Don’t Wash Your Chicken, quotes recent headlines from around the nation. These headlines cite the many health risks associated with spreading bacteria all over the kitchen as a result of washing your chicken at home in the kitchen sink.
For years, famous cooks from Julia Child to Martha Stewart have recommended washing your poultry, prior to cooking it, and cookbooks from around the world have repeated this advice.
Recent research from Drexler University in Pennsylvania, coupled with research from New Mexico State University, has suggested that chicken washing can actually result in germs being spread all over the kitchen. Germs are often spread from sink, to counter top, to cheese, to produce and then on to the washer’s t-shirt or clothing spreading deadly germs, and greatly increasing the risk of poultry born illness and disease for the family in the home. A new video was even made and a campaign was begun on the popular National Public Radio show, Salt, teaching the evils of chicken washing.
As honest as these researchers are, and as well-intentioned as the folks at National Public Radio are, they are only telling part of the truth. Only part of the truth you ask? Continue reading “Don’t Wash Your Chicken – Sanitize It Using An Ozone Generator For Water!”