Say No to Toxic Shampoo and Foods

Living a healthy lifestyle doesn’t always just mean eating our vegetables. Today’s world bombards us with toxins every day as pollution is all around us. Toxic waves from our mobile phones and microwaves, oil spills destroying oceans, aluminium oxide sprayed in the skies, toxic poisons in our genetically modified food and even toxins in our

What Makes Rose Essential Oil Beneficial To Health?

Roses are still considered to be the most beautiful of all flowers and they are part of innumerable legacies, legends and stories. The flowers come in different varieties and colors, sizes and shape and actually have incomparable fragrances that can match every occasion. Apart from their beauty, the flowers are used for their medicinal properties.

8 Human Food Not To Feed Your Cat

1. Alcohol You should not share alcohol with your pets and cats. It is not a laughing matter. Alcohol could do permanent damage to cat’s organ. There is a chance your feline friend may die. It is very important to keep the alcohol-related product away from your cat. So, it is advised to keep alcohol

The Top Four Herbs – The Four & For Ultimate Health

It’s true; the top four herbs in the world are all begin with the letter G. They are ginger, ginkgo biloba, garlic and ginseng. These mighty four herbs cure and prevent literally hundreds of ailments. Here is what each of them can do for you! Ginger. Although widely used in cooking, but is a very

Don’t Eat That! – Foods Dogs Should Not Eat

We all know that look: the one where your dog is begging for a piece of your dinner or delicious dessert. You know you shouldn’t, but one bite can’t hurt. Or can it? There are some human foods that your dog absolutely should not eat because they could get sick or even die from foods

Cinnamon, Cardamom and Nutmeg

The aroma of winter is wood smoke and evergreen. But winter holidays smell spicy. Herbs that grow only in the tropics – such as cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, mace, cardamom, allspice, and vanilla – are called spices. Their aromatic oils and volatile esters entice us with delicious smells and mouth-watering tastes. And spices warm us from

Carbon Monoxide – What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a serious public health concern. Over 10,000 are poisoned by carbon monoxide needing medical treatment each year; over 500 people in the U.S. die annually from carbon monoxide poisoning. CO is found in fumes produced any time you burn fuel in cars or trucks, small engines, stoves, lanterns, grills, fireplaces, gas

What’s in the Water Now?

Almost everyone that drinks backcountry water knows there are microscopic organisms in untreated water that can make people ill. Unfortunately, there is lack of agreement about how common the problem is, or what people should do about it. It is not unusual to see articles in outdoor magazines that combine correct with incorrect information about

Orthomolecular Medicine to Treat Erectile Dysfunction and Diabetic Wound Healing

There are several amino acids involved in treating erectile dysfunction. Four amino acids that treat this disorder are arginine, orthinine, L-carntitine, and glycine. Treating erectile dysfunction with amino acids is called orthomolecular medicine. Orthomolecular medicine is the use of therapeutic levels of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals to treat and cure disease. Dr. Linus Pauling

Types of Food Spoilage

We can define food spoilage as any change that generates food undesirable to eat for a given population under ordinary conditions. The end result of a series of partial or complete breakdown reactions affecting one or all of the food components like fats, proteins and carbohydrates is definitely what food spoilage is about. It leaves

Protein Poisoning Symptoms

There are too many protein poisoning symptoms to list in this short article. Degenerative diseases of all kinds are either directly or indirectly caused by protein poisoning. Let us start with cancer. Cancer is caused, when excess protein in the body, causes an adverse reaction to a toxic substance, resulting in the body losing control

Liver Failure – Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Liver failure occurs when a major part of the liver has been damaged and it is no longer able to function. This condition may be either acute or chronic. Acute liver failure is usually caused by Hepatitis A, B and C, drug toxicity and food poisoning. Chronic liver failure is caused by Hepatitis B and

Natural Treatment of Gastritis Using Homeopathy

The natural treatment of gastritis will depend on what your unique symptoms are as well as what the cause was, when using homeopathy. First of all, the cause can be emotional or physical. Emotional causes can be from unresolved emotional traumas – grief, fright, shock, anger, etc. The physical causes can be an adverse reaction

Yorkies and Poisoning – Symptoms and Treatment

Prevention is the best way to avoid a poisoning incident. Make yourself aware of the dangers to your Yorkie and have emergency medical treatment supplies on hand. I suggest having an at-home emergency medical kit handy and stocked up in case of any type of emergency. Symptoms: There are 2 types of poisoning to watch

Features of a Modern Refrigerator

Refrigerators are a great invention for house wives. These units can help people save food for a long time without worrying about the quality of the food products. Even those food items that do not last for long and perishable products can be safely stored in these coolers. Beside the optimum temperature that is maintained

Some Interesting McDonald’s Franchise History

The first McDonald’s franchise was given to Nathan Fox in 1953 and opened in Phoenix Arizona. This was thirteen years after the McDonald brothers opened their first McDonald’s restaurant. Dick and Mack had begun their McDonald’s legacy with a restaurant in San Bernardino California in 1940 with a menu that has 25 items on it.

