Honey is an essential commodity, and for more than 2,500 years ago, it is used by countless cultures. It is greatly used for healing wounds. Besides, it is also consumed by many for its astounding health benefits. You may either take it raw or mix it with lukewarm water or juice, whichever way you want!
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Soup Facts – Fun Trivia!
Are you a lover of soup and soup recipes? Besides the great taste and variety that soup has, it also has a wide array of uses in our histories of the world. Here are some known and little-known soup facts that you might find interesting. I did! o Can you believe that Americans sip over
History of Laffy Taffy – America’s Candy
For those who have no idea what I’m referring to, Laffy Taffy is a chewy candy that is one of the most famous candy brands in America. Outside America, taffy is also known as toffee. Either way, it’s sweet, sticky and extremely popular among big and small kids alike. The history of Laffy Taffy began
What in Chocolate Makes It an Aphrodisiac?
As far as we know, the first European to be served with a hot chocolate drink was the Spanish explorer, Hernando Cortez (1485 – 1547). When he first tasted this spicy drink, he was in the court of the Aztec emperor, Montezuma II. This drink was a far cry from the ubiquitous hot drinking chocolate
Famous Food Scientist Speaks About How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off!
While eating healthy and slipping in the right amount of exercise does take some work, it doesn’t really mean you have to put in a heroic effort. If you had enough of fad diets, its time you hopped off the bandwagon and followed real weight loss tips. Celebrity weight loss usually includes private chefs, trainers,
How to Use Chicken Manure in Your Garden For Fertilizer
Growing up in Central Florida, I was fortunate to have good year-round growing conditions. My grandparents were avid gardeners, and I remember the big jar painted white sitting on the counter to collect food for the compost pile. Once it was filled, my granddad would take it out to the compost bin and turn in,
Inflammatory Foods: Gas on the Fire
In my previous article entitled Inflammation… It’s A Crock. I discussed how inflammation cooks the body just like an egg or a piece of meat in a crock pot. This article is a follow up to describe the particular foods that can put gas on that fire and speed the degeneration of tissues and organs
Latin American Cuisine – A Colombian Breakfast
In this article, I will talk about the cuisine of Colombia, specifically the breakfast that is eaten in Medellin, Colombia. You will also learn some helpful Spanish words such as how to say egg whites and egg yolks in Spanish. At least once a month and sometimes twice a month, I will receive an email
Why Even Celebrities Endorse the South Beach Diet – A Food For Thought
The world is used to celebrity promotions, from politics, to clothing and everything in between. What is different when they promote a diet plan is that weight control is part and parcel to their careers. Most celebs need to maintain their trim, toned bodies as a part of their job. Packing on the pounds, will
Eat Anything in Oulu – From Fast-Food to International Cuisines
Oulu, located in northern Finland, is a great tourist destination with interesting places, good stay options and warm locals. But one thing which cannot be overlooked is certainly the culinary experience of this lively Finnish city. From the eateries to formal dining one can experience a variety of joints with even wider menus. Oulu has
Paleo Fanatics and Foods That Ruin Your Life
Have you ever met a Paleo fanatic? I have. In truth they are just like any fanatic, annoying. The annoying thing about any fanatic is no matter how obnoxious they are today, next month they will be a fanatic and obnoxious about something different. If you have read our other articles, you probably have realized
Popcorn On Nutrisystem: Is It Allowed?
I sometimes hear from people who have a specific food that they think that they can’t live without. And this food will sometimes keep them from even considering a diet that might otherwise work for them. They can’t even fathom giving up their favorite food, so they tell themselves that they will lose weight in
Foods For a Person With No Gallbladder
My internist, Dra. Joan Singidas, gave me this list before I underwent a gallbladder removal through lap chole (laparoscopic cholecystectomy) surgery. The list of foods to avoid and foods to include She told me to just avoid the foods in the foods to avoid column and observe within one week if would experience again another
Raw Foodist’s Holiday Survival Guide!
Friends, Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away and Christmas will be arriving shortly thereafter! I don’t know about you, but this is the always the busiest time of year for me! When I first started eating raw foods nearly 12 years ago, I panicked at the thought of how I would make it through
What Foods Can Make Me Grow Taller – What Can You Eat to Grow Taller Naturally Even After Puberty?
