutritious and better-tasting.

– Making your own pasta also gives you the ability to choose your own ingredients according to your preferences. You can either make it using Italian durum Semolina or a mixture of semolina and flour. If you have wheat intolerance, you can also use buckwheat as a suitable alternative. The nutty flavour of the pasta made from this ingredient will definitely add a unique twist to your pasta dish.

So, if you are deliberating between using fresh and dried pasta, then you should go for the former. Although it takes a lengthy and time-consuming process to make pasta yourself, this is over-weighed by the many advantages you can get from it. I even took cooking lessons to know how to make my own pasta because I know that they will provide me more perks than disadvantages compared to the store-bought ones I used before.

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Source by Leigh Lim