A friend comes to your house wanting to celebrate her recent success with you or share her current woes. A bottle of wine and two glasses are quickly produced. You are her friend but you’re on the Dukan diet, so what do you do? There is a birthday in the office, someone has bought in a cake. It is sliced up and everyone gets a piece, including you. But you can’t eat cake on the Dukan diet! You can’t be rude either, so what do you do? Your child has a party, it’s his birthday and all his friends are coming round to celebrate the big day. The party is a success but now you’ve got the clearing up to do. Cookies and crisps are tempting you, you try just one, then another and then some more. You’re on the Dukan diet, what should you do now?
You can probably think of hundreds more examples of finding yourself slipping from your diet. Should you abandon hope? Are all diets ultimately destined to fail because situations like this will just keep happening? Of course not.
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