Homer Alaska Bed and Breakfast – The Chocolate Drop Inn

Homer, Alaska is home to the finest log inn, the Chocolate Drop Inn, with a majestic view of Kachemak

Bay, Kenai Mountain range and four glaciers, along with “Chocolate Drop Mountain.” Built in 1993, the Chocolate Drop Inn is an 8000 sq. ft. log inn with 5 guest rooms and a family suite that includes private baths and entrances, queen size beds, tv’s and phones. In addition, guests enjoy a recreation room, hot tub and sauna, and hot sumptuous breakfasts featuring fresh seafoods from the Bay.

To get around scenic Homer, Alaska, Jeeps “R” Us Car Rentals is located in the Homer Airport Terminal and specializes in 4 wheel drive vehicles.

Continue reading “Homer Alaska Bed and Breakfast – The Chocolate Drop Inn”

Tips For Eating A Healthy Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but it seems that with our busy lifestyles, breakfast has fast slipped down our list of priorities. Breakfast it seems, has been reduced to a sugary muffin and coffee on the go, losing all nutritional value.

Our body starts demanding a supply of energy as soon as we wake up, whether we’ve eaten or not. Our brain cannot store any energy for itself and constantly requires a supply of glucose. Not eating, especially in the morning, can hamper mental alertness and put a strain on both our bodies and brain.

Here are some tips for eating a healthy breakfast that will set you up for an energized and mentally alert day:

1) Avoid refined carbohydrates Continue reading “Tips For Eating A Healthy Breakfast”

Eating A Healthy Breakfast For Busy People

You’ve always heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But, there are so many people that don’t follow this rule! They say that they just don’t have time and grab a cup of coffee and a doughnut as they are heading out the door – if they eat anything at all! Eating healthy first thing in the morning is quite doable – even if you are super busy and always fighting the clock. Read on to find out how.

One of the things that you need in your diet is protein. And, this is super easy to do. You can have some hard boiled eggs cooked ahead of time and in the refrigerator. As you are heading out the door – just grab one or two and they are easy to eat on the road. Or if you are a toast person – spread some peanut butter on that bread. Peanut butter is a great source of protein and will make you feel full longer.

Grains and calcium are pretty easy to fit into your morning with if you are a cereal eater. You get the grains from cereal and calcium from your milk. Yogurt is also a good source of calcium and easy to eat on the run. Whole grain muffins are also an excellent way to get your grains – and can also be made the night before and grabbed on the run. Continue reading “Eating A Healthy Breakfast For Busy People”

Healthy Breakfast Tips for Busy Moms

Most busy moms have one common problem: lack of energy and tiredness to deal with. Boosting your performance and energy level tips is what really helps to keep you up running and happy. As for many of us it is a daily struggle to keep ourselves energized. With kids, household affairs, shopping, cooking, cleaning and your husband to attend to, let alone the work, pretty soon you begin to feel exhausted. So, take a look at what and when to eat to boost your performance level and enjoy the life.

The first tip is when to eat. When talking about weight loss diets, we mostly hear about when not to eat; such things, as skipping your dinner or snacks. But, knowing the best time to eat is the key to staying energized. Now, breakfast is one of the most important meals of your day, or it should be so. And, it is the easiest to skip. Most of us have pretty crazy mornings to deal with as it is. So, skipping a breakfast is not a matter of struggle. At this, some of us believe, skipping this meal helps you shed pounds and stay fit.

That is not true. There are several things you should know about your breakfast. For one, it helps you to boost your body metabolism. Once you give it a ‘kick’ right in the morning, you become more able to digest the rest of the foods, you consume during the day. It has two benefits to offer. For one, you burn more calories and stay fit. And, you absorb more nutrients to keep you healthy and energized. Continue reading “Healthy Breakfast Tips for Busy Moms”

A Mother’s Day Breakfast, Brunch, Tea Party or Dinner

Sunday, May 8, 2011 a most important day. Here in America each year a Sunday in the month of May is set as the date we honor our mothers. While we hope that each and every day mothers are appreciated, May 8th is the day she will be pampered by her children and others who care about her. Many will opt to go out to a tea room for an afternoon tea. Others will brave the crowds and take mom out to dinner. Any time of the day even breakfast or brunch gives us the opportunity to give mom the day off (no cooking allowed).

