What Is the Ideal Temperature for a Wine?

The ideal temperature to drink a wine is a subject that must be taken into serious consideration when thinking about drinking it. And what is the ideal temperature for a wine? “At room temperature?” Totally wrong, imagine that you are in a tropical country in mid-summer, with tempratures reaching 38ºC. Ever imagined the terrible experience

Do Sulfites in Wine Cause Headaches?

I am often asked why nearly all wines contain sulfites and whether it is really necessary. The reason that most wines have a small amount of sulfur is to protect them from spoilage, predominantly from bacterial attack but also from oxidation. It is used both as as a preservative and an antioxidant so that the

Types of Corkscrew and Wine Openers and How to Use Them

When I first started to write this article, I had a small list of corkscrew types, but I had forgotten all the obscure types so the list grew much larger. I decided to start with the three most popular like the Waiter’s Corkscrews, Wing Corkscrews and Lever type wine opener. I know everyone is familiar

Do (Wine) Supertasters Exist?

If you have ever participated in a wine tasting event alongside “expert tasters”, you may be left to wonder how these wine jargon-sputtering enophiles can possibly detect so many aromas and nuances or, perhaps, if your own tasting abilities might be subpar. And if you are of the male type, chances are you may be

Red Wine Headaches – What Actually Causes Them?

Headaches from red wine are a genuine and troubling phenomena, troubling because any certain sufferer will get a headache from certain red wines and not from others. But there doesn’t seem to be just one individual cause. Red wine headaches vary in their severity from mildly gentle to full-on migraine. Just half a glass of

Tartaric Crystals in Wine: the "Wine Diamonds" of Quality

Have you ever come across what appear to be white flakes floating in your bottle of wine? Did you assume that this snow-globe appearance somehow meant the wine was flawed or ruined? What you had most likely seen are tartaric crystals, commonly referred to as “wine diamonds” or Weinstein (“wine stone”) in German speaking countries.

Medieval Wine Trivia

The cycle of the vineyards and man’s enjoyment of wine has continued throughout the ages with some of these intriguing differences… ONCE UPON A TIME Roman civilization was well versed in viticulture and wine making, but then the Barbarians destroyed their vineyards and turned them into pastureland and cornfields. Luckily, Benedictine and other monks kept

Romancing With Wine and Food

You can always impress your date by romancing with wine and food. Everyone knows that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, and as for the wine we still aren’t sure on that one. However, most women love gourmet food and wine, so the man who can provide that and more is

How to Become a Wine Tasting Expert

Becoming a wine expert is not as hard as you might think. What you will need, apart from sheer enthusiasm, is a combination of some straight forward wine skills. These come in the form of an ability to decipher and provide accurate tasting notes, read and fully understand wine labels and at least know what

How to Clean a Thermos Food Jar

Thermos food jars are only as good as they can serve their purpose; otherwise they can be such a disappointment. Pre-heating or cooling your thermos before filling it up could go a long way in ensuring best results, but never use the microwave for this. Always fill it up with hot or cold water before

How I Found Myself in a Bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken

Well actually, it wasn’t a bucket of KFC, but rather a two piece individual breast and wing meal. You know the special meal that comes in the box with two side dishes; personally I have always been partial to cold slaw and mashed potatoes without the sloppy gravy. And don’t forget the necessary spork and

What Is the Hardest Part of Grocery Shopping?

