Locovore – Eating Locally

“Locavore” was the Oxford American Dictionary Word of the Year in 2007. A locavore is someone who makes an effort to eat food that comes from his or her surrounding area. Some insist on food coming from within a 100-mile radius of their homes, others are less strict. What are the benefits of eating locally? How difficult is it to be a locavore? What resources are available to locavores in the five boroughs? This article will answer those initial questions and help you find the right questions to ask.

You may be thinking, “Isn’t most of the food I can buy in New York from New York?” No. No, it is not. The modern food system in America is built on the platform of cheap food. Most of the food in this country comes from huge assembly line operations that run like factories, giving birth to the term “factory farm.” These factory farms ship to locations around the world driving out small farms that cannot compete on price. A walk through the produce section of your local grocery store is like a trip to California and South America. The meat and dairy departments will take you to the Midwest. Purchasing seafood is practically a world tour. Being a locavore in New York takes effort. Continue reading “Locovore – Eating Locally”

Freezer Cooking Benefits For Homeschoolers

Some people might think that the work of freezer cooking outweighs the benefits, but the truth is that there are some very good reasons to use freezer cooking. If you use the time you are already in the kitchen to prepare your freezer meals, you will wonder why you haven’t done more freezer cooking.

Here are some benefits of freezer cooking:

Continue reading “Freezer Cooking Benefits For Homeschoolers”

Getting Your Kid Healthy: Top 5 Health Apps For Kids

Instilling a healthy mindset in your kids from the start is incredibly important; it can set them up for an entire life of healthy choices. Your children may develop their healthy mindset earlier than we previously thought! Recent research in the New England Journal of Medicine illustrated that a child’s “weight fate” is determined by age 5. Half of the children in the study that started were obese when they entered kindergarten were still obese by the 8th grade!

Most parents realize that it’s important to raise a healthy child, but it’s hard to teach them (or get them playing outside for that matter) when they are always playing on their phones or gaming systems (more than likely they is probably applies to young teens). One way to implement a healthy mindset is to use that technology to your advantage! Check out our list of 5 of the best free health / fitness apps for kids; all available for iOS! Continue reading “Getting Your Kid Healthy: Top 5 Health Apps For Kids”

Home Remedies for Cats – How To Keep Your Cat Healthy With Tonic Foods

Tonic foods and home remedies for cats are a perfect combination. Tonic foods are power foods that will dispel any mental and physical lethargy. They will help your cat to recover from illness and keep it in optimum condition otherwise. Some tonic foods can be fed regularly while others should only be given every now and again when you cat is ill or as a treat.

Potent cat tonic foods include honey; apple cider vinegar; herbs such as parsley, stinging nettles, catnip, valerian, dandelion, wild garlic, clover, watercress and feverfew; spices like garlic, turmeric and ginger; couchgrass, kelp, dried fruits, yoghurts, yeast, oils, brown wholegrain rice and lentils. This article explains how to prepare and use some of them. Continue reading “Home Remedies for Cats – How To Keep Your Cat Healthy With Tonic Foods”

Camp Stove – Primus EtaPower EF Trail – A Fantastic Stove For the Backpacker

What is the uniqueness of the ETAPower EF Trail camp stove for the backpacker? Let us take a closer look at five areas of this camp stove and why it makes an excellent choice for backpacking.

1. Backpackers look for compact size and lightweight in camp stoves. The stove weighs in around 27 ounces without the fuel. This stove may weigh more than some, but with the uniqueness of their own pot system that sacrifice makes up in cooking time and fuel efficiency.

Also, included with this stove is a pot gripper, windscreen, piezoelectric ignition, heat exchanger, burner stand, frying pan/pot lid, 2.1 L pot which all fits into the insulated bag. Continue reading “Camp Stove – Primus EtaPower EF Trail – A Fantastic Stove For the Backpacker”

The Best 10 Tips for Smoking Meat and Using BBQ Smokers

In the near future the seasons will change and spring & summer will be here once more. Accordingly, the chance for relaxing outdoors and igniting the grill is just around the corner. You, as a your family’s skilled grill expert, are expected to cook up some mouth-watering, delicious grub. Relax, we are on-the-spot to lend a helping hand. Thus, the most helpful ten pieces of advice for smoking food and grilling with BBQ smoker grills. this advice is certain to have your meals worshiped by all.

