Eating Healthy On A Budget

Think eating healthy on a budget is impossible? Many people believe that cutting back on food costs means that you can’t buy healthy food anymore.

Some people even convince themselves that healthy weight loss is not possible unless they spend a lot of money.

But eating healthy on a budget as well as healthy weight loss is not only possible, with a little planning you can cut food costs and still eat healthy food.

Here are a few tips to make it easier for eating healthy on a budget.

Plan your weekly food menus with healthy eating recipes and make a grocery list with those items before you shop. This saves you time in the store and can save you a lot of money because you are less likely to buy on an impulse. Continue reading “Eating Healthy On A Budget”

Grow Healthy Food Such As Fish and Vegetables Using Aquaponics

Many of use consider growing vegetables in our backyard a process that uses soil and an abundance of water. This is not the case with aquaponics. This type of agriculture combines aquaculture and hydroponics.

Aquaponics is a symbiotic system which uses the waste water of marine animals to provide nutrients to plants in a grow tank. The roots of the plants are set in a grow bed and are provided water and nutrients from a tank containing fish such as trout or tilapia.

In this type of growing system the plants cleanse the water by using up the waste created by the aquatic life. This water is then sent back to the fish tank. This is a closed loop system and wastes very little water.

The fertilization needed for the plants is provided by the waste water created in the fish tank. Water will have to be added because of evaporation, but this will be much less when compared to a soil based agriculture system Continue reading “Grow Healthy Food Such As Fish and Vegetables Using Aquaponics”

Healthy Food List

The idea of embracing a healthy lifestyle has become in demand today more than ever. What with the presence of more and more dreaded diseases. To start your quest of wellness, take a sneak peek in this healthy food list and oh, start munching, huh!

* Avocado – this wonder fruit has the ability to lