High School Wrestling: Diet and Weight Loss Options

As wrestling season draws near, wrestlers begin to contemplate the weight class in which they may wrestle. Wrestlers often believe that they will be more competitive at the lowest weight they can reach without sacrificing their strength and endurance. This isn’t always the case. Too often, wrestlers end up dehydrated. They end up starving themselves and their performance suffers greatly.

If you’re looking for an article on cutting weight, this isn’t it. If you’re the kind of wrestler who can lose ten pounds in wrestling practice, this article may not interest you either. I could never sweat off a lot of weight, so I was always more interested in manipulating my diet to lose weight. There are, of course, a myriad of diets to choose from. I simply want to discuss ten diets of which I am familiar. Maybe one of them will interest you and you can research it further. Let’s explore.

1. Low Carb/High Protein Diet Continue reading “High School Wrestling: Diet and Weight Loss Options”

A Big, Fat, Deadly Lie About Produce

Fruits and vegetables. The phrase sounds innocent enough, and we hear it all the time.

But here’s the problem. It makes them seem as if they’re equal, and they’re not. In fact, fruits always get top billing, which reinforces their healthful status. A status they don’t necessarily deserve.

Here’s another phrase that has become a big, fat, deadly lie in its own right: “5 a day.”

That one comes directly from the superseded Food Guide Pyramid, which called for 3 to 5 servings of vegetables per day and 2 to 4 servings of fruit a day. To simplify, we added together the low values and got 5 a day.

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Calorie Shifting Diet Generator

The calorie shifting diet provides a diet generator online which helps you to map out your own meal plan. This will take you into your weight loss road to success. The meal plan duration is for 11 days and it consists of four meals per day. These meals can be eaten with no predetermined order.

In this calorie shifting diet you are able to eat as much as you want and you do not have to restrict or starve yourself. You also have to eat until you are satisfied but you should not eat until you are too full. In this process you should be able to depict the felling of fullness or hunger that you will be experiencing.

However, there is a gap of 2.5 to 3 hrs between your meals so that the diet becomes well balance and appropriate. You should spread your meals evenly so that you do not have to put yourself under stress and this will make you deviate away from your diet.

Continue reading “Calorie Shifting Diet Generator”

Diabetic Food Exchange


Diabetic food exchange is a food categorizing system to make meal planning easier for people with diabetes. The system groups foods according to their nutritional values, helping diabetic individuals eat carbohydrate-consistent, nutritionally balanced meals to achieve glucose (blood sugar) control and overall heath.

The American Diabetes Association and the American Dietetic Association devised the method. It categorizes foods into three groups based on carbohydrate content:

  • Carbohydrate group
  • Meat and meat substitute group
  • Fat group

Continue reading “Diabetic Food Exchange”

Breastfeeding Diet – Benefits of a Good Breastfeeding Diet

Depending on your height and weight, a breastfeeding mother needs to consume between 2,000 to 2,500 calories each day. The calorie count may seem to a bit extreme however, a good breastfeeding diet means that you are eating enough healthy foods for two people.

One great resource is the Food Guide Pyramid which is provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. It breaks down food into groups and how many servings per day of those foods that you should be eating. The Food Guide Pyramid helps you how maintain a balanced diet which is important for your health and the health of your infant.

When a woman becomes pregnant, her obstetrician automatically puts her on prenatal vitamins until the birth. Many pediatricians have the nursing mother continue taking these vitamins as a part of her breastfeeding diet. The vitamins ensure that the mother is getting the right amount of nutrients no matter what she is eating on a daily basis. Continue reading “Breastfeeding Diet – Benefits of a Good Breastfeeding Diet”

Fat Loss Nutrition – Start Losing Weight By Using These 8 Simple Nutrition Tips

There’s a lot of confusion about how and what to eat in this country. That isn’t surprising if you consider that a search for nutrition books on Amazon.com turns up with over 50,000 books! Are there really 50,000 ways to to eat? Possibly, but my opinion is that effective nutrition programs tend to have more similarities than differences.

Let’s set aside the differences and get back to the basics. Here’s a list of basic nutritional tips that will help you to start losing weight and improving your health:

1. Drink More Water

Start out your day with drinking a glass or two of water when you first wake up, then drink water throughout your day. How much water should you be drinking? Expert opinions vary on this but I personally use half my body weight in ounces of water as a guideline. I weigh 194 lbs so I should be drinking around 97 ounces of water a day. Try to only have water or green tea if you feel you have a lot of weight to lose. Continue reading “Fat Loss Nutrition – Start Losing Weight By Using These 8 Simple Nutrition Tips”

5 Effects of Good Nutrition

The effects of good nutrition on the body are as visible as the effects of bad nutrition on the body. The difference is that bad nutrition can destroy the body, while good nutrition only supports and builds up the body. Hence, the better goal in life is to maintain a lifestyle that promotes good nutrition. This will cause many positive effects, including the following 5 effects of good nutrition.

5 Effects of Good Nutrition:

1. Maintain normal body function

This includes better learning, proper balance and pH in the body tissues, to stabilize and regulate body systems like blood pressure, rebuild tissues, and maintain proper blood sugar levels

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Is Drinking Juice Good For You?

Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables and leafy greens is recommended for better health. They are rich sources of vitamins, minerals, fiber and more. These sources of food are vital in helping keeping our weight down, improving our heart health, cutting down the risk of chronic diseases and generally keeping us healthy and fit.

The food pyramid that shows what foods we should eat and how much, shows vegetables, fruits and greens right at the bottom occupying the large base. That means a large part of daily diet should comprise, foods from this group.

With our busy lifestyles running from schools to office to after-school activities, gym classes, client meetings and more, we hardly have time for a decently put together meal. Our diets suffer from a significant lack of nutrient-rich food.

As a result more people than ever before are turning to juices to power their lifestyles. Instead of trying to eat 5-7 servings of salads, veggies and fruits we are drinking more juices. A whole new industry has developed around fresh juice with – special juicing machines, juice bars serving fresh juice, juicing recipes, books and more on the subject cropping up. Continue reading “Is Drinking Juice Good For You?”

An Awesome Six Pack Abs Diet

Look if we want to achieve six pack abs then we have to eat the correct food right. I am going to share with you what foods are good for us and what foods are bad and why we need to stick to our six pack abs diet.

Firstly let me explain how the body works regarding body fat.

The #1 mistake people make is counting calories, your body needs calories to function and when it is starved of calories then it stores what calories it does get in the form of fat. So do not starve your body of calories.

OK now I have got that one of my chest here are the best foods to eat in your six pack abs diet:

Continue reading “An Awesome Six Pack Abs Diet”

Healthy Living For a Healthy Life

Having a healthy living is the most important factor in our life. Most of us know that living with a healthy body is the best path to live happy, to feel better, and to look better. Healthy living will lead us to the point where we can enjoy life to the fullest until we grow old and will never experience anything that might harm us or give us pain.

In this article, we will take you in the world of healthy living and healthy lifestyle. It is very simple and yet it provides you the easiest way on how to develop yourself up for a better and healthy person. In addition, we will provide you essential information that can be incorporated to your everyday life.

At present, most of the people in the world have fear of different diseases, and we are commonly looking for the best prevention. One of the best preventive measures to avoid disease is a healthy diet. Remember that prevention is better than cure; this famous line can be applied to anything in this world. Continue reading “Healthy Living For a Healthy Life”