Book Review: In defense of food an eater’s manifesto by Michael Pollan
This is a really well structured and to the point book which works really great for the information that it holds.
There are a number of different types of diets which are adopted in different parts of the world. Some of these diets are from the Mediterranean while some come from Japan and Masai. Then there is the diet of the Eskimo’s which is more or less comprised of fish and meat and many more. The point basically is that human beings are able to adjust to a number of different kinds of diets and living conditions and each has different effects on the body. It is the conclusion of many researchers that the ‘Western Diet’ as it has been named which puts emphasis on quantity in place of quality is much more popular than most others. This diet though has been known to be prone to diseases like diabetes, heart diseases and cancer.
This book goes over all this information in a much more detailed manner then some other books which is why experts recommend it to readers. The arguments against the Western Diet and what is termed as ‘non real food’ is quite detailed and strong and gives the reader a clear view of what not to do.
When I first started reading this book, I read a bit of it and I wasn’t even at the middle but I had already started to switch my food habits and the way I cooked my food in different ways. The arguments that have been put forward made it quite clear to me that I was indeed wrong and I realized that there are a lot of ‘dodgy food like’ things at my home which I need to throw away. Some of them were there even without my knowledge.
In Defense of Food, an eater’s manifesto by Michael Pollan shows us how to better appreciate the food that we eat, which will enrich our lives and give us enormous pleasure from eating food again.