Bromide Poisoning May Be the Cause of Your Headaches, Bad Mood and Thyroid Problems!

The Symptoms of Bromide poisoning

Bromide poisoning can put you in a bad mental space with dark thoughts, depression, brain fog and general lassitude. Don’t we all, from time to time? Before you reach for tonics, adaptogens, immune boosters and smart drinks let us get to grips with some of the other symptoms of bromide poisoning. Neurodevelopment is adversely affected by bromide as it dominates iodine receptors, causing behavioural problems like attention deficit hyperactivity disorders, (ADD and ADHD) schizophrenia and unexplained headaches.

We treat these symptoms with Rtalin, painkillers and mind altering drugs and expensive supplements out of the top drawer. But do we recognise the underlying causative factors? Along with an impaired emotional and intellectual status quo, bromide poisoning can result in adult acne, mouth ulcers and a bad metallic taste in the mouth. Iodine deficiencies also creep up in direct proportion to bromide toxicity. Because fluoride also displaces iodine, modern “hygienic” mouthwashes only make it worse.

Bromide Poisoning and Thyroid Problems

Elevated bromide levels have been implicated in every thyroid disease, from simple hypothyroidism to auto-immune diseases to thyroid cancer. Bromide levels are found to be 50 times higher in thethyroid tissue of thyroid cancer patients. By now we all know that iodine has something to do with the thyroid function and in many cases all it takes is a little iodine to correct hypothyroidism. But bromide competes with iodine and will not give up that easily! Auto-immune diseases like Hashimoto’s and Graves’ disease will flare up when the resident iodine reserves have been ousted by bromide. Initially, adding iodine to the equation will make matters worse as it will move the bromide into the bloodstream.

The Battle of the Halogens

Chlorine, fluoride, bromide and iodine belong to a group of elements we call halogens. They have a pecking order and iodine is subject to displacement by the other three halogens in this family. Thus if chlorine, fluoride or bromide levels are too high, they usurp iodine receptors. We experience familiar symptoms of iodine deficiencies even when we top up on kelp, seafood or Lugol’s iodine. The bromide bully interferes with our iodine reserves. Chlorine and fluoride affect our thyroid glands and also displace iodine. We filter our water and use fluoride free oral hygiene products, yet we unwittingly saturate ourselves with bromide.

Where Does the Bromide Come From?

Where is bromide coming from? Bread! The staff of life, they call it. Prior to 1960, iodine was used as a dough improver but then it was replaced with bromide. You will not see bromide listed under ingredients on the packaging. All you see is a large, fluffy slice of bread. You will ingest the bromide and it will compete with your iodine reserves. A low iodine status will be the result. Investigative studies showed that when bromide was used by the baking industry instead of iodine, people became increasingly iodine deficient. A double whammy!

Other sources of bromide include all grains that are treated with the pesticide: methyl bromide. That includes mealies, rice, beans, lentils and other pulses. We don’t like eating weevils, mould, fungus or creepy crawlies in our food so all too often they get zapped with methyl bromide and we consume it. Some countries refuse to import such produce but for now, South Africa seems to be turning a blind eye, preferring toxins to “goggas”. Some of our dried fruit is also treated with bromide to sustain its shelf life. We also breathe in the bromide-rich fumes coming from carpets, mattresses and other household items that have been chemically treated.

Modern “Medicine” and Bromide Vaccines

We know that mercury poisoning can be caused by vaccines, but who would want to be vaccinated with bromide? During the Gulf War, soldiers were inoculated with bromide. Some of them were totally unaware of what was going on, let alone the reason for the jab. Emotionally, they went to pieces until the true cause was tracked down. It was not war -induced trauma as much as the bromide poisoning! Bromide that invades the system gets stored as bromine in the tissues and fat cells and this is a very dangerous substance. The antidote is iodine, but not without a toxic backlash. The protocol is exacting, because the bromide needs to be flushed away as soon as the iodine is taken.

Half a Spoonful of Salt Makes the Bromide Go Away!

The Gulf war troops suffering from emotional issues were treated by orthomolecular physicians who guided them through an iodine-based detoxification protocol. To treat the bromide poisoning a supervised iodine supplementation was given to them. It was chased down with a good pinch of salt! Yes, salt contains chloride, another of the halogens that kicks out bromide. The salt loading technique is the brainchild of Dr William Shevin. a natural form of salt is best to use. Half a teaspoon of sea salt was mixed with cup of water for the treatment. As soon as an adverse effect was experienced from taking the dose of iodine, they drank the mixture. (Eating more salt does not work the same.)

Over time, the iodine once again engage with its own receptors and restore full functionality once more. We do not realise how iodine contributes to so many aspects of our physical and emotional wellbeing. It is only when we lose it that we notice how terrible we feel both emotionally and physically. A few drops of the famous Lugol’s iodine will not even out the score until the bromide factor is addressed. So, take it with a pinch of salt!

Source by Sue Visser