Mint Tea – Fresh From The Garden

Mint has been enjoyed as a tea for many years, both as a refreshment and as an herbal medicine. Since mint is a strong flavor, it can be used alone, or as a flavoring for tea or herbal teas. Mint is also often used as a garnish for tea, adding a fresh sprig to the top of the glass.

Peppermint is the most common mint used for tea, though spearmint and others are equally flavorful. Peppermint is known to relieve gas pains and is often used as a natural herbal cure for heartburn, stomach ache and nausea.

To use mint as a flavoring for green or black tea, add a few crushed leaves to the boiling water along with the tea and steep as usual. You can use fresh or dried leaves, and a little goes a long way. Too much mint will overpower the flavor of the tea.

You can use mint alone to make a mint tea by using dried mint leaves to brew your tea. Use a tablespoon of dried tea leaves per cup of boiling water and steep for 5 minutes. Sweeten with sugar or honey as desired. This tea is especially good for stomach upsets and soothing heartburn.

If you wish, you can grow and dry your own mint leaves for tea. Mint grows prolifically in a shady damp place. Most gardeners grow the mint in a container to prevent the mint from overtaking the garden.

Dry the leaves by hanging the sprigs, in bunches, upside down in a cool dry place for a few days, Harvest the dried leaves and enjoy.

Source by Diane Watkins