Giant Snakehead Care – How to Raise an Aggressive Fish

Some people keep fish for their beauty. Some people keep fish for the relaxation the hobby brings. Then there are those that keep fish so they can see them eat other fish. Those would be who own predatory fish, such as the Piranha, the Cichlid and most importantly (at least for this article), the Giant Snakehead.

I have in the past been an owner of several varieties of the above mentioned breeds and can say that the most aggressive was the Giant Snakehead. On top of being strong, hardy and highly aggressive, the Giant Snakehead fish is an eating machine. If you do not believe this, then the (unjust) nation wide ban across the USA done for fear of the Giant Snakeheads potential environmental damage should be enough. With that said it is important to remember that even an naturally aggressive still need some intervention by their owners to bring out their true potential. Continue reading “Giant Snakehead Care – How to Raise an Aggressive Fish”

Is the Vegetarian Diet Necessary For Spiritual Advancement?

For those who pursue spirituality, vegetarianism is an extension of their spiritual practices. Vegetarianism is the most compassionate diet because it involves eating food containing the least amount of consciousness or life, such as plants. Spiritual teachers often state that vegetarianism is necessary for those who want to find God. For those who wish to follow the path leading to self-knowledge and God-realization, a strict vegetarian diet is essential.

Why would so many spiritual Masters, founders of different religions, mystics, philosophers, and thinkers from different time periods all agree that a vegetarian diet was necessary for spiritual advancement? One of the reasons correlates with a law of science, called action and reaction. One of the laws of physics is that every action has a reaction. Most people think of this law as only having to do with physical matter or energy. There is another component which science is just beginning to uncover. We are coming to learn of the mind-body-soul connection. We are finding that our thoughts have an effect on our body. The law of action and reaction applies not only to physical matter, but also at the subtle level of thought. For example, we know that stress causes a release of hormones through our body that requires us to take action. That action may be running and fleeing from danger, or protecting ourselves in defense. Adrenaline is sent to our muscles to prepare our hands to fight or our legs to run. Due to the stress of modern life, people are getting this reaction even Continue reading “Is the Vegetarian Diet Necessary For Spiritual Advancement?”

Fibromyalgia Cure – How I Cured Fibromyalgia! Nurse’s Secret!

If you’re suffering from painful chronic fibromyalgia let me say right off the bat that I cured myself of fibromyalgia using a diet I designed for myself, several years ago. I no longer suffer from it and many of its related conditions, Not only did I find my own fibromyalgia cure I got rid of it fast too.

Even with my medical background as a nurse I didn’t know much about fibromyalgia when I was diagnosed. The specialist – an arthritis doctor, who diagnosed me, treated it as a mysterious disease and told me that he just didn’t know what causes fibromyalgia and had no cure or treatment for it other than an old, tattered paperback book he handed to me explaining what it was but with no cure or solution.

It’s still true today that the medical experts don’t know what causes it but they have several theories, I won’t go into those, and research continues to look for a cure.

Continue reading “Fibromyalgia Cure – How I Cured Fibromyalgia! Nurse’s Secret!”

Goan Goat Curry Cooked With Passion by Binoy Nazareth

Delicious. Delectable. Delightful.

Have you ever been on a delightful, delicious and delectable travel? Does your wanderlust look for places which are both idyllic and interesting? I travel to quench my thirst for discovery of all things great and small which covers a kaleidoscope of the facets of life. One of the most relaxing trips I have gone on was to Goa, a small but laid-back coastal region on the West Coast of India.

Goa offers an incredible array of places to see with waterfalls, caves, churches, rock art, forts and the most amazing beaches amongst other intriguing sights. The culinary expertise of Goa never fails to amaze me and my taste buds were all agog with excitement for a repertoire of delicious entertainment. With any amount of eateries spread all over the place, Goan cuisine displays a variety of vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes which evolve over pork, chicken, mutton and seafood. I went on a never-ending journey of delight and explored every nuance of this delectable travel. With the strains of an experienced chef and a gourmet running through every pore, I have tried my hand at re-creating myriad dishes, but one of the most breathtaking, tasty and awesome dishes which I experienced at the emerald land of Goa was the Goan Mutton Curry. Continue reading “Goan Goat Curry Cooked With Passion by Binoy Nazareth”

Parasites, Candida, Fungus Infection – Monsters Inside of Me Causing Itching, Rash & Bed Bugs

World traveler and former fitness trainer reveals the truth about parasites, candida, fungus, and infections. Beware of itching skin and a rash as they may reveal something beneath the skin. Beyond bed bugs, scratching and bodily torment can be caused by something internal. Monsters inside of me and my family – a real look from an ordinary, itchy and educated guy that will surprise you. Pet owners have 240 times the parasites. 85% of the world has some parasites. What you don’t know could be killing you!

