Enjoy This Delicious Japanese Sakana Nabe With Your Friends And Family

In Japan sakana nabe (fish stew) is a very popular dish. It is popular all year round but is more popular during winter. Lots of Japanese nabe recipes needs ingredients that are only available in Japan. This recipe is for a nabe that you can prepare wherever you are. If you are having problems finding the proper ingredients, you can use similar ingredients that have similar taste. The preparation is also very easy and you can also prepare this outdoors and enjoy it with your friends and family.

Japanese Sakana Nabe Recipe


– Any kind of white meat salt water fish

– Tofu blocks

– Radish


– Onions

– Shitake or fresh mushrooms

– Leeks

– Chives

– Cabbage

– Turnip leaves

– Spinach

– You can add different kinds of vegetables of you liking.

– Lemon

– Dashi or fish broths

– Salt and pepper

– Soy sauce

– Water

-Portable cooking stove (optional)


– Remove fish internal organs including gills. Remove fish scales by using the back of a knife or a fish scaler tool. Wash fish and chop to somewhat larger chunks.

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– Cut tofu into squares, cut the cabbage in strips, quarter the carrots and onions, peel radish and cut in circles, Cut the leafy vegetables.

– Decoratively arrange the ingredients on a tray and bring it to the table.

– Prepare dashi or fish broth by adding it to hot water. When done, put the dashi mixture in a bowl and bring it to the table.

– Bring your portable cooking stove on the table.

– Put onabe on the stove. You can also use a big casserole or a big pot to cook the ingredients.

– Put water in the pot and add a bit of dashi. Add Fish and continue cooking for several minutes. Add other ingredients including the remaining dashi or flavoring. You can also add soy sauce and lemon slices.

– It is very decorative to let the head and tail of the fish to protrude slightly out of the pot edges.


– Three Tablespoons of turnip, squeezed lemon juice, tamari and a pinch of pepper sprinkled on top.

The sauces are served in individual bowls so that each person can dip as they please.

This delicious Japanese fish nabe dish is very good to eat with your family or friends especially in winter. I hope you enjoy preparing and eating this with your loved ones.

Source by James A Bruce