It is often hard to get mom to let others wait on her. They are so used to taking care of and not being taken care of. This one day of the year most mothers will reluctantly allow her children to pamper her. Children who do not live near will make sure to call and let her know how much they love and appreciate her. She may receive flowers or other gifts on her special day. The most important gift to any mother though, in my opinion is being contacted by your child if they do not live close by even if it is just a two minute conversation. “I love you Mom” that’s all it takes to make her smile. Continue reading “A Mother’s Day Breakfast, Brunch, Tea Party or Dinner”

Quick, Healthy and Instant Breakfast Recipes for Kids and Teenagers

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and having a healthy breakfast means you and your kid will have an excellent day. Doctors and experts advise to have breakfast within 1 to 2 hours of waking up and it meets 25-30% of nutritional requirements of a person. Usually children complain of having to eat same Indian breakfast items over and over again. So you can try different egg recipes for breakfast.

To help you cook a nutritious meal for your teenagers and kids, we have come up here with best breakfast choices that you can prepare without scratching your head in morning time. Even you can do some preparation at night to prepare breakfast quickly.

Breakfast ideas and recipes for kids


1. Moong Dal Cheela: Healthy and wholesome, the protein rich moong dal cheela or green gram dosa is a perfect breakfast for your kids. Serve it with green or peanut chutney with milk. Continue reading “Quick, Healthy and Instant Breakfast Recipes for Kids and Teenagers”

Ideas for Quick and Healthy Breakfast Recipes

Looking for healthy breakfast recipes that you can make quickly and easily? While most people have heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, many still don’t take the time to eat breakfast in the morning. If you skip breakfast on a regular basis, you probably are familiar with the slight headache and the attack of weakness that occurs halfway through the morning. The reason this happens is because you didn’t eat breakfast.

Why is Breakfast So Important?

So why is breakfast so important anyway? When you sleep at night, you are going for about eight hours without having water or eating. This means you are slightly dehydrated when you wake up, and your blood sugar is probably on the low side as well. For this reason, you don’t have a lot of energy. However, it’s time to rush around and get ready for your day, so you skip eating. When you skip breakfast, you continue to let your body stay dehydrated and your blood sugar can dip even more throughout the day. Then you end up feeling horrible and extremely hungry later in the day. In many cases, it’s easy to overeat later because you do feel so hungry.

Beyond the Cereal Continue reading “Ideas for Quick and Healthy Breakfast Recipes”

A Few Easy to Make Healthy Breakfast Ideas For Your Toddler

Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. Skipping breakfast can make your kid feel tired, agitated, or irritable. A healthy breakfast will fuel your little explorer’s body with enough energy and other nutrients. It also helps in establishing a normal eating pattern. Eating regular meals and snacks is a key to maintaining good health throughout life.

Toddlers are usually picky eaters and not very keen on trying new foods. As a parent, we keep introducing something new for them to eat to please their taste buds. Here are a few recipes that are not only healthy but delicious too to treat your little one:

• Chapati Roll/Pizza roll:

Ingredients: Chapatti, Onion, tomato, boiled potato, beans, cabbage, tomato sauce, salt, pepper, carrot, capsicum, mayonnaise. Continue reading “A Few Easy to Make Healthy Breakfast Ideas For Your Toddler”

Irish Breakfast Tea – Ingredients, Caffeine Content, and Health Benefits

Irish Breakfast tea is a popular style of strong black breakfast tea. In Ireland, this style of tea is referred to as just “tea”, whereas in the U.S. and other countries, it is referred to as “Irish Breakfast”. This article gives an in-depth overview of this type of tea.

Ingredients: what is used to produce this blend?

Irish breakfast is usually, but not always a blend of black teas produced in different regions. Common types of teas used to produce the blend include Assam, produced in the Assam region of India, Ceylon, produced in Sri Lanka, and Kenyan black teas. Teas from other regions, including China, other countries, and other regions of India, can also be included.

Irish Breakfast is usually characterized by its high proportion of Assam, or teas with a similar character to Assam (such as those from Yunnan, China, or from Kenya). Some Irish-style breakfast teas even are made exclusively from Assam. If you are looking to blend your own tea in the Irish style, or purchase single origin teas that have a classic Irish flavor profile, I would recommend Assam. Continue reading “Irish Breakfast Tea – Ingredients, Caffeine Content, and Health Benefits”

Healthy Breakfast Cereals To Start Your Day

In every community there are people that prefer to have and consume the healthiest breakfast in the mornings. That’s why it is important, as a retail store, to make sure that you have the healthiest cereals available on your shelves.

Kelloggs Special K

Television adverts create a big hype about how good a person feels when they have this specific breakfast. It is true that all the fibre, vitamins and minerals help you to cope better throughout your day because you don’t feel drained and fatigued or lack energy.


This cereal is made from whole wheat, barley malt and a whole lot of vitamins. Fibre is important in the mornings because you need a properly functioning system from morning to evening. Weet-Bix also contains energy so that you can get a good start to your day. The yummiest way to consume this is by breaking it in warm milk and to add a few Marie Biscuits for a smooth texture. Continue reading “Healthy Breakfast Cereals To Start Your Day”