This is a quick and easy alternative to the usual Ramen Noodle soup. It is great for when you don’t have time to boil water and are just looking for a simple yet delicious small meal.
Start by taking the packet of noodles and crushing them up in the bag, this is actually not necessary but helps the noodles cook faster. Using a regular sized bowl, pour the crushed noodles in the bowl followed by a good amount of water.
Microwave the water and noodles together for around four minutes on high power or until the noodles are soft. Make sure to keep an eye on them as the water tends to boil quickly and overflow the bowl often. When this starts to occur, stop the microwave and stir the mixture some.
Next thing to do is drain all of the water out of the bowl using a strainer. Pour the noodles back in the bowl, placing a slice or two of american sliced singles cheese on top of them. Microwave for another fifteen seconds or so until the cheese is semi melted.
Once you take the bowl out of the microwave, stir the cheese into the Ramen Noodles and you are ready to eat.
You can add your own spin to this and add different kinds of cheese. Although, individually sliced singles are found to melt the best.
This is a great side to go with a sandwich when you don’t feel like cooking an entire meal.