Marcilio Ficino’s Italian Renaissance Did Not Include Da Vinci’s Theory of Knowledge

The idea that the world is approaching a crisis is now widespread. Fossil fuel dependency, a shortage of drinking water and available food supplies for an overpopulated planet, together with a desire to acquire more efficient weapons of mass destruction are summarised by the Darwinian concept that nature is now preparing to cull out those unfit to survive. However, in his second book on evolution, ‘The Accent of Man’, Darwin notes that humanity’s feelings of compassion for underprivileged impoverished people, is so pronounced that it surely must somehow play an important role in human evolution.

Scientists, such as Jacob Bronowski, commenting on the ‘Assent of Man’, argues that human ethical consideration can actually alter the existing environmental reality and in doing explains the evolutionary functioning of ethical thought. Conversly, if the reader considers that a ruthless culling of humanity is a despairing natural law, then the reader cannot be blamed. Lord Bertrand Russell won a Nobel Prize for advising us to worship that law, because Albert Einstein considered that such a law governed everything. Einstein’s accepted that this heat death law, developed to explain the mechanical reality of the functioning of a steam engine, was in fact the premier law of all of science. Russell was not a devout Christian but advocated that we must worship that law, Sir Arthur Eddington, Einstein’s close colleague, was a devote Christian and he also he agreed with Russell that we should worship the universal heat death law, as God’s supreme law.

All three philosophers of science had decided that if human ethical thought could possibly alter reality then it must obey the laws of the physical world, such as the one controlling the action of steam engines. They ignored the thinking, that from a spiritual viewpoint, other principles of science might exist. As we know, ancient thinkers had postulated that in the beginning was the dark ‘Abyss’ then came light, then matter was created. Fair enough, no steam engine could have possibly have existed throughout the immense period of time leading up to human evolution. However, today nanotechnology proves that consciousness functions from the actions of forces associated with what the ancients called sacred geometry, which existed before matter did. So much for worshipping the god of inevitable chaos.

The reader can hardly be blamed for arguing that no ethical science ever existed to explain how ethical thought could possibly explain quantum mechanic’s ability to alter the fabric of universal reality. Again, fair enough, quantum biology is just now emerging to explain how this occurs, when it’s living energies entangle with the reality of the physical world. By this time one can imagine that the reader might be getting a wee bit angry for anyone daring to criticise Albert Einstein’s world-view. In order to soothe the situation, one can suggest that Einstein’s genius is indispensable, when it is modified to co-exist with a universal holographic reality. This allows ethics to become a technology to solve the problems of the world crisis mentioned at the beginning of this article. However, the complex technology is beyond the thinking of those,who unknowingly, worship Einsteinian chaos energy theory as the very basis of modern science.

As the general reader seems to prefer short articles, a brief explanation follows, to explain that the ethical science actually does exist, awaiting opportunity to become a human survival technology.

Sacred geometry was used to invent the ancient Egyptian Goddess of truth and justice, Maat, who was worshipped for preventing the universe from reverting back into primordial chaos. The ancient Babylonian Goddess Ishstar, also invented from sacred geometry, was the Goddess of prostitution and war. Fibbonacci taught the Babylonian ethos of the Fibbonacci sacred geometrical reasoning to Leonardo da Vinci, later developed by Russell in collaboration with Einstein as a mathematical worship of the very chaos that the Goddess Maat was thought to prevent.

The ancient Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy used the Egyptian ethical teaching in order to establish their ‘Science for Ethical Ends’ during the 3rd Century BC. That ethical science was banished as a pagan mathematics by the Roman Church in the 5th Century AD. Plato’s Academy was later outlawed by the Roman Emperor Justinian. Cosimo Medici re-established the Platonic university near Florence and appointed Marsilio Ficino to develop its teaching during the 15th Century Renaissance.

The opening extract from the Review of Marsilio Ficino’s Platonic Theology’ by Harvard University Press, 30/06/2006, reads as follows: The ‘Platonic Theology’ is a visionary work and the philosophical masterpiece of Marcilio Ficino (1433-1499), the Florentine scholar-philosopher-magus who was largely responsible for the Renaissance revival of Plato.

The reader can begin to realise that the Western world has brought chaos down upon its head by noting that the genius, Leonardo da Vinci,was not really the great man of the Renaissance that were were all led to believe he was. His world-view not only flatly contradicted Plato’s teachings about spiritual ethics, but together with Descartes and Sir Francis Bacon, helped plunge Western science into the Babylonian worship of war and chaos. The solution is simply to modify the present educational system from being totally governed by the worship of the law of chaos, renamed last century by the scientists, Maria Montersorri and Teilhardt de Chardin, as the Greed Energy Law.

© Professor Robert Pope

Advisor to the President Oceania and Australasia of the Institute for Theoretical Physics and Advanced Mathematics (IFM) Einstein-Galilei

Source by Robert Pope