The Biggest Secret to Cooking Delicious Food – Your Cooking Pot

We get it, cooking delicious food and keeping it healthy can be a real problem, because if you want tasty food many times you have to compromise on the health of the ingredients etc. But will you believe it if I say, food can be both extremely healthy and delicious by changing this one thing you may be overlooking all the time – the cooking pot!

How can this possibly be true? Can you make healthy food by just changing the pot and not having to add unhealthy ingredients (like heavy cream, canned tomatoes, etc.)? Yes. A pot made of the right material and of the right design, can take care of all these things and cook delicious food every time. And what is this right material? PURE CLAY – All-natural clay cookware, unglazed and made without any contaminants. How can it do this? Read on to find out:

Cooking Delicious Food, Reason #1: The Heat Cooking Your Food is very different!

The heat radiating from the walls of a pure-clay pot is very different: The gentle far infrared heat from pure clay pots penetrates deep into every grain and cooks food evenly and thoroughly. This preserves delicate nutrients that are destroyed with conventional cookware. Well-cooked food – not overly cooked or undercooked – is what one expects from a good cookware. On the other hand, metals and ceramics radiate harsh heat that cooks unevenly and food turns out mushy and even gets burnt at times. As most of the nutrients are destroyed, the result is nutrition-deficient food that tastes bland! Continue reading “The Biggest Secret to Cooking Delicious Food – Your Cooking Pot”

Choosing Kitchen Utensils For Enameled Cast Iron Cookware

When choosing kitchen implements for enameled cast iron cookware, it is important to understand the nature of the enamel that makes it different from ordinary cast iron pots and pans. Standard cast iron can be given nonstick properties and rendered easier to clean by seasoning with hot oil or grease. Baking oil into the pan at high temperature forms a bond that reduces the likelihood of rusting and iron getting into the food, and also makes it relatively nonstick and easier to clean.

Enameling is also a way of creating a barrier between the food and the iron base, and enameled cookware is fairly easy to clean and possesses an acceptable degree of nonstick properties, though you should try to avoid burning food onto the bottom or sides of the pan. If you do, however, enamel is fairly resistant to scratching – much more so that straight cast iron, stainless steel or nonstick Teflon surfaces. It can therefore tolerate scouring better than these other surfaces, but is very sensitive to knocks and bangs that can chip the enamel off the base. Continue reading “Choosing Kitchen Utensils For Enameled Cast Iron Cookware”

‘Kitchen’ by Banana Yoshimoto – Review

One of the many appeals of Banana Yoshimoto’s novella Kitchen is that it deals with feelings everyone can relate to. Everyone has been hungry, and images of hunger, food and meals are plentiful in the novella. Other common feelings also come up, especially sadness and loneliness.

Early in the book, the reader discovers the protagonist, Mikage Sakurai, was orphaned as a child, and that her family had decreased until she was the only one left. Mikage feels she is truly “all alone.” At one point, she says, “We live like the lowliest worms. Always defeated¾defeated we make dinner, we eat, we sleep. Everyone we love is dying.”

Despite the many sad events of the book, though, its tone is not generally one of sadness. This is because, despite all the negative turns of events in their lives, the characters know how to deal with unhappiness. Mikage, Eriko and Yuichi know how to be happy.

At first, Yuichi doesn’t seem to have a good way of coping with things that trouble him. This fact is first mentioned by his mother, Eriko. Eriko tells Mikage she knows she hasn’t been the perfect parent to Yuichi, because although he’s “a good kid,” there are some things she wasn’t able to teach him, things that “slipped through the cracks.” Eriko knows she didn’t teach Yuichi an effective way to deal with other people, and as a result “he’s confused about emotional things and he’s strangely distant with people.” Continue reading “‘Kitchen’ by Banana Yoshimoto – Review”

Toaster Oven Safety

Many home cooks are stocking their kitchens with toaster ovens for a myriad of reasons. But some are hesitant due to what appears to be inherent safety issues. Can you safely use this convenient appliance in your kitchen or should you settle for the mediocre food prepared in a microwave oven just to avoid the possibility of injury?

The main toaster oven safety concern is always excessive heat that can lead to burning. This is, after all, a true oven that uses heat rather than microwaves to cook your food. Spend some time reading customer reviews and you will undoubtably be regaled with horrific war stories where the author suffers gruesome burns at the hand of the evil toaster oven. Granted, for every 1 of those reviews you will likely find 100 people (or more, depending on the model) that love their toaster oven and have never been tortured by it. So how do the majority of users escape injury on a daily basis with such a dangerous appliance lurking in their kitchen? Continue reading “Toaster Oven Safety”

Vegan or Non-Veg, It Doesn’t Matter As Long As You Are Eating Healthy

Nutrition is something which is the cry in today’s fast running life of work and personal life. The balance creation is very necessary. Food is the fuel which we feed to our body that works like a fuel for it. The fuel must be apt for the body in order to work efficiently and protect us against diseases. Eating healthy is the need of the hour as the fast food culture is making the people fall prey to a lot of diseases. Also, it does lead to a proper diet. People go for them because they are easily accessible, cheap and they do not want to cook food as they are too tired to do that for themselves. But this is just not done!

Getting started!

