A Review Of The Starlight International Income Opportunity

It almost seems like everyone is now taking vitamins to supplement their nutritional intake. In a world of fast food and busy schedules people are not getting enough vitamins in their diet. Starlight International offers a line of products designed to help people meet their nutritional needs.

Founded by Steven M. Goldberg, a successful Hollywood producer, the company was designed to help people live a healthy and productive life by using the products and earning money doing it. Staffed with a doctor, herbalist/ethnobotanist, and food and drug attorney, Starlight International offers customers wellness, weight management, and beauty products. One of the company’s spokesmen is Robert Wagner, international star of both film and television.

Starlight International’s product line starts with vitamins that contain antioxidants. The Lifeguard line utilizes antioxidant nutrients and other ingredients. They offer a children’s formula to help all persons meet their nutritional requirements. An anti-aging product, natural sleep aid and general vitamin packs are also available from the company. Prices for the vitamin supplements start at $28.50 a bottle and go price as high as $56.00. There are also two products designed for weight loss, one of which uses the herb Hoodia to help curb appetites. The natural beauty products consist of a shampoos and conditioner that prices for $9.50 a bottle. All prices for the products are included on the website and can be ordered immediately.

Employment opportunities through Starlight International are available to qualified individuals. There is a comprehensive compensation plan with three different levels of benefits. Qualifying representatives must have sales of $150.00 a month and up to $999.00 in team sales. Potential representatives must also have a company sponsor and complete company training before starting their business. The website has a comprehensive policy and procedure manual available to download and it is highly recommended that anyone interested in working with the company read it all the way through as it covers things such as internet sales and promotion.

Upon inspection, the marketing scheme for Starlight International utilizes a pyramid scheme to sell their products, although individuals can log on and purchase them from the website themselves if desired. Each product has a good description of their benefits including nutritional labels on the bottles. The prices seem to be high, though, based on the average cost of the same formulas found at the local nutrition store.

It is difficult to tell how lucrative this particular direct selling company will be for motivated individuals. Anyone interested in selling the product is directed to contact the company for more information and to be assigned a sponsor. While the compensation plan gives information on what can be earned, it only includes retail profit and product rebates. There is no information available regarding other incentives that may be offered or what percentage of commission dollars. With the right motivation, a good salesperson could turn Starlight International’s products into a good business, but more research should be done before making a final decision on whether or not to join the staff.

Source by Brian Garvin