Cast Iron Cookware at the Rendezvous

It all started back in 1994. My boyfriend (now husband) asked if I would consider attending a Rendezvous… “a Rende who”? A rendezvous is otherwise known as primitive camping… camping/living as they did according to our American History/heritage. My husband had been rendezvousing in Germany since the early 1980’s. He tried to explain the camping

Is It a Grill, a Broiler or a Salamander?

‘I like grils’ ‘Don’t you mean girls?’ ‘And just what’s wrong with us grils?’ Well, it doesn’t really matter much what you call it, it’s a simple device for applying heat to food. I’m going to call it a grill, because it takes less time to type. While grills come in all kinds of shapes

How to Preserve an Open Bottle of Wine

Wine is drunk on many occasions formal and informal, and often bottles may remain unfinished at the end of the function. What do you do with these part bottles especially if they are good quality wines? Whatever you do don’t throw them out, seal them up so they can be enjoyed again in a day

Starving for Intimacy

Some are seeking love in a bottle. Others look for it on the streets and many are trying to find it in their food. Most of our food is grown on acres of land, sprayed by airplanes, cut by machines, moved by trucks or boats to plants automated to grind, package and ship. It is

Untold Dangers Of GM (Genetically Modified) Foods

In virtually all tests done on laboratory rats given GM foods, infant mortality and reproductive disorders have followed. This coincides with incidences of low birth weight, infertility, and infant mortality escalating in the United States as GM food becomes part of every American diet. Food Is Now Registered As A Pesticide It might surprise you

Smoke Your Meats And Embrace Your Inner Caveman

As I am writing this I can smell the fragrant goodness of mesquite and hickory wood mixed with country-style pork ribs and the heady meatiness of sirloin tip roast. My Masterbuilt electric smoker is billowing clouds of white smoke into the suburban grid and I’m annoying my neighbors with the aroma of freshly smoked meat.

Got Bees?

Don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone… —- Joni Mitchell Our relationship with honey bees is changing. We have become aware we need bees, not just for the miracle of honey, but as essential pollinators of our food system. While we may be aware that bees

Eat Half, Twice As Often!

I figured out that all you have to do to lose weight and then maintain your new weight is eat half as much as you normally would, but twice as often. While you may have heard of a similar concept (small, frequent meals) before, what may be new to most people is to adjust the

5 Common Mistakes That Result In Refrigerator Repair

Personally, I am not against any mechanics, technicians or repair shops but the only thing that hurts me is when a good thing goes bad merely due to improper usage. Machines and equipment are more or less like human body, you take good care of them and they would last longer, abuse them, and they

Successful Meeting Planning: How to Handle Traffic Flow

On the following pages you will find time-tested meeting planning techniques and helpful hints on handling all of these scenarios and more. Meeting Rooms If any attendee is standing in the back of the room without a seat nearby, then you have not done your job, which is to have everyone seated in a prompt,

3 Hot Dog Recipes for Camping

Love hot dogs on an open fire? The following recipes are different versions of this camping classic food. ANGELS ON HORSEBACK 8 wieners 8 strips of cheese 2 1/2 to 3 inches long x 1/4 inch 8 thin sliced strips of bacon 8 Wiener buns Toothpicks Cooking forks Slit lengthwise pockets in 8 wieners, long

5 Tested Tips For Grilling During Windy Days

You can’t just postpone a backyard barbecue just because it’s a little breezy outside. Sure, it’s going to be more of a challenge but with the right preparation and a few adjustments, it’s something you can definitely overcome. Here are some tried and tested tips for successful grilling during windy days: Position your grill right

Places to Eat in Tehran

A popular subject of discussion amongst my friends is based around the thinking that there are certain places in Tehran that MUST be visited. Having visited all these places is almost like a badge of honour. For sometime now I have tried to compile a list of these places and not surprisingly found that it

Venice Restaurant – Bacaro Jazz

How many restaurants are there in Venice? Difficult to count but considering that more 3 millions 5 hundred thousands tourist visit Venice every year, you can easily imagine that the restaurant business in Venice cam be a very profitable one, hence the big market. Venice Restaurants originally specialized only in Sea Food cuisine but have

The Hambuger

The Hamburg steak as it was called in the 1800’s was served on the voyages from Germany to the United States. The meat patties were quickly cooked and served on two pieces of bread. To attract many of the sailors and European visitors to their eating stands vendors. They would offer the Hamburg style steak

Kitchens: Then and Now

Kitchens have come a long way since the 20th century – back then typically used for the sole purpose of preparing and cooking food in our home. Today, kitchens have evolved into one of the most social rooms in the house. Historically, house design in North America and parts of Europe included a dining room

How to Calculate Nutrition Data Using Excel or Open Office Calc

EU directive 1169/2011 comes into full effect on the 13th of December 2016. The first phase of this directive came into effect in 2014 on December 13th but the second requires nutrition data which begs the question of how to calculate nutrition data. The first phase of this regulation required that all ingredients on labels

