Say No to Toxic Shampoo and Foods

Living a healthy lifestyle doesn’t always just mean eating our vegetables. Today’s world bombards us with toxins every day as pollution is all around us. Toxic waves from our mobile phones and microwaves, oil spills destroying oceans, aluminium oxide sprayed in the skies, toxic poisons in our genetically modified food and even toxins in our makeup and soaps. These all do damage to us on a daily basis.

These cannot be avoided but we need to be aware of what we are putting on our skin, our hair and in our mouth. Protection from these harmful toxins come from vitamins, herbs and phytonutrients.

Some shampoos for example have a toxin in them called Sodium Lauryl Sulphate. This makes the shampoo foam when we mix it with water but it is also a degreasing agent which is why grease comes off easily when you wash your hands with soap. The problem is that when you’re putting this on your hair it is also entering the blood stream through your skin. Once this is in your blood stream it circulates to your organs and increases their toxicity. This can cause irritation in the eyes, affect your reproductive system and cause cell mutations. Continue reading “Say No to Toxic Shampoo and Foods”

What Makes Rose Essential Oil Beneficial To Health?

Roses are still considered to be the most beautiful of all flowers and they are part of innumerable legacies, legends and stories. The flowers come in different varieties and colors, sizes and shape and actually have incomparable fragrances that can match every occasion. Apart from their beauty, the flowers are used for their medicinal properties. Rose extracts, especially from the Damascus roses are believed to be original roses and with the strong aroma and fragrance, can have health benefits and are used to ease a number of health issues. The oil is considered to be beneficial to health for a number of reasons.

1. It is an antidepressant

The rose essential oil can be used to boost confidence, mental strength and self-esteem as well as fight depression thanks to the antidepressant properties that it has. Regular doses help bring positive boosts into the lives of acute depression patients. The oil is also largely used in aromatherapy to involve spiritual relaxation, happiness, hope, a feeling of joy and positive thoughts. Continue reading “What Makes Rose Essential Oil Beneficial To Health?”

8 Human Food Not To Feed Your Cat

1. Alcohol

You should not share alcohol with your pets and cats. It is not a laughing matter. Alcohol could do permanent damage to cat’s organ. There is a chance your feline friend may die. It is very important to keep the alcohol-related product away from your cat. So, it is advised to keep alcohol and personal care product away from cats.

2. Chocolate

Chocolate is very toxic to feline friends. Even though most cats would not eat it on their own. But, they can be given by owners or other people are giving a treat to the cat. Theobromine is the compound is a toxic agent is harmful to cats. All kinds of chocolate are toxic to cats, even white chocolate. The most dangerous is dark chocolate. If your cat ate chocolate by mistake could end up in heart disease, tremors in worse case death.

Continue reading “8 Human Food Not To Feed Your Cat”

The Top Four Herbs – The Four & For Ultimate Health

It’s true; the top four herbs in the world are all begin with the letter G.

They are ginger, ginkgo biloba, garlic and ginseng. These mighty four herbs cure and prevent literally hundreds of ailments.

Here is what each of them can do for you!

Ginger. Although widely used in cooking, but is a very powerful anti-oxidant Ginger is more than just a spice and is widely used as a digestive aid used in the treatment and prevention of nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain.

Ginger is also used to alleviate menstrual cramps, morning sickness, and postoperative sickness.

In addition, ginger is effective in maintaining a clean and healthy colon. Continue reading “The Top Four Herbs – The Four & For Ultimate Health”

The Benefits of Echinacea – A Super-Compliment to Your Detox

One of the benefits of Echinacea is how it assists the body both during and after a detox.

When detoxing the body can go through a pretty rough time trying to remove all of the toxins from the body.

During this time the body can experience a healing reaction that causes us to feel potentially far worse before the benefits of the detox really kick in. During the end stages of a detox or just after there can be huge benefits to taking Echinacea both as an immune builder and for any residual toxin removal. In this article you will find out what a super herb this is and the many benefits of Echinacea use, both after a detox and generally for immune and system support.

Introduction to Echinacea Continue reading “The Benefits of Echinacea – A Super-Compliment to Your Detox”

Don’t Eat That! – Foods Dogs Should Not Eat

We all know that look: the one where your dog is begging for a piece of your dinner or delicious dessert. You know you shouldn’t, but one bite can’t hurt. Or can it? There are some human foods that your dog absolutely should not eat because they could get sick or even die from foods we humans enjoy daily. Regular foods we need like fruits and vegetables can be life threatening to your precious pup.

Being educated on foods dogs should not eat is extremely important so you know exactly what to do in case of an emergency. You also know which human foods are acceptable for your dog. It is also important to teach children about what foods are unsafe for the family pet, and to be careful eating around them.

