How Does Cooking Affect Spice Flavor?

As you know, timing is everything when preparing a meal. The same holds true for spicing, that is, when you spice has an effect on the intensity of the flavor. Depending on the spice, cooking can increase potency, as you may have discovered when adding cayenne to your simmering spaghetti sauce. Or the flavor may not be as strong as you thought it would be. This is particularly apparent when adding herbs that are cooked over a long period of time, whether in a sauce or slow cooking in a crock pot.

Flavorings can be tricky when they come into contact with heat. Heat both enhances and destroys flavors, because heat allows essential oils to escape. The beauty of a crock pot is that slow cooking allows for the best results when using spices in a meal. The covered pot keeps moisture and steaming flavors and oils from escaping, and it allows the spices to permeate the foods in the pot. Using a microwave, on the other hand, may not allow for flavor release, especially in some herbs. Continue reading “How Does Cooking Affect Spice Flavor?”

The Controversy of Candida Tomato Paste

There is a lot of people out there wondering about Candida tomato paste and how they go together. Many diets tell you that you can eat tomato paste, and the next diet will tell you that you can’t. So what is the truth about Candida tomato paste?

First, we need to realize that tomato’s themselves are not bad when talking about Candida or yeast infections. They are actually a very healthy food to eat and help when fighting a yeast infection. The problem is when we start getting into Candida tomato paste and other forms of tomato’s.

The first thing we need to look at when talking about this subject is the form of the tomato paste. Things such as ketchup, spaghetti sauce, and sweetened tomato paste are not what you want to be eating if you are trying to fight a Candida yeast infection. The reason this is true is because of the amount of sugars contained in each. The Candida fungus thrives on sugar, so you want to make sure that your Candida tomato paste doesn’t contain much sugar, and preferably none at all. Continue reading “The Controversy of Candida Tomato Paste”

3 Delicious One-Pot Campfire Recipes To Try

When you’re camping, it’s ideal to go for meals that are easy to prepare and cook. More importantly, you should also make filling meals that will give you energy for all your outdoor activities. That’s where the beauty of one-pot meals come in – you’ll be able to make a hearty recipe that won’t take too much of your precious camping time.

Try these delicious one-pot campfire recipes:

Easy Saucy Spaghetti

What you need: Continue reading “3 Delicious One-Pot Campfire Recipes To Try”

Pros and Cons of Spaghetti Integration & Star Integration

A few years ago, IKEA released a VERY hilarious commercial to promote its simple and clean furniture line to organize a home or office space. In short, the commercial opened with an attractive couple, in a rather unattractive and untidy room, sharing a single spaghetti dinner. They savored and slurped each noodle as suggestively as a bowl of pasta can possibly be eaten. The female — with eyes closed, head to plate, mesmerizing her partner with her technique — was so engrossed in her sensual display that she accidentally mistook as another noodle her boyfriend’s filthy shoelaces which, of course, were tied to his even filthier sneakers. (If this is too gross for you, that may help to explain why it was banned in the US.) The commercial faded out and ended with a silent, but poignant reminder: “Tidy Up”.

Just like with an untidy room, a spaghetti integration (or star integration) may take months, even years, to get to the point of being disorderly. Traditionally, each department in an organization may use independent systems to meet their own needs so that they are autonomous and easier to manage internally. Then, as new requirements arise, as an organization grows, and as inter-departmental communication becomes more important, point-to-point interfaces develop to tie each autonomous system together – hence, a badly-planned “spaghetti” of systems arises. Continue reading “Pros and Cons of Spaghetti Integration & Star Integration”

Origin of Pizza and Spaghetti – Marco Polo in China

Pizza is one of the more popular foods among American children. They gobble up pizza like anything. As a result, there have been several chains to offer pizza to consumers: Pizza Hut, Domino’s Pizza, Little Caesar’s, Papa Johns, etc.

Pizza is even enamored by entire cities such as Chicago with their famous “Chicago Deep Dish” pizza. We have all come to learn that pizza originates from Italy. But it was not developed in Italy out of nowhere but rather inspired by China.

Spaghetti, in fact, has its roots from China. While they eat noodles in China, it turned into spaghetti in Italy with the addition of tomato sauce.

Continue reading “Origin of Pizza and Spaghetti – Marco Polo in China”

Spaghetti Squash and the Candida Diet

Have you ever heard of spaghetti squash? If you have ever followed a low carbohydrate diet chances are that you have heard of this amazing winter squash that when cooked falls apart into spaghetti-like strands. Spaghetti squash is a low carbohydrate dieters dream, containing only 5 grams of carbohydrates per ½ cup serving. It is for this reason that it is also an ideal choice for those following the candida diet.