Plenty guess that smoking food can be an awfully arduous and daunting affair. Smoking food is something that everyone can pull off. But few have the perseverance for. firstly, you need the right equipment. You have your pick of a wood smoker, charcoal, electric or gas smoker A modest upright smoker may be priced at less than fifty dollars online. However you Will not be capable of using it for much food.

Continue reading “The Best 10 Tips for Smoking Meat and Using BBQ Smokers”

Meal Organizing for Moms

Everyone knows the feeling of being hungry while having absolutely no clue about what to make for dinner. You feel scattered, stressed and “hangry” all at the same time – what a drag. Instead, spend a half an hour meal planning for the week to shrink your food bill, feed your family healthier meals, save tons of time on prep and reduce meal time stress.

Plus, the more you do it, the more proficient you’ll become at scheduling recipes, shopping for ingredients, and later, reusing previous meal plans. Give meal organizing a try with these 5 easy steps and see what you think. Even if you only stick to it for part of the week, you’ll still see the benefits.

How To Do It Continue reading “Meal Organizing for Moms”

How to Eat and Prepare for the 4 Seasons in TCM

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) sees eating locally and according to seasonal influence as not something new or trendy, but rather something essential to good health. Essentially, when in doubt try to eat what is plentiful and grown locally because this is essentially what nature intends for your body at that time. Also, in general try not to eat cold or raw foods without having something warm first (even a cup of hot water), as this is good for your Spleen and Stomach, the organs responsible for digestion in your body (note that terms capitalized are done so to differentiate from their scientific definitions).

The following will give you some more specific ideas about how to act and what to eat, as well as what to avoid during the four seasons according to TCM theory. Continue reading “How to Eat and Prepare for the 4 Seasons in TCM”

Good Healthy Food And Its Advantages

The advantages of eating good healthy food is that you provide your body with the nutrients it needs to function efficiently. This eliminates much stress, stops food cravings and prevents disease.

The common western diet is around 50% processed food and 40% animal protein. The cooking of animal protein alters the protein, making it more difficult to digest, assimilate and eliminate. Animal protein does not contain a wide variety of complex nutrients.

That leaves just 10%, or less, of real food. It is impossible for your body to function well when only 10% is nutrient rich food.

Not only is it impossible, it ensures you remain hungry all the time, increasing the chance of snacking. This inevitably leads to weight gain. Continue reading “Good Healthy Food And Its Advantages”

Heating With Wood For Less

How will you heat your home when the power goes out? Do you have access to cheap or free firewood? Have you considered installing a wood stove and don’t have much money?

First of all, what does it take to heat with wood? Well, to start with you need a good certified wood stove. Why certified? Because they use less than half the wood that the previous generation of wood stoves used, don’t exhaust clouds of unburned soot while smoldering, and also have close clearances to combustibles, some as close as 4″. Virtually all of them have a ceramic window that looks like glass but is impervious to heat, through which you can enjoy the fire and keep up with the need to adjust the wood or to feed in more. I don’t recommend getting a stove with a catalytic combustor as they are more expensive and have a declining efficiency. The efficiency of a non-combustor stove never changes and newer standards have been met without combustors since 1992, when the current EPA standards were established. The fire chamber in certified stoves is engineered to burn wood efficiently without smoldering, even when shut down all the way. This gives you more heat from each piece of wood while exhausting cleaner and hotter, thus almost completely eliminating creosote buildup in the flue. By the way, never connect a certified stove with a 6″ exhaust into a 8″ pipe. Because of the Continue reading “Heating With Wood For Less”