Ginseng also known as Panax Ginseng is a fleshy root typically found in cooler climates, in the Northern hemisphere and is known to be native to Korea, China and North America. In Latin the word “Panax” means “cure all”. Panax ginsengs are adaptogenic herbs. “Adaptogens” is a generic word used to describe remedies which increase the resistance of organisms to a broad spectrum of physical, chemical and biologically harmful factors (stress, disease, fatigue).
The main active ingredient in Ginseng is ginsenosides (saponins). Ginsenosides are also found in the leaves and stalk of the ginseng plant but the fleshy root possess the greatest concentration of the same. Approximately 29 ginsenocides, have been found in the ginseng root. Ginseng also contains several steroid compounds, such as panaxtriol, which are remarkably similar to anabolic steroids found naturally in the human body. Siberian ginseng is from the same family but not a true ginseng, and its active compound is eleutherosides.
A more recent finding in ginseng is the component germanium, which is a powerful detoxifier found in organic products. Germanium acts as a powerful blood cleanser
“Ginseng has a cleansing effect since grayish matter is being expelled (based on clairvoyant experiments). It is better to exercise immediately after taking ginseng to facilitate the expelling of used-up prana and to facilitate the assimilation of fresh pranic energy”.
– Advanced Pranic Healing, Master Choa Kok Sui, Founder of Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga
The ginseng plants original name is “Ren Shen” in Chinese and “In Sam” in Korean, which means “man-root”, because of the shape of the root, which resembles the human form, complete with a body and limbs.
Ginseng takes several years to mature, and most cultivated roots are harvested when the plant is between 3-10 years old. For some unknown reasons, cultivated ginseng plants begin to degenerate if left unharvested for a long time. However, wild ginseng has been known to reach 100-150 years of age without any degeneration. Ginseng requires at least 6 years to reach maturity to extract any medicinal value from it. Plants that are harvested prior to 6 years, do not have the healing ingredients in them, and are therefore ineffective.
Ginseng is naturally white / off white when harvested. The process of drying it determines the color of the final product. In ancient times, red ginseng was dried in the sun giving it the characteristic color. Most red ginseng available now, is steamed during processing, giving it a similar red color. The steaming process is what makes Red Panax Ginseng unique and powerful because it concentrates and amplifies the healing energy of the Ginseng. Traditionally, only red ginseng was used in Asia for healing purposes.
Red ginseng is considered warmer (yang) as compared to white ginseng (yin / cooler). Red ginseng is considered to have better health benefits and healing powers then white ginseng.
The Chinese God of Agriculture Shen Nong, credited for the “Herbal Classic”, the earliest known medicinal book in China states “ginseng is efficacious for strengthening the heart, stabilizing the nerve system and the mind, stopping shock, improve the level of intelligence, and extend the life span.”
In his Compendium of Materia Medica, the celebrated Ming-dynasty herbalist Li Shizhen pointed out that ginseng is highly effective in replenishing the human body’s vitality, making the old look young, and saving life from the brink of death.
Among our organs, according to Chinese herbal medicine, the spleen and stomach belong to the element Earth, which is believed to be the root of energy. Ginseng too is a product of the Earth element. Therefore,ginseng is believed to impact the stomach (navel and secondary navel) and the spleen, thereby energizing the entire body, rapidly.
“Ginseng when clairvoyantly seen, is very bright compared to other food and medicines… Ginseng contains a lot of prana (vital energy) and also a lot of “synthetic ki”. The great increase of the “synthetic ki” in the secondary navel chakras (on consuming ginseng), is due to the activated major chakras which produce more “synthetic ki” and also due to the “synthetic ki” contained in the ginseng itself.
(Synthetic implying synthesis – that which is obtained by combining separate entities / material into a complex whole. )
– Master Choa Kok Sui, Advanced Pranic Healing
Some of the uses that ginseng can be put to –
Anti-aging, diabetes, anemia, cancer, depression, insomnia, hormonal imbalances, menopause, impotence, shock, fatigue, hypertension, effects of radiation, detoxify effects of morphine and cocaine use, environmental, physical and mental stress, and chronic illness.
“Red Ginseng is nourishing to the five internal organs, it is sweet in taste, it contains no toxicity, it calms and stabilizes the spirit, eliminates palpitations, prevents fright and stops terror, removes evil Qi (pathogenic factors), clarifies vision, opens the heart, brightens the mind, strengthens the memory, benefits wisdom and long-term administration of Ginseng will lighten the body and prolong lifespan.” -Spirit Farmers Almanac, Chinese Medical Text circa 4000 BC
“The degree of the effect of the Ginseng depends on the dosage, the supplier of the ginseng, (Different suppliers produce ginseng of different brightness or potency), and the body of the subject. The effect of one half gram of ginseng will last for about 10-16 hours. Within that period of time, the effects of the ginseng diminish. Because of this, it is better that one half gram of ginseng is taken twice a day to maintain one’s health. Persons who are ill shoull, preferably take a higher dosage… To increase the pranic energy level of the healer and to improve his or her healing skill it is advisable (but not necessary) to take one gram of ginseng before and after healing a large number of patients. It is also advantageous for patients who are very weak, to take one to two grams of ginseng before being treated by the healer.”
– Master Choa Kok Sui, Advanced Pranic Healing, Chapter: Seed Ideas.
Some unconfirmed side effects of ginseng include insomnia, headaches, upset stomach, diarrhea, a spinning sensation and vertigo.