Seared Chicken Breasts With Roasted-Cauliflower Puree

Cauliflower is at its best during fall and winter, and roasting it is one way to bring out its deepest, richest flavor. Add creamy roasted garlic and chicken broth for an easy, delicious addition to pan-seared chicken.

Note: While raw cauliflower is virtually white, roasting it turns the florets a wonderful caramel brown color, so the puree will reflect that hue-and include tiny flecks of charred vegetable as well.

Serves 4


For the Sauce Continue reading “Seared Chicken Breasts With Roasted-Cauliflower Puree”

The Wine Lover’s Guide To Craft Beer

If you’re the type of person that notices everything that’s a little different at your local watering hole, you’ve no doubt noticed a change as to what is on tap behind the bar. Where once you saw some of the biggest beer companies on the planet, you now see some slightly obscure craft beer offerings. As you’ve processed these changes, you’ve probably asked yourself one important question – what is craft beer?

The truth is that the answer to that question is incredibly complex. There’s no real way to answer that question, and it’s this inherent evasiveness that perhaps gives craft beer its mystique. That said, even if you can’t quite pin down an exact definition of what craft beer is, you can get a better idea of what it brings to the table if you compare it with the complexities that go hand-in-hand with making wine.

OK, wine fanatics. Before you flip out, understand that this article is for you. If you enjoy wine, from the making of it to the pairing of it with different foods and everything in between, you have taken some time to get to know the intricate details of wine. There’s a refinement to enjoying wine, which is why you ‘enjoy’ it rather than ‘drink’ it. The same can be said of craft beer. Continue reading “The Wine Lover’s Guide To Craft Beer”

South American Famous Dessert – Dulce De Leche

Dulce de leche is a favorite in most South American countries. It can be eaten as a dessert, as part of a dessert, filling cakes, topping cakes, as candy, over toasts, over loaves of bread, with crackers, or by the spoonful!

In each country dulce de leche has a different name and its recipe is slightly different, except in Argentina and Uruguay, where the recipe is the same and is called the same.

Actually it is impossible to determine whether it is a Uruguayan dessert, a Argentinean dessert or from another country. Some years ago, in 2003, Argentina claimed before the UN that the dulce de leche be proclaimed an Argentinean product and Uruguay asked it to be proclaimed a Rio de la Plata product, thus making it clear that the origin is really unknown.

So here we will try to make up the history of this famous dulce de leche, which is not an easy thing to do! Continue reading “South American Famous Dessert – Dulce De Leche”

Hobo Corn Bread

What could be better than campfires and s’mores and hobo pies? Well, summer camping season may be over but now is the time to use the home fire pit in the crisp, fall air. So don’t put those pie irons away yet. Invite some friends over, kindle the fire and try out this hobo corn bread recipe.

1 cup corn meal
1 cup flour
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 teaspoons baking powder
1 egg
1 cup milk
1/4 cup oil

Continue reading “Hobo Corn Bread”

Fried Japanese Tofu Recipes

To make these fried Japanese tofu recipes you will need:

1 – 2 blocks of extra firm tofu

Potato starch

Oil (I used olive oil)

Sweet rice wine

Soy Sauce

Other ingredients you may use are scallions, mushrooms, ginger, dashi, daikon radish, Nori

My Happy and Delicious Accident Continue reading “Fried Japanese Tofu Recipes”

Healthy Eating: 3 Delicious All-Veggie Dishes to Try

Starting to eat healthy is no easy task especially if you’re not fond of eating fruits and vegetables, which will be the bulk of your new diet. But who says that you can’t turn these nutritional powerhouses into extremely delicious dishes? The key is to experiment in the kitchen and find what suits your taste. Eating healthy is easier than what most people think!