I know that some people actually enjoy the experience of grocery shopping, but I have a problem. Let me explain. I don’t know about you, but I’m not particularly fond of grocery shopping – for several reasons, some of which include: I lose a few hours of my time that I could be using for

The Truth About Food Dye ADHD Facts

Even though the FDA insists that food dyes are safe the studies say otherwise. Artificial food dyes do contribute to ADHD symptoms such as restlessness and hyperactivity and if food dyes were taken out of the diet, a large percentage of children would not need ADHD prescription drugs such as Concerta or Ritalin. Food dye

Classic Cheese and Wine Pairings

Cheese and wine go together like…well, cheese and wine! I have a hard time thinking of a better pairing. If you are hosting a dinner party or wine tasting, cheese is an obvious choice as an easy and delicious accompaniment to many wines. Either served as appetizers or as a formal cheese course before dessert,

Stadium Tailgating Tips

Football season is for many of us the premier tailgating season. Here’s a list of tips gathered from around the grill to make your tailgating experience more enjoyable. First of all we’re going to assume that your barbecue party set-up does not include anything as elaborate as a converted 18 wheeler or a grilling school

5 Top Tips For Matching Food With Wine

The matching of a wine to a particular food is quite a skill, but once your palate develops – all it takes is practice – the task will become easier. Food matching tips from the experts is a great place to start, and get a feel of wine-tasting terminology. An accurate description of a wine

The Harmony Between Food and Wine

Wine is a social drink which should be enjoyed in the company of friends and .. food. The right combination between food and wine is a source of ultimate bliss for every connoisseur. Both wine and food can benefit from the right pairing. The right wine can accentuate unexpected gastronomical aspects of food and vice

Why My Nescafe Is Better Than Your Nescafe

Did you know that there are over 200 types of Nescafé? That is why your favorite Nescafé at home may taste absolutely different in some foreign country, even if the name and the packaging look exactly the same, language differences aside. Despite being a global household name, Nestlé, the company that owns the brand name

The Best Romantic Restaurants In Seminyak

If you’re thinking about the perfect romantic getaway, think about Bali. They say that Bali is the break-up island, but that’s not the case at all. Myths about love hitches in Bali have been debunked, and you can splendidly enjoy your romantic vacation in Bali. Isn’t it a wonderful place to ignite the fires of

Soto Ayam (Saoto Soup)

Soto ayam is a chicken spicy-aromatic soup. This is the perfect soup for food lover’s looking for the true taste of Java and Suriname. This is more of a complete meal than just a soup as it is served with lots of extras Soto soup is usually served with white cooked rice. Ingredients: Look for

Tales From the Big Durian

The Durian is a contentious fruit; loved by many whilst others are disgusted by its strong smell, and strange appearance. Jakarta, one of South-east Asia’s largest and least known Cities, is aptly nicknamed the “Big Durian.” Tales from the Big Durian, is a collection of true stories and experiences, that cross lines of “normality,” and

Grilled Salmon With Sambal Matah

Sambal is Indonesian condiment dish, it is basically a blended chillies combine with tomatoes, shallots, shrimp paste and seasoning (salt and sugar). but for Sambal Matah, the way of serving is a little bit different. in sambal matah, all the ingredients are sliced, so you can taste more freshness all of the spices. Ingredients for

What Are the Coffee Regions of the South Pacific?

The coffee regions of the South Pacific include Indonesia and the Pacific Islands; Sumatra; Sulawesi or Celebes; Java, and New Guinea. Each of these regions has unique coffee attributes for flavor, aroma, after-taste and fragrance. Indonesia and the Pacific Islands: Indonesia is the world’s third largest producer of coffee. Only 15% of the crop is

Bandeng Presto (High Pressure Cooked Smoked Milkfish)

Pressure cooking was first introduced by French Physicist, Denis Papin. He invented Steam Digester to reduce the time needed to cook foods. Basically what the steamer do is tighten the air pressure inside it to increase the boiling point of water, therefore the food would be cooked faster. Bandeng Presto uses high pressure cooking technique

Traditional Dutch Food – The Rijsttafel

When you visit a country for the first time, you always want to try the signature dishes. When in Spain, you want to sample the paella, in Japan sushi, in India you want to taste different curries. But what kind of food is t­raditionally Dutch? The answer is a lot, and not many. The Dutch

