Healthy Snack Ideas For 2-Year-Old Babies

By the age of two years, the kid should be eating three healthy meals a day along with snacks. Offer food with different flavors and textures to your child. Offer finger food to your child as at this age kids love to eat on their own. A child continues to develop his or her feeding skills, encourage new foods and flavor combinations. Here are a few healthy snack ideas which can be added to daily meal of a Kid:

• Wheat Fruit Pancakes

Cooking time: 15 to 20 minutes

Ingredients: Wheat Flour, milk, seasonal fruits, sugar (optional), butter/ghee, honey

Method: Chop all dry fruits into small pieces. Mix Ragi powder, milk, and sugar in a bowl and let it rest for 5 to 10 minutes. Brush the pan with butter and pour half a ladle of batter on the pan. Cook it properly from both the sides. Set aside to cool it down. Layer it with banana slices and drizzle honey on the pancake.

Note: Make sure your kid is not allergic to any dry fruits. You may use the dry fruit powder in it instead of pieces. You can add other fruits of your baby’s choice as well.

• Besan Chilla

Time: 10 to 15 minutes

Ingredient: Chickpea flour, salt, beans, capsicum, carrot, onion, butter

Method: Wash and dry all veggies. Chop them into small pieces. Mix chickpea flour, veggies, salt, pepper and water in a bowl. Prepare a batter of similar consistency. Heat the pan and brush it with butter. Pour half a ladle of batter into the pan. Cook it properly from both the sides and let it cool down before offering it to the child.

Note: You can opt for veggies as per the preference of your child. Make sure the veggies are chopped into small pieces and cooked properly.

• Colorful sandwiches

Time required: 15 to 20 minutes

Ingredient required: Brown bread, Tomato, Onion, Cucumber, salt, butter, ketchup, mayonnaise

Method: Wash and clean all the vegetable. Cut veggies into small pieces and set aside. Put a little butter on a pan and toast bread. Mix mayonnaise and veggies in a bowl. Spread it evenly on the bread. Sprinkle salt and pepper. Use a cookie cutter to give shapes to these sandwiches.

Note: Select the veggies as per your baby’s liking. Use ketchup to make a smiley face on a sandwich to make it more appealing to your child.

Your child still has a small stomach, so he might get hungrier more often. Feed him one to two snacks throughout the day to keep his energy level up.

Source by Divya Tandon