Growing naturally is always a topic born during the adolescent years. You see everybody catching up on their height while you are there standing in awe and wondering why you are still at the beginning station. It can be embarrassing when the people you know (who are actually shorter than you before) are now taller
Mrs. Butters’ Secret Key Lime Pie Recipe
“Frozen Key Lime Pie recipe?” Fern Butters asked. “Child, I’ll take that secret with me to the grave.” Fern Butters’ frozen key lime pie was legend. Every time President Harry S Truman went through Islamorada on Upper Matecumbe Key on his way to the “Little White House” in Key West, he stopped. More specifically, he
Possible Side Effects of Drinking Tulsi Tea
Tulsi tea is a healthy beverage made from the leaves of the tulsi plant. The plant is commonly known as a “holy basil” and is commonly known for its religious associations. In Hinduism, tulsi is believed to be the embodiment of a Hindu goddess named Tulsi. Some people who practice Hinduism consider Tulsi to be
Discovery of Chaga Tea Health Benefits
Why did Russian peasants never have cancer? Trying to save money on tea they drank the chaga infusion instead. They would pick it up from birch trees, ground and then brew it. Chaga mushroom is considered one of the most popular alternative drinks to prevent cancer and in some cases help to treat it. How
2 Great Hot Chocolate Recipes – Snuggle Up With a Cup of Hot Chocolate This Fall
Fall is a beautiful time of year. The leaves are beginning to change and you can feel a bit of a chill in the air. As you come in from your walk through the park, smelling of the fresh outdoors, nothing quite warms you inside and out as a steaming cup of hot chocolate. I
Eggs, Cottage Cheese, and Ricotta Cheese – Which One is Not Allowed to Eat During a Candida Diet?
Someone said eggs should not be eaten, but it is OK to eat cottage cheese and ricotta cheese. Do you have that issue during your diet? I was on that problem long time ago when I was still on my anti candida diet. So while I still remember, I would write this article for you.
Will Garlic Each Day Keep Cancer At Bay?
Garlic – the ancient herb have a modern mission against cancer! Scientists have never actually got around to testing the ability of garlic to ward off vampires because scientists generally work day shift while vampires work night shift. But we may soon see a trial against something a lot more serious than vampires: cancer. At
No More Bloating – Fat Belly to Flat Belly, Quickly, Easily and Painlessly
What is bloating and why does my belly look so fat? Well generally speaking, bloating is that uncomfortable overstuffed feeling that most of us have experienced at one time or another. Usually after overindulging at the dinner table or maybe after a bout of excessive drinking. However for some people bloating is an every day
Douching With Tea Tree Oil for the Vaginal Yeast Infections
A friend asked me if my yeast infections are also there almost 100% of the time. She just feels as though she is the only person that has gone through this, but it is a relief to know she is not alone. She also asked two questions: 1) How long should you douche with Tea
All About Fat Bastard Wine and Black Wine Glasses
Although the name Fat Bastard would make anyone wonder, it is probably one of the best wines available in the market for a very affordable price. Actually Fat Bastard is a fast growing French wine discovered by accident by French winemaker Thierry Boudinaud. It seems it’s strange name was given after Thierry tasted it and
Why You Should Let Wine Breathe
I am so often asked why should you let wine breathe. My answer usually is, “what wines are you talking about?” If it is a hearty young red wine, then letting it breathe would be beneficial, as the process of exposing the wine to oxygen will allow the acid and tannin to mellow and soften
The California Wine Region
Though vineyards exist in almost every U.S. state, California outranks all of the others by a great deal and its production can even be ranked on a global scale. In fact, California ranks # 4 in the world in volume production among wine producers with a total of 2 billion liters per year, following only
Tartrate Crystals in White Wine, a Sign of Quality
Many wine drinkers think there is a problem when they see tartrate crystals in the bottom of their wine glass. But there is absolutely nothing to worry about, apart from visually. The potassium tartrate crystals or ‘wine diamonds’, as they are sometimes called, are formed naturally during the course of the winemaking process and are
What You Need To Know When Shopping For Wine Coolers
Small wine fridges or coolers are storage devices that are intended for relative short term use. They keep wine at the correct temperature for consumption, which ranges from forty to sixty-five degrees Fahrenheit, based on the particular wine. A small wine cooler is fine if you have a permanent storage arrangement already (such as a
How to Choose the Best Wine For Drinking
Are you a fan of wine? Do you enjoy drinking the different varieties of wine? You are at the right place. As you will get plenty of wine news and learn more about different types available. But with plenty to choose from in the whole, how will you make the right choice? Know what makes
Red Wine and Heartburn
You’re in the middle of a romantic evening with your favorite someone, sharing a tasty little red vino you discovered on your latest wine tour and BAM! – suddenly you’re in the middle of a major gastronomical crisis. Forget about romance. You’ve got a four-alarm fire raging through your midsection and you need relief –
Riesling is the Best White Wine, Yes Or No?