Indonesian Beef Rendang With Potato and Egg

Beef Rendang is very popular dish throughout Asia, originally it came from Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia. It has rich flavour of coconut milk and other Indonesian traditional spices. The original recipe, it has a very spicy taste, but in this recipe, I reduce some of the chillies. If you think the amount of chillies in

Elderly Nutrition and the Supporting Role of Goat Milk

Elderly nutrition is a topic of concern for many senior adults and their caretakers. Naturally occurring changes in our bodies create challenges for adequate nutrient intake and absorption as we age. Goat dairy products have properties that can help meet these challenges to reduce the prospect of inadequate nutrition for the elderly. Goat milk is

Dry Skin Rash – 5 Eczema Benefits of Chewing Your Food

One of the easiest ways to improve your health and thus begin to heal your eczema is to start chewing your foods more thoroughly. We are all busy people and we tend to eat on the go which means we are chopping and swallowing food without any thought to whether our food is being sufficiently

Can the Ayurvedic Diet Help Control Blood Glucose Levels?

The Ayurveda lays great emphasis on nutrient rich meals for optimum health, ie to keep the three doshas in a state of equilibrium within yourself and between you and your environment. An individual’s personal diet is based on that person’s own unique dosha. In the Ayurveda, all is personalised. The most nourishing ayurvedic foods The

Season Your Pans for Non Stick Cooking

Nothing is more frustrating than trying to cook a delicious meal and having it stick to the bottom of the pan. A well season or cured pan will make cooking more fun, easier to clean and create better tasting food. There is a saying in the restaurant business; Hot pan – Cold oil. Meaning never

A List of Nutrisystem Flex Meals – A Sample Menu

I’ve been getting a lot of questions about the Nutrisystem flex meals.  There’s a lot to like about this program because it allows you to take two days off each week. And, it’s about $100 cheaper than the regular women’s program.  But, there’s some misconceptions about the food which I’ll address in the following article. The

Food Specialties in a Marathi Wedding

Of all the other cultures in India, Maharashtrians tend to have the simplest weddings. These weddings are complemented with simple, yet healthier wedding cuisines. Marathi food promises less oil, less salt, minimal butter, thereby making it a fitness freak’s delight. The Menu Wedding menu of a Marathi family is almost always vegetarian, and more so

Go Home & Go Green: How to Minimize Waste in Your Kitchen

On a global scale, one third of the produce that we grow is thrown out, culminating in 1.3 billion tons of wasted food every year. After confronting themselves with these appallingly high numbers, most people gasp in disbelief, but then simply sigh and say, “Well, I personally don’t throw out that much. I can’t be

Using Claypots For Healthy Cooking – A Beginner’s Guide

If you are looking for a healthy new way of cooking, why not try claypot cooking Asian-style? Claypot cooking is an ancient technique in many cultures from the Romans, Etruscans, Chinese, Indian, Mexican and Moroccans. In Asia, claypots have been widely used as a cooking style for centuries. From China, Vietnam, Thailand, South East Asia

Lose Weight by Reducing Salt Addiction

Salt, in limited amounts, is an essential part of a healthy diet. Consumed in excess, though, it can spike your blood pressure and make you look fatter because of your body retaining more water to balance the larger amount of sodium present. Here are some tips for reducing your salt intake to slim down fast.

13 Tips To Help You Lose Weight In The New Year

Wading through weight loss information can seem to be a confusing task. There are so many ideas, plans, and programs. It can be easy to end up so overwhelmed that you lose sight of what you started out to do. In this article we will reveal some sound tips to get you going again. 1.

Is Nonstick Cookware Good for You?

When it comes to kitchen sets there are thousands of options, but how do you know what is the best choice for you and your family? Stainless steel looks great, but heats slowly and is much too heavy for every day cooking. Tri-ply provides the best of all words, but food will stick if you

Is Your Health Food Really Healthy?