Here are 3 delicious all-veggie recipes you’ll love:

Cheddar Vegetable Bites

What you need:

  • 6 whole wheat tortillas
  • 2 cups Cheddar cheese
  • 1/2 cup chopped mushrooms
  • 1/2 cup chopped red bell pepper
  • 1/2 cup chopped onion
  • 1/2 cup chopped yellow squash
  • 1/2 cup chopped zucchini
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil

Continue reading “Healthy Eating: 3 Delicious All-Veggie Dishes to Try”

Simple Vegan Pancakes Recipe

So you’ve recently become vegan, and you don’t know what to have for breakfast. Cereal is out of the question because of milk, and you don’t feel like having toast. How about some delicious, easy to make, vegan pancakes! Yes it is possible to make delicious pancakes without the need for milk or eggs. This recipe makes use of soy milk in their place, and it makes for the perfect pancake batter.

Prep Time: Approx 5 minutes.
Cook Time: 10 minutes (Depending on how large your pancakes are!)
Total Time: 15 minutes

1 tablespoon of sugar
2 tablespoons of baking powder
1 cup of soy milk
2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
1 cup of white flour
A pinch of salt

How To Cook: Continue reading “Simple Vegan Pancakes Recipe”

The Finer Points of Tasting Whiskey

Walk into any bar, restaurant, or liquor store and the offering of spirits are staggering. There are literally thousands of vodkas, gins, whiskeys and liqueurs available for the consumer. While wine and beer tastings have been popular for a number of years, whiskey tastings are only just beginning to find an audience. The reason? The idea of drinking spirits straight can be extremely difficult for an individual to grasp. Many might find the idea of slowly sipping a single malt scotch or a bourbon to be overwhelming. Enjoying spirits straight, meaning without any mixers, has always been thought of as an “acquired taste”. However, while your taste buds might not be acclimated to a single malt scotch if you have never had one, there are some basic practices that you can employ to make the experience an enjoyable one and open up your palate to the wonderful flavors the spirits world has to offer.

If you are tired of ordering the same old vodka tonic or cosmopolitan and want to try something new, then the following tips might make the experience of tasting whiskey more rewarding.

Why the apprehension? Continue reading “The Finer Points of Tasting Whiskey”

Alcoholic Beverage

The word ‘Beverage’ has been derived from the Latin word ‘bever’ meaning rest from work. Beverages are potable drinks which have thirst-quenching, refreshing, stimulating & nourishing qualities. By refreshing one means the replenishment of fluid loss from body due to perspiration. Nourishment is provided by the nutrients in the beverages.

Alcoholic beverages affect the central nervous system & tranquilize it, thus reducing tension & worries.

Alcohol being a concentrated source of energy, it is absorbed directly by the bloodstream from the stomach & therefore provides instant energy to the body & increases the blood pressure for a short while.


1. Alcoholic beverage: any beverage containing ½% of alcohol by volume to 76% alcohol by volume is considered to be an alcoholic beverage. Those with higher than 76% alcohol are known as medicines, such as anesthetics.

Continue reading “Alcoholic Beverage”

Top 10 Irish Whiskeys You Simply Must Try

Irish whiskey has always been a favorite drink among people since time immemorial. We always seemed to have an occasion to serve it with. But has there ever come a time that you were unsure of which is the best Irish whiskey to serve? Let me help you. Let us take time to check out the top picks among whiskey lovers.

Here is a list of the top ten favorite Irish whiskeys to try before you die.

Bushmills Black Bush. This drink is one of the highly recommended items among others. Reviews describe Bushmills Black Bush as clean tasting while having a superb taste and smoothness. It has a good color and tastes like some floral notes blended with citrus and sweet vanilla. Has a little bit of a small spicy finish which eventually leads to a medium sour finish.

Jameson 18 Year Blended Irish Whiskey. Together with Bushmills Black Bush, this is also a highly recommended item. Its aroma is that of overripe autumn fruit and honey blended perfectly with citrus and fudge while being mildly spicy. Tastes very smooth. Continue reading “Top 10 Irish Whiskeys You Simply Must Try”