Nutrition and Food

“Nutrition is the process of taking in nutrients from the foods you eat.”

Types of nutrition

• Carbohydrates –

Carbohydrates are energy-providing nutrients and our main source of energy. They are easily digested and broken down into glucose, which the body uses to perform its numerous functions. The body receives 4 calories per 1 gram of carbohydrates consumed.

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Different Types of Birds According to Their Diets

A good understanding of the foods birds eat can help us to get them nearer to us. Birds help to add life to the trees in your backyard, put some natural sounds in your surroundings, and simply make you feel close to nature. Different types of birds eat different kinds of foods.

If you are able to discover what types of foods the birds are eating in your place, you might be able to use these foods to make them come nearer to your place. Here are the types of birds based on the food they eat:


Avivorous birds are simply birds of prey; they eat other birds in order to live. These birds, which include hawks, falcons, and crows, are characterized by strong wings, legs and talons. They are agile fliers that pursue smaller birds and grab the smaller ones with their claws. Continue reading “Different Types of Birds According to Their Diets”

Chinese Food Culture: How Many Meals Per Day?

When I first came to England, I was very confused when people asked me how many meals per day do Chinese people usually have. I would simply reply: “obviously three, but don’t you have the same?”.

Later on I found out that I wasn’t right. Of course, different cultures have different eating habits (in Spain, people usually eat five times a day). Don’t even mention how different each meal could be.

Realizing the differences in terms of food culture between China and Western countries is probably what first made me aware of cultural identity issues. I have been thinking of writing about this for a long time.

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Four Advantages of Deep Frying

Deep frying is a method of cooking that involves submerging food in deep oils or fats at high temperatures. There are several reasons why someone would want to use this method of cooking. First and foremost, it seals in the taste and tenderness of the food to help it maintain its flavor and moisture. Also you can cook food quickly in a deep fryer. The consensus on deep fried food is that it can be some of the most delicious and tender food you can eat. Restaurants love using deep frying because their customers love the food and they can churn out dishes quickly. Let’s look at the most common advantages of deep frying when compared to other methods of cooking.

1. Speed of Cooking

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How Safe Is Air Dried Dog Food

Air-dried dog food is currently a lot in trend. Many of you might be knowing about it and many of you might be confused or have a misconception if it’s good for your pooch or not. Here you get all your doubts answered. This dog food are such supplement that enables your pooch baby to eat in a natural wild way that is raw form. But not only this, it lets your dog enjoy the food and not only be natural but also get essential nutrients for healthy growth and well being.

Why feed air-dried fog food?

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The Dangers of Fast Food

The fast food industry has added every chemical possible that they can legally get away with to addict people to their food. In fact, if you eat fast food and you stop eating it, you actually go through withdrawal symptoms. It’s like a drug. Not only that, the preservatives are so high in these fast food burgers these days that the product does not even break down. Fast food has been linked in the increase in obesity in both adults and children. Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in our country, particularly in children. Here are some startling statistics to consider:

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What a Renewed Global Food Crisis Could Mean for the Egyptian Wheat Market

Back in 2007, before terms like subprime mortgages and credit default swaps entered our vernacular, the world’s policymakers found themselves facing a far more basic, if equally complex global crisis-one involving food.

At the time, news of ration line riots flooded headlines, while pundits entertained apocalyptic visions of an underfed future. Many nations erected monolithic trade barriers to protect domestic supplies, while surging oil prices and speculative investors only drove food indices even higher.

By the end of 2008, of course, the global financial crisis had effectively dampened demand, and lower oil prices allowed food commodity markets to stabilize. The world’s attention then turned to the financial sector and stimulus plans, and the once ominous specter of an international food shortage suddenly receded into the background.

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Flavoring With Wines and Spirits – Do Alcoholic Beverages Contribute Any Nutritional Value to Food?

Wines, beers and spirits have long been enjoyed as drinks but have taken on a new role as flavoring ingredients in cooking and baking. Although some countries have used them liberally in the past, they are now being used in many traditional and non-traditional cuisines and cooking application throughout the world.

The cook does not have to be a bartender or wine steward to use these beverages properly in the kitchen. A basic understanding of types of beverages, and the flavors that dominate them, is an important aspect of modern nutritional cooking.

Alcoholic beverages provide another way to enhance the flavor of foods. Although most people think of alcoholic beverages only as drinks, they are used by professional chefs to impart unique tastes to cooked foods or pastry items.

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5 Easy Steps To Building The Ultimate Survival Food Kit

Having something like a survival food kit meant you were labeled a “prepper,” as it that is somehow a bad thing. Preppers used to be laughed at and called “conspiracy theorists” for their beliefs in preparing themselves and their families for any and every upcoming hiccup that life might throw their way. However, since the pandemic, hackers shutting down gas pipelines and meat manufacturers, rising food costs, weather disasters, and threats of war, everyday people are starting to think that maybe they, too should at least keep a survival food kit at the ready.

Getting started with building a survival food kit can seem overwhelming to many at first. What foods to add to the kit for the best nutrition? How long will the food last? How should I store the kit once I have it set up? These are just some of the questions you may be asking yourself, and the reason this is so is because you’re used to just buying what you like to eat and only as much as needed for the next week or so each time you go to the grocery store. Building a survival food kit doesn’t have to be overly complicated if you take on the process one step at a time. Continue reading “5 Easy Steps To Building The Ultimate Survival Food Kit”

E-numbers — How Dangerous Are These Food Additives?

The E-number system was originally used in the European Union in order to regulate the use of substances added to processed foods and drinks to colour them, flavour them, change their texture or enhance their keeping qualities. Additives were given a unique number and those which were approved for use were prefixed by ‘E’. Since then the numbering system has been adopted internationally, but only the European countries use the ‘E’ prefix.

Most food additives are considered by the authorities to be safe, although some are known to be cancer-producing or bad for you in other ways. Countries do not always agree on whether a certain additive is dangerous or not, hence some additives are banned in some countries but not in others.

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