The Riesling grape variety is quite unique in that it preserves its identity wherever it is grown, unlike many other varieties. Not only is it grown in Germany, from where it originated, but also in neighbouring Alsace and Austria, Italy, California, cooler parts of Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Chile.
Most wine drinkers would give the Riesling a wide berth in the supermarket aisles when searching out a white wine, aiming for the highly over rated Chardonnay or the safer Sauvignon Blanc. But, very few people would consider a Riesling dry wine to be of interest, and there are several reasons why it is considered by some professionals, to be the queen of wines.
Unfortunately, most wine drinkers have come across those dreadful sweeter Rieslings produced in Germany, in the 1970’s and later, for a very unsuspected mainly British market. These wnes were produced for consumers who only wanted one thing from a wine, low cost. The word ‘quality’ was not really big in the vocabulary then, so quantity certainly outstripped quality. Many drinkers indulged on those insipid, sickly sweet, uncharacterful wines – but how things have changed for the better. Continue reading “Riesling is the Best White Wine, Yes Or No?”