Decorate Your Cake With a Beautiful Design

The final touch to your cake which grabs principal attention is definitely a cake topper. A good cake maker will usually be a master designer too so he can make the cake topping himself. There are various ways of creating it like using marzipan, gum paste and of course the traditional way of piping and smoothing butter cream.

The toppers are the main attraction on a wedding cake, usually made up of the couple’s initials to form a monogram. A heart or any small design can also be incorporated in between. Silver letter in various fonts look elegant and reflect style. Silver can cost you a bit; aluminum on the other hand will be easier on the pocket.

Use of engraved letters in cut glass makes stunning cake decorations. A birthday cake can sport the initials of the birthday boy or girl so also an anniversary cake can hold the couple’s initials or the number of the anniversary can be opted for.

There are pre made edible cake toppers which are made from hard sugar and hand painted in vibrant colors and perfectly safe to eat. Cup cakes or regular cakes can be frosted and topped with such a cake topper for a finished look. Any shape or design like airplanes, flowers, flags etc can be made as toppers. Attractive motifs like burgers, cola, candy etc can be put on a cake with pale frosting especially if a birthday is being celebrated at a fast food joint.

If you want a flamboyant cake topper, start with an ornament setting you bought and keep adding on to it using creativity and design.

You need to carefully fix the topper onto the cake. Usually royal icing is used to hold it in place. But in the case of a multi-tier wedding cake, it’s best to place the topper at the last minute at the site where it is to be placed lest it may fall off. Dowels should be used to hold a heavy cake topping in place whereas a plate or ornament base will hold a light topper properly.

Source by Jimmy Jenkins Ray