It took me several years of cooking to appreciate the value that chicken broth and stock, as a matter of fact all types of broth and stock, bring to cooking. What was once sort of a specialty item in my kitchen has now become a mainstay on my weekly shopping list. I frequently purchase both chicken and vegetable broth and stock for a variety of my family’s favorite dishes. I have never found it convenient to make and store my own so I rely heavily on commercially available products.
Although there are numerous types of broth and stock available in the supermarket the majority of these contain ingredients that could be hazardous to your health. As I do not want to consume hazardous ingredients and since I follow the candida diet, a diet to help treat candidiasis, picking an appropriate chicken broth can be a challenging task. Candidiasis is a condition in which through numerous external factors yeast (candida) overgrows in the body. This overgrowth of candida can cause numerous health problems. Many times candidiasis patients go for years without any explanation for there ill health. The candida diet is the main form of treatment for candidiasis but one of the prohibited ingredients on the diet is preservatives and commercially available chicken broths and stocks are infamous for containing these. Continue reading “Chicken Broth and the Candida Diet”