Investing in your body is just as important as breathing. This article focuses on showing that making healthy food is a very easy job plus it is quick. Within no time you can treat yourself in the most healthy way and tasty way. There are some recipes which are very easy-peasy and will keep your body fit and your soul filled with energy so you work more and achieve your dreams. Continue reading “Vegan or Non-Veg, It Doesn’t Matter As Long As You Are Eating Healthy”

Balancing Your Chakras to Heal Emotional Eating

Energy Balancing of the Chakras, when combined with hypnosis, can help a person lose weight and feed the “Hungry Heart” of emotional eating. I have noticed many overweight people are “leaking” energy in what I named the “Hunger Chakra” located in the “basin” of the lower stomach, also known as the Sacral Chakra area. If you are challenged with the frustrations of excess weight and “yo-yo” dieting, ask yourself these questions:

• Are you always Hungry?

• Have you tried everything to lose weight?

• Have you wasted enough of your precious time, energy and money on this weight release problem?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then perhaps you need to go deeper beneath the layers of the weight loss puzzle to find a missing piece….Chakra Balancing. Continue reading “Balancing Your Chakras to Heal Emotional Eating”

How To Improve Your Natural Immune Power With A Breakthrough In Food Technology

Breaking News! Breaking News!

There’s an advanced integrative way to approach health that will address your mind, body, and spirit improving your natural immune power in the process…

Keep reading to find out more-

Are you tired of getting sick 4-7 times a year for weeks at a time?

Are you tired of spending thousands of dollars on drugs and medications (meds) that only treat symptoms and not the cause?

Well, if you answered yes to any of those questions – this article is for you!

See I was in your shoes once, yes I was… Back in the winter of 2013 the wake up call came when I was sitting in the emergency room after being sick for newly TWO Months.

Continue reading “How To Improve Your Natural Immune Power With A Breakthrough In Food Technology”

The Law of Attraction, the Raw Food Diet, and Your Higher Self

A few days ago I had the privilege of listening to a video on longevity by raw food diet guru David Wolfe. I have heard David speak in person a couple of times about ten years ago and I knew he was onto something in the field of health and longevity. There’s no doubt that he talks, lives and exudes health.

But in this recent video (promoting his longevity website) he said something about the Law of Attraction that was very interesting. He said that for manifesting and attracting good into your life, the raw food diet is significantly more effective than following Law of Attraction teachings. I was there with all the big Law of Attraction masters, says David Wolfe in his video. “I saw what happens behind the scenes. It’s a show.”

Not having been there, I can’t say whether it was a show or not. But I do know when someone doesn’t have the bigger picture by what he or she does and doesn’t talk about. The Law Of Attraction masters may mean well and may want to help others, but something is missing from their conversations.

Continue reading “The Law of Attraction, the Raw Food Diet, and Your Higher Self”

Mental, Emotional, and Physical Benefits of Organic Food

Organic Food eating comes with a wide array of benefits that not only include better physical health but also emotional and mental health as well. Having an all natural diet can work wonders for you emotionally and mentally. First it may provide you with the feeling of being closer with nature. It can provide peace of mind by knowing that you are not harming the planet in any way related to the food you consume. You can be at peace with the mindset that Mother Nature will not poison you because you are not poisoning her. This works in reverse with conventional food because the industrial fertilizers and pesticides used on them greatly pollute and hurt the environment. The fruits and vegetables they produce in return come with toxic residues that are very hazardous to the health especially when continuous intake begins to build up.

Growing Organic Food in your very own garden may also take you closer to nature. You will start to develop respect for nature as you make effort not to intoxicate her with chemical substances found with conventional pesticides and fertilizers. You will begin to grow more attached to the environment as you plow the soil and use natural fertilizers such as manure. And when it is finally time for harvest you will realize clearer how nature provides for those who take care of her. Some doctors and psychologists even consider gardening as an activity that is soothing to the mind and soul. This is the reason why they recommend gardening as a hobby. Continue reading “Mental, Emotional, and Physical Benefits of Organic Food”

Seasoning Food and Hot Drinks With Herbs and Spices Will Jingle Your Taste Buds This Holiday Season

Something about the holidays getting closer conjures up thoughts of tasty casseroles straight from the oven and piping hot drinks with twirls of steam rising from our favorite mug helping to make rosy cheeks even rosier.

Why not add a new twist of flavor to go along with the twirls of steam?  Adding a pinch of fresh or dried herbs from the farmer’s market to any food or hot drink can bring a richness to the festivities in your home that permeates all the senses.  When all our senses have been nourished, it delights our soul, don’t you think?

The most popular herbs and spices are sage, rosemary, mint, oregano, basil, dill, parsley, thyme and cinnamon.  Just reading about them brings up the twinkling sights and jingle-jangle sounds of the holidays.

Sage has a unique earthiness to it and it uniquely pops poultry and dressing with a hint of peppery flavor.  After using rubbed sage for years, I decided to add some not-so-finely-diced fresh green sage to our Thanksgiving dressing. My goodness, what a zing to our taste buds!  It’s been a holiday tradition at our house ever since.

Continue reading “Seasoning Food and Hot Drinks With Herbs and Spices Will Jingle Your Taste Buds This Holiday Season”