Wow! That’s a ferocious mouthful sure to turn your stomach at the thought of it! The truth is if you have a pet in your house, you have 240 times as many parasites in your home and likely your body than a person who does not. Moreover if you have long fingernails, you collect 24 times as many parasites – many of which can live for up to 2 months underneath your fingernails. Continue reading “Parasites, Candida, Fungus Infection – Monsters Inside of Me Causing Itching, Rash & Bed Bugs”

Discussion Of The Varieties Of The Food And Drinks Prescribed In The Nilamat Purana

The Nilamat Purana is a very important book for the Hindus living in the Kashmir Valley. They follow various instructions prescribed in it very religiously. I was too anxious to read the contents of the book and learnt a lot from it. One of the themes that really attracted me in the book is the description of the different kinds of food to be consumed essentially during the important religious ceremonies and rituals. In this article, I would be focusing exclusively on the varieties of food discussed in it.

One important fact to be noted is that the living beings are classified into different kinds and they are the following:

a) Gods and Goddesses

Continue reading “Discussion Of The Varieties Of The Food And Drinks Prescribed In The Nilamat Purana”

Aloo Bhindi – Punjabi Style Fried Potatoes and Okra

Aloo Bhindi – “A gravy recipe made from Potato (Aloo) and Lady’s Finger (Bhindi/Okra)”.

“What shall I make for dinner tonight? If that is a reeling question you are with at the moment, I have a solution for you.”

If you have some left over potatoes and some okra/ladies finger in your fridge, then tonight lets toss them together with some Indian masala’s and make Aloo aur Bhindi ki sabji.

To give you a small introduction, aloo bhindi is a gravy dish where we prepare the gravy and add fried potatoes and lady’s finger into it. The gravy for this dish is a mix of onions, tomatoes and cumin seeds. This dish is prepared in punjabi style, so I have used ghee for frying the vegetables and garam masala for giving the spicy flavor. Continue reading “Aloo Bhindi – Punjabi Style Fried Potatoes and Okra”

I’ve Never Seen a Fat Vegetarian – To Be Or Not to Be

Well okay……sometimes it’s hard to change your eating habits. What made sense to me was that meat eating animals have a very short intestine system. This is because big piles of meat & potatoes or just meat takes an incredibly long time to digest. Humans have an incredibly long intestine system. Feel tired after a big meal? You should because you will use more energy in life digesting food than anything else you do! No kidding! Cut out the meat & live like the ‘long intestine animals – the vegetarian animals’.

I know it’s easier said than done and despite out best intentions change can be hard. Just do tiny changes, gradually. Decide, for example, okay, I want to eat more salads and less meat. Don’t set yourself up for failure! Maybe add salad once more a week and meat once less a week. Do that for a month or so until it’s just part of your life. Then it’s easy to add another good intention that becomes a habit.

PS. Take Vitamin B12 as a supplement if you rarely eat red meat and lack abundant energy with adequate sleep! I will add lots of tips about going veggie. Note: I am into eating fish cause it’s so damn good for you and eat some poultry when I’m craving a change from beans or tofu…lotsa good recipes coming to this site! Be Healthy – Have Incredible Energy – Feel Young – Save $$$$$$$ – Save Time on Cooking!

PS – I love my Dad’s Steak – Won’t say NO to that once or twice a year. He’s a master bar-b-cuer!

PPS – For any of you that went to Kaslo School & had the pleasure of Mrs. Higashi, she’s the one that said, “have you ever seen a fat vegetarian?”

Source by Laurie Meers

How Can You Choose the Best Juicer?

For vegetarians, a juicer is a must have appliance. There are very many brands which are available in the market with different capacity and capability; different sizes and designs etc. It is prudent to select one which will suit your needs. To get the best juicer, you must evaluate the following key parameters:

Working efficiency
Juicing is a labor intensive exercise though the entire process has been automated by juicers. To juice all your fruits and vegetables effortlessly, it is important that you go for an efficient juicer. A juicer which does not eject pulp or introduces either heat or oxygen to the juice is considered highly inefficient. You must avoid such appliances. Before you buy any juicer read customer reviews about the juicer. If possible, you can consult a friend who loves juicing for whatever reason. Continue reading “How Can You Choose the Best Juicer?”

Marathon Running and Vegan Diets For Beginners

Perhaps you’re considering going on a vegan diet, but can’t see how you’ll ever get there. Maybe you’ve dreamed about running a marathon, too, but abandoned it as impossible?

If so, just ponder the expression by William Arthur Ward:

“If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it.”

Five short years ago, I had not begun a vegan diet, nor had I run more than an occasional 1-2 miles on the running machine (staring at the wall at the fitness club, it felt like a death sentence). Growing up, I had been a miserable athlete, skipping all PE classes from 9th grade onward to avoid humiliation.

Continue reading “Marathon Running and Vegan Diets For Beginners”