By a stroke of luck I ended up in Emilia-Romagna, an Eden of fine cooking and savory ingredients. I’d been living in France for nearly a decade and, while the food captivated me, each trip to Italy begged another. Growing up in the U.S, I had an idea of Italy as a European state, but now I was discovering its infinite provincial diversity. The nation has millennia of history, but it’s only been a unified country since 1861. Twenty individual regions weave a multicolored patchwork of provinces, cities, and villages: bygone kingdoms and feudal states.
In 2000 I landed a job as a tour guide with a company based in Forlì. No idea where that was. I hefted my world atlas onto the kitchen table and thumbed through the index: F… For… Forlì. Italy sculpts more of a leg than a boot on the map. Forlì lies in Emilia-Romagna: a broad expanse spreading across her thigh like a garter. The region takes its name from the Via Aemilia – the 160-mile ancient Roman road stretching east, straight as a tightrope from Piacenza to the Adriatic Sea. Continue reading “Emilia-Romagna – Italy’s Culinary Capital?”