The Riesling grape variety is quite unique in that it preserves its identity wherever it is grown, unlike many other varieties. Not only is it grown in Germany, from where it originated, but also in neighbouring Alsace and Austria, Italy, California, cooler parts of Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Chile. Most wine drinkers would
Washing Wine Glasses: From a Chore to an Art Form
No one is particularly fond of washing dishes, with many people reserving it for times when the tower of dirty dishes in the kitchen sink begins to resemble the Tower of Pisa. But, for those who have a collection of wine glasses, particularly crystal wine glasses, washing dishes correctly becomes essential in preserving the glasses
How to Make Wine at Home in a Pickle Bucket
Yep. You can make wine at home in a pickle bucket. Here’s how: Go to your local fast food restaurant and ask for the manager. Tell him or her that you would like 2 empty pickle buckets. These buckets are food grade buckets and will not outgas any weird chemicals into your wine. Although they
Characteristics and Disadvantages of Using Cooking Wine
Wine is one of the most popular beverages in the world. It has become an important drink during ceremonies, events, rituals and even fun sessions with friends. But wines are more than drinks. There are some wines that are used in the preparation of delicious meals. These wines are called cooking wines. Cooking wines or
The Romance of Winery Tourism
Winery tourism seems to be the new buzz word at the moment when it comes to talking about visiting a winery for fun. Actually we’re really just wanting to go there to taste the wine and experience the atmosphere, and maybe have some food. So, why all this ‘winery tourism’ lark? Well, look at it
Yeast-Free Living – Can I Drink Wine?
Okay, so you’ve recently found out that you need to avoid yeast. But you’re wondering about alcohol. You like the odd glass of wine with an evening meal. Who doesn’t? You’ve heard that drinks such as bear have yeast in them, but what about wine or other alcoholic drinks? Well, the good news is, it’s
Wine and Health – An Introduction
The use of wine and our strong convictions of its health benefits, abstainers and teetotalers notwithstanding, are probably as old as wine itself dating back to the first civilizations in the ancient world. In Mesopotamia ca. the third millennium BC, the Babylonians believed wine to have medicinal and therapeutic effects and it was considered so
6 Must-Haves for Building Your Own Wine Cellar
For people wanting to build the best wine cellar possible, there are certain crucial, ‘must-have’ conditions to keep in mind if your wine cellar is to operate at its best. Temperature Temperature control is debatably the most important aspect in setting up a wine cellar. The most desirable temperature for long-term wine storage is between
The Secrets to Making Good Mulled Wine
Traditionally mulled wine is a warm drink that only seems to appear around Christmas time, but why is this so? We all associate drinking mulled wine in cold weather and during holiday time, this obviously gives us the feel-good factor for the beverage. Therefore, if we feel so good whilst drinking mulled wine, why don’t
Wine Investmentment: Pros and Cons of Investing in Wine
Investing in wine is a wise option since there are a lot of advantages to such an investment. Still you need to be aware of a few common pitfalls to protect yourself. We will explore the Pro’s and Con’s of investing in wine in the following article. Pros: i) The yield from investing in wine
Gaia Wines Contemporary Winery: An Emblem of Indiana’s Growing Wine Industry
Wine making and wine tasting has long been a favorite American pastime, particularly in western states such as California – a subject humorously portrayed in the hit 2004 film, Sideways. Yet, this pursuit seems to have traveled across the United States, with wineries appearing in the most unlikely of locations. Indianapolis, for instance, is highly
Making A Wine May Not Be Easy, But It Could Be Simple – Starting Off Small
A few years ago, a friend decided he wanted to put out a wine under his own label. His strategy was to test the markets reception and then decide whether to sell the wine in the future. His wine was a chardonnay named after his wife. He randomly contacted a custom crush facility in Napa
Technology Enhances Wine, Spirits and Beer Labels
What’s the purpose of a wine label; or for that matter a label on spirits and beer? Obviously, the first response to that question is: to satisfy the TTB (Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau) regulations. Once that is accomplished, the label space remaining may be used for branding and marketing copy. The fact
Oak Wine Barrels – A Short History
The person who makes oak wine barrels is called a cooper. It comes form the latin word “cupa” which means vat. Research has not uncovered who actually made the first wine vats, but it is known that the Celts arrived in Burgandy, France, in the 13th century BC. They were a much progressed “tribe” who
The Wine Cork Mystery
I was browsing through my local paper the other day and came across an article by Jon Rogers. Jon, of Wines Without the Mystery, is a wine educator and consultant who teaches a wide variety of classes. The article was entitled: You have no need to fear ‘the cork ritual’. The article presents some great
A Wine’s Bouquet