The world is becoming more health conscious every year. Food companies are making so-called health food products, the fast food industry is trying to make healthier menus, and people are making smarter choices when it comes to their food. This is a wonderful thing and is much needed with obesity continually affecting more and more

Amazing Coconut Oil, a True Super Food

Coconut oil has come on the scene in the recent past as one of nature’s true super foods. The myriad of uses for this amazing oil are truly astonishing and the many health benefits make it a product everyone should have in their pantry. WHAT ARE THE HEALTH BENEFITS OF COCONUT OIL? A few of

Careers in Food Technology

The growing consumerism and a fast paced lifestyle have led to a greater demand for packed and processed food. The challenge most food processing units face today is to produce food items which contain minimal amount of chemicals and preservatives yet have optimum appeal and shelf-life. And this has raised the demand for food technologists

5 Quick and Easy Dinner Recipes

Don’t have much time cooking for dinner? Get your hectic day a little less stressful by following these quick and easy cooking recipes without breaking the bank. Pasta with Shrimp, Spinach, and Leek Pasta with Shrimp, Spinach, and Leek is a recipe rich in vegetables and protein. This will make your meal both light and

The Organic-Conventional Food Debate

You can never get too healthy. Getting and keeping good health is more important than your bank accounts being full. Keeping your health in tune and properly functioning is a good place to invest your resources. Good insurance will allow you access to good doctors that will help in your quest for good health. A

The Benefits of Fava or Broad Beans for Diabetics

Fava beans, as they are called in the Americas, or broad beans, as they are more commonly called in Europe, Australia and New Zealand, have been a part of diet in the eastern Mediterranean since about 6,000 BCE. They grow in broad, leathery pods, like much enlarged pea pods. Each pod contains three to eight

Slang Terms for Coffee

The first questions about slang terms are where did they come from and how did they originate. Where they originated covers a wide spectrum of places. Some started by military groups during wars while others originated in both men’s and women’s prisons. Others originated in foreign countries, by college students or just groups of people

The Specialty and History of Kumbakonam Degree Coffee

Coffee has for long been a delectable beverage inspiring millions across the globe. Tracing its roots to ancient Ethiopia, coffee is today an acclaimed “global beverage” that has captured the imagination of the masses and lent itself to be an inseparable part of their everyday life. According to a study by Ponte Stefano published in

Some Facts About Deforestation

Deforestation is a permanent destruction of forests and woods. Deforestation is the conversion of forested area to the non forest land for the use of industrial gain, livestock, and urban use. In the ancient times, most of the land was covered with forests. As the population and other demands damage the earth and it leaded

How Does Coffee Affect the Environment?

The growth and cultivation of coffee plants have seen a number of changes over the years, resulting in a different impact on the environment. Every American considers coffee to be a popular social beverage and a wonderful way to start the day, but many people do not consider where their Java may come from, and

A Quick Guide to Coffee

There are 3 major regions in the world where coffee if grown: Central America, North Africa, and South Asia. Each region has its own distinct flavors and aroma. This comes from the minerals in the particular soil, the amount of precipitation, and the method of processing the beans. For this article, I will use Starbucks

The Dangers of Drinking Coffee

If you drink coffee because you think you need to in order to rev or pep you up daily, especially if you work in corporate America, here are some things to think about pertaining to this liquid drug that is the number one cause of cancer of the esophagus: The first thing you should think

What You Need to Know About Coffee

A Third of the World Drinks Coffee “Without my morning coffee, I’m no good.” “I need my two cups of coffee to get me going in the morning.” “The first thing we do in the morning is make a pot of fresh coffee.” So go the sentiments of nearly a third of the world’s population

A Brief Tour of Coffee’s Chemical Composition

Everyday millions of people around the world begin their day religiously with a morning cup of coffee. Though today we easily identify coffee in its beverage form, it wasn’t always this way in the beginning. Throughout history, coffee has taken on several physical transformations, initially serving as an energy source when nomadic tribes combined coffee