Below we discuss foods your dog cannot have, and what you need to do if your dog does ingest these foods.


Continue reading “Don’t Eat That! – Foods Dogs Should Not Eat”

Cinnamon, Cardamom and Nutmeg

The aroma of winter is wood smoke and evergreen. But winter holidays smell spicy. Herbs that grow only in the tropics – such as cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, mace, cardamom, allspice, and vanilla – are called spices. Their aromatic oils and volatile esters entice us with delicious smells and mouth-watering tastes. And spices warm us from the inside, as if we had ingested the tropical sun on a cold day. Spices help preserve food and counter a variety of illnesses, too. Come, sit and warm your feet by the fire. Close your eyes and imagine the dense green forests where aromatic spices grow.

Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) made me an outlaw. A toothpick soaked in cinnamon oil was the “drug” of choice in my grade school. No matter how much the adults attempted to dissuade us, no matter how they threatened, we found a way to get our cinnamon “fix”. As an adult, I prefer my cinnamon in sticks or finely ground, though I can still vividly recall the hot rush of a fresh cinnamon oil toothpick. Any food can be enhanced with cinnamon, from apple pie to baked beans, from meat marinades to salad dressings. The scent of cinnamon heralds holiday cheer. Continue reading “Cinnamon, Cardamom and Nutmeg”

Carbon Monoxide – What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a serious public health concern. Over 10,000 are poisoned by carbon monoxide needing medical treatment each year; over 500 people in the U.S. die annually from carbon monoxide poisoning.

CO is found in fumes produced any time you burn fuel in cars or trucks, small engines, stoves, lanterns, grills, fireplaces, gas ranges, or furnaces. CO can build up indoors and poison people and animals who breathe it.

The most common symptoms of CO poisoning are headache, dizziness, weakness, upset stomach, vomiting, chest pain, and confusion. CO symptoms are often described as “flu-like.” If you breathe in a lot of CO it can make you pass out or kill you. People who are sleeping or drunk can die from CO poisoning before they have symptoms. Continue reading “Carbon Monoxide – What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You”

What’s in the Water Now?

Almost everyone that drinks backcountry water knows there are microscopic organisms in untreated water that can make people ill. Unfortunately, there is lack of agreement about how common the problem is, or what people should do about it. It is not unusual to see articles in outdoor magazines that combine correct with incorrect information about how to deal with backcountry drinking water. The problem here is: outdoor magazine editors don’t have to have science degrees, and the writers submitting articles are generally only partly informed about microorganisms in water and their safe removal.

The information contained in this report has been compiled mainly from web-pages available on-line from the U.S. Center For Disease Control (CDC) and the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA). Other sources are available on the internet and credited at the end of the report. I have done my best to be un-biased, relative to information I have read, or know from practical use (I also have a Forestry degree from the U. of Idaho with a minor in Biology). My inspiration has been the best ever report on “What’s in the Water?” by Mark Jenkins in the December 1996 issue of Backpacker. That article hit a journalistic high for articles in outdoor magazines on problems with outdoor H2O. In the last 13 years things have changed and a new report on “What’s in the Water” is needed. This is my much-researched attempt to amend the Mark Jenkins report. Continue reading “What’s in the Water Now?”

Orthomolecular Medicine to Treat Erectile Dysfunction and Diabetic Wound Healing

There are several amino acids involved in treating erectile dysfunction. Four amino acids that treat this disorder are arginine, orthinine, L-carntitine, and glycine. Treating erectile dysfunction with amino acids is called orthomolecular medicine. Orthomolecular medicine is the use of therapeutic levels of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals to treat and cure disease. Dr. Linus Pauling is one of the early pioneers in this field. Dr. Stanislaw Burzinski is another important doctor in orthomolecular medicine. He treats cancer with an orthomolecular based protocol.

Arginine is one of the essential amino acid involved for the production and release of human growth hormone. This hormone is important to immune function, healing, and wellness. Many conditions increase the level of arginine that is required by our bodies. These conditions include trauma, heart conditions, diabetes, physical injury, surgery, obesity, smoking, drug addiction, and alcoholism. Higher levels of arginine are needed for diabetic wound healing. Medical conditions that affect the body’s ability to produce enough arginine are anorexia, autoimmune diseases, cancer, heart conditions, diabetes, insufficient food intake due to food shortages, poisoning, severe toxin exposure, HIV, AIDS, hepatitis, burns, broken bones, pregnancy, and post surgical recovery. Continue reading “Orthomolecular Medicine to Treat Erectile Dysfunction and Diabetic Wound Healing”