The candida diet also known as the anti-candida diet or yeast free diet, is the cornerstone of treatment for a condition know as candidiasis. Candidiasis is characterized by an overgrowth of Candida albicans in the intestinal system. Candida albicans is a typically benign type of yeast that is innately present in the intestinal system. Ideally Candida albicans will work in accord with “friendly” types of bacteria to create a unique intestinal microflora that helps to keep the body healthy. Unfortunately, numerous external factors enable Candida albicans to overgrow and morph into an opportunistic organism. These external factors include overuse of antibiotics, steroids, oral contraceptives, stress and diets high in processed/sugary foods. When Candida albicans overgrows the body often experiences numerous seemingly unrelated symptoms such as, joint pain, chronic fatigue syndrome, premenstrual syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic sinus infections, chronic yeast infections, chronic bacterial vaginosis, anxiety and depression. Once the delicate balance of the intestinal microflora is disrupted it is very hard to restore. The candida diet seeks to restore this balance by cutting off the food supply to the Candida albicans thereby starving and killing them. Although prescription and/or non-prescription antifungals may be necessary to treat candidiasis adhering to the candida diet is the most important part of treatment. Continue reading “Spaghetti Squash and the Candida Diet”

Importance of Healthy Indian Breakfast

“Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince and Dine like a Pauper” is a very famous proverb and is very true considering the fact that 25 percent of the day’s calories should come from breakfast. Glucose is the main source of energy for brain and the continuous supply of glucose is required to improve concentration, mental performance, memory and mood. Research have shown that breakfast helps to replenish blood glucose levels in the brain.

Skipping breakfast often leads to poor concentration, irritability, low blood sugar levels and a high craving for food in mid morning or lunch. This results in overeating and weight gain. In fact it would be easier to control your weight by eating smaller meals and healthy snacks more frequently than skipping any meal.

In India, there are variety of breakfast items available which are nutritious and provide the required amount of energy to sustain throughout the day. Breakfast foods differ from region to region. Let us review some of the common breakfast items. Continue reading “Importance of Healthy Indian Breakfast”

Healthy Breakfast Recipes for Weight Loss: Eggs Are Your Best Friend

When you’re looking for delicious healthy breakfast recipes for weight loss, eggs are truly your best friend. Eggs are one of the most natural foods you can eat and also one of the best. A word of warning though: do not believe the hype and nonsense that too many eggs are bad for you. This is simply not true. Eggs are full of protein and healthy fats. That’s right healthy fats; they are full of good cholesterol, the type that can actually help you lose weight. Remember when choosing which eggs to buy to always try and buy organic free range eggs. The hens are much happier hens then the caged hens and the quality of eggs actually reflects this. If you cannot buy organic at least aim to buy free range. Here are two high protein, high healthy fat healthy breakfast recipes for weight loss.

1. Breakfast Bausti’s

Serves 1-2 Continue reading “Healthy Breakfast Recipes for Weight Loss: Eggs Are Your Best Friend”

Healthy Breakfast Foods

It is always surrounded by silly excuse of lack of time. And still no one denies that fact that “breakfast” is the most important meal of the day.

Why such a hullabaloo about this early morning meal? Well, for starters, this meal comes after a break of 8 – 10 hours; hence your blood sugar level will be low. Since your body has gone with out food for such a long time, it needs nourishment to kick-start its day. Therefore “breakfast” is considered to be an important and essential meal of the day.

Breakfast benefits both, young and old. It is the key to jump start your muscles and your day. People who eat breakfast (healthy) daily are more likely to
Continue reading “Healthy Breakfast Foods”

2 Delicious Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Weight Loss

There is nothing worse than having to eat the same boring meals over and over again. The notion that healthy eating has to be boring to be beneficial is one of the biggest misconceptions and it really bugs me. You can enjoy delicious foods and to prove it, I’m going to give you 2 delicious healthy breakfast ideas for weight loss. These meals are perfect for breakfast (regardless of what time you have it) and are very easy to make.

The first healthy breakfast idea for weight loss is a mixed nut granola recipe that really is healthy and delicious. The problem with store bought granola is they are usually loaded with sugars. On top of that, the recommended serving sizes are a lot smaller than what an average person would eat. Typically on the packets of granola the recommended serving size would be around 40g whereas in reality a bowl of granola would be anywhere from 100-150g. This can be problematic and can lead to overeating very quickly. For the nuts in this healthy breakfast idea for weight loss you can either use mixed nuts or stick with whatever your favourite is, my favourites in this recipe are almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts.

Mixed Granola Continue reading “2 Delicious Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Weight Loss”