Bouquet is a French term for a wine’s scent. Younger wines have aromas, which are the smells associated with a particular grape and/or spice, its variety, region, or condition. Older ones have bouquet; the complex and deep aromas that develop with age. They are attributed to the process of fermentation, processing and aging, and largely
The Wine Lover’s Guide To Wine Bars
Over the course of the last few years, more people have started to regard going out for light snacks and drinks as a bit more of a fancy affair. They don’t mind getting a little dolled up for a fun evening, and some of the main destinations they have in mind are wine bars. Wine
Wine Storage in the Tropics
Wine storage has been a skill that came along with a technology ever since the first grapes had been fermented. You will find people who have to grasp the most clever methods, for their wine is a good investment that must be protected. There are other people who simply need to know how to preserve
Rogar Wine Opener – Why You Should Buy a Rogar Tabletop Lever Wine Opener
The Rogar Lever Wine Opener is one of the most impressive functional wine openers you could own. If you want a wine accessory that is more than just a good opener, or are looking for a special gift for a wine lover, (even if it is you), then the table or bar top Rogar wine
A Wine Aficionado’s Guide to the Story of Boeger Winery
Knowing the history and culture behind the making of a bottle of wine can often make that glass of wine even tastier. If you’re planning to serve wine when entertaining, share this incredible story while pouring your guests a glass of Barbera wine from Boeger Winery. By the early 1970s all most all traces of
Wine Cellar Cooling Systems – How to Build A Cool One
Wine cellar cooling systems are designed specifically to maintain a constant temperature between 55 to 57 degrees Fahrenheit and humidity levels between 50 to 70 percent. The right humidity levels will keep your corks moist and swollen enough thus ensuring a tighter seal while the right temperature moderates your wine’s aging process. Always keep in
The Difference Between Bordeaux and Burgundy Wine Glasses
The beauty of wine is that it is all different. Each has its own color, flavor profile, body, nose, notes, tannin levels and finish. The experience of each is taken into consideration when a really fine crystal wine glass is crafted. The size, shape, lip–everything-about the glass is researched so that type of wine is
Satisfying Wine and Beer Pairings for Lamb
So you want to showcase your culinary skills at the upcoming dinner party you are hosting this weekend with a delectable lamb feast? Be sure you choose the right beer and wines to match the flavors of your dish! Although both red and wine are great for any American lamb meal, it is important to
A Wine Taster’s Guide to Environmental Wines – A Look at Lageder Reds
With today’s global attention focused on environmental health, entrepreneurs, citizen groups, and national governments attempt cooperation to improve air, water, and soil quality, to safeguard oceans and forests and especially to control climate change. You can join the effort at your next wine tasting party by choosing wines from an eco-friendly winery like Alois Lageder.
Low Alcohol Wine, Good For Your Health
At the end of the day there is nothing better than winding down with a glass of wine. So let’s look into low alcohol wine and see why it is good for your health. If you have visited a wine bar or hotel, you might have noticed that the size of these glasses has increased
Wine Cooler Brands – What You Should Know Before You Buy
Are you a connoisseur of wine or just the occasional wine drinker who likes to impress his friends? One way to do this depends on the wine cooler brand you choose to display and chill your wine. Knowing the features you would prefer in a cooler will go a long way in aiding you make
Can Light Really Affect My Wine?
The short answer is that light can definitely affect wine, but we need to take a closer look at the physics and chemistry of it all to understand why and how in what is called light-strike reactions, which can impart off-odors to wine, what the French call goût de lumière. Wine is sensitive to the
How Malolactic Fermentation Softens Wine
Malolactic fermentation is frequently referred to as “MLF”, or “malo” in winery terms. What is a malolactic fermentation and how does it affect a wine? MLF normally occurs after the primary fermentation has completed, when the grape sugars have been converted by yeast, into alcohol and carbon dioxide (CO2). Lactic acid bacteria, Oenococcus oeni, and
Top 10 Hottest Trends in Wine
Do you want to know what’s hot in the wine world? Here’s the top 10 trends: 1. Rose Wine 2. Grower Champagne 3. Metropolitan Wineries 4. Natural Wines 5. Fruit days, Root Days… 6. More Wine Drinkers in America 7. Screwcaps & Box Wines 8. Lower Alcohol Wine 9. Biodynamics & Eco-Friendly wine 10. Dessert
Understanding the Health Benefits of Moderate Red Wine Consumption
Earlier epidemiological studies suggested that alcohol-and therefore, wine, beer and spirits, was the compound responsible for claimed health benefits though its negative effects such as alcoholism and social impacts, cognitive developmental deficiencies, fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), and increased risk of breast cancer in women are undisputed. In moderate consumption, alcohol has been shown to increase