It is true that I love the Bratwurst Sausage, but I will share with you the recipe of what my favorite dipping is with the Bratwurst Sausage!
To be honest, Avocados are quite interesting, in how they are shaped, and in how they taste. But when you mix them with other things, its unimaginable the tastes and flavors it can create. If you have never eaten this spicy Mexican dip, I encourage you to try it. The taste will be of it, will not compare to anything else you have eaten in your life.
Ingredients you need to make the dip.
1 ripened avocado
1 medium tomato, (you want to peel the tomato, remove the seeds, and finely slice it)
2 cloves of garlic, thinly minced
1/2 cup of mayonnaise Continue reading “Bratwurst With Guacamole Dip Recipe”