Vietnamese pho is an easy dish to pick up and enjoy. To the casual diner, consuming pho only requires your ability to place your order, and hold chopsticks and spoon in your hands. For those ready for something more, pho etiquette is your next goal. There are specific customs to follow, while other protocols are left to individual interpretation and choice. Here’s a collection of pho etiquette to help you come closer to pho and Viet culture. If in doubt, just remember one thing: showing respect for the elders goes a long way.
I’m assuming you’re already proficient with a pair of chopsticks, so here we go.
“Sitting” Etiquette
Before everyone sits down, look at your table and the arrangement of the chairs. Decide where the head of the table is (or the most important sitting position) and yield to the eldest or most respected person in the group. But it gets more complicated. If there’s a very respected male (regardless of age,) then he may be the one to get “the chair.” If you’re not sure, just do the safe thing: Hang back and let things fall into place. Someone will ask you to sit somewhere, and that’s what you want. Easy. Continue reading “Vietnamese Pho Etiquette”