What if I told you one of the most powerful things you can do for your health requires very little effort and very little money? I’m not going to tease you into reading on and on to find out what it is. My purpose is to simply share some advice I read in a book called “Love Has Forgotten No One.”
The advice is to oxygenate your body by ingesting drops of 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide in distilled water several times a day. I’ll give you more precise instructions after I tell you a little more about the source of this advice.
Gary R. Renard has written three books on spirituality, mostly helping students understand “A Course in Miracles.” His message is remarkable and empowering. In his third book, he surprises readers with 12 simple things you can do to improve your health. The 12th suggestion was by far the most startling.
After reading this suggestion I did some research and found that there are more and more articles being published on hydrogen peroxide in medical journals. There are advocates and detractors but no definitive conclusions. I can tell you there is a good deal of misinformation out there. I like the fact that the recommended regimen is very simple and very inexpensive. I plan to invest about $10 to purchase 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide and another couple dollars in distilled water. I was able to read “The One Minute Cure” by googling it and opening a pdf file. In addition to specific instructions on how to take 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide, the book explains why the idea is not being welcomed by the medical establishment.
This is something any one can do. The investment is so small and the potential benefits so great that I recommend it to everyone. The one exception I read about in ‘The One Minute Cure” is that this form of oxygenation is not recommended for anyone with a transplanted organ.
According to “Love Has Forgotten No One”, lack of oxygen is the most overlooked problem in the human body. “If you could properly oxygenate all the cells in your body, then most diseases would be prevented, or cured if you have one.”
I will conclude this brief article with another important quote from the book:
“As we said, the instructions must be followed to the letter, and most people won’t do it because they don’t have the discipline. But if you do, it’s one of the most powerful things on the level of form that you can possibly do for your health. Don’t take too much. It’s taken by putting drops of it into water. Follow the instructions.”
Those instructions are readily available in “The One Minute Cure”. I’m not recommending anything I will not do myself as I am ordering some 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide today!