Barbecue Success With The Rule Of Thirds

Ever been to a barbecue party where the ‘chef’ placed as much food as he could possibly fit onto the barbecue grill, every so often stabbing the food with a fork and juggling it around so that it cooks evenly? Ever noticed how, within a few minutes, the flames start gently flickering under the food,

5 Ways to Lose 8 Ounces a Day

What if I told you to go out join a top weight loss program and gave you false expectations. Lose 30 pounds in 30 days. That’s a pound a day, what happens if after the 1st week you’ve only lost 2 pounds? Maybe you were busy and couldn’t make all there meal suggestions, maybe they

Dark Chocolate Pros and Cons

This article will tell you the pros and cons of dark chocolate. Let’s start with the benefits of Dark Chocolate; one of the best qualities of this sweet is that it contains healthy nutrients such as cocoa, this agent helps to improves the body blood flow, not only that but also contains spicatechin a kind

Eguchi Toshihiro and Palm-Healing

One person whose name recently has appeared on a number of different pieces of the puzzle is Eguchi Toshihiro. Some people today believe that he influenced the teachings of Usui Mikao particularly through his deep knowledge of Shinto practice[i]. This is reflected largely in what we now know as Level 2 or Okuden in the

The Folk Story of Bra Kakroch (Cockroach) and Bra Fohl (Fowl)

Once upon a time there lived two good friends, Bra Kakroch (Cockroach) and Bra Fol(fowl). They were living happily together in one isolated village called Dunkoma deep in the hinterland of Sierra Leone and sharing and doing things in common. Then both of them bought a piece of land on which they proceeded almost immediately

Top Ten Kitchen Tools and Gadgets!

Hello and thank you for reading my article. Here we go my Top ten favorite kitchen tools I feel every cook should own! 1. A Cake Tester – When I am cooking I always have a cake tester on me and I use it almost as much as my knife. You can use a cake

The History of Rice Cookers

Rice has been a staple food of mankind across thousands of civilizations for almost as long as recorded history. As such, the cooking of rice dates back almost as far, which in essence requires the same basic principle steps today as it ever has. In short, the rice itself, hot water or steam and something

Discover the Health Benefits of Fermented Foods

If you’re like most Americans, you don’t eat a lot of fermented foods. Fermented foods are more popular in the Chinese, Korean and Japanese culture where fermented soy products like tempeh and kimchee are a dietary staple. In fact, the only exposure many Americans get to fermented foods is when they eat a container of

6 Reasons to Eat Home-Cooked Food More Often

Read on to Find out Why You should Eat Home-Cooked Food Thanks to our increasingly hectic lifestyle, eating has become one of the lesser priorities in life. For example, we eat only when we are meeting someone in a lavish restaurant or snack mindlessly while watching a movie. When was the last time you took

Some Advantages Of Bento Lunch Boxes

Now most of us reading this have grown up with the old classic lunch box that was metallic, and probably has their favorite television show characters on them. Including the thermos that our parents would put milk or some kind of juice in the box. The lunches were delicious, sometimes they were healthy, sometimes not

How To Use The Right Japanese Words For Cooking

Japanese has many kinds of cooking style and each method has it’s own unique way of cooking the food. Learn how to distinguish the differences between these cooking methods in Japanese can be very useful for learning Japanese cooking recipes. Let’s start with the most basic way of cooking and that’s to boil. The Japanese

Japanese Garden of Monaco

Have you ever seen an authentic Japanese garden? Well, I had the chance of seeing the one in Monaco and was really impressed too. Wanna taste a little Japanese culture? Stepping on this ground is escaping from the real world into a fantasy land. You suddenly find yourself in a typical Japanese natural setting like

The Conscious Cook – First Vegan Cookbook With Mainstream Appeal

Being vegan in Tokyo can often make one feel isolated in the world’s most populous city, but last weekend my partner and I counted ourselves a very lucky minority to meet acclaimed vegan chef and author of the “The Conscious Cook” cookbook, Tal Ronnen. While Japan is known for originating the predominantly vegetarian macrobiotic diet,

Cancer: Causes and Remedies (Part ONE)

Part One This article will not be a complex one due to the mass ignorance and fear associated with this subject and fatal pathology. Americans are already frightened to death about cancer and their gross ignorance only compounds the problem, plus, a lot has already been written on this subject, but in many writings, the

What Is The Definition Of Fermentation?

It seems that Hippocrates was a man who knew what it meant to be healthy. When one begins to discuss general nutrition or trying to establish a starting point of a journey back to better digestive health, one can generally look back to what the father of holistic medicine said many centuries ago. Eating fermented

Do Old Coffee Grounds Work As Fertilizer?

First, what makes up brewed coffee, besides caffeine? Nutrition experts agree that coffee grounds contain magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, manganese and trace amounts of calcium. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are the ingredients necessary for garden soil. They coincide with the figures you see on most fertilizer bags. So coffee does have what plants need to

Acid Reflux Diet And Breakfast

Acid reflux diet and breakfast is a dilemma for a number of reasons. With the frequency that people have reflux problems through the night while they are sleeping, chances are they are waking up with heartburn. And in that case, they are more likely to go eat antacids for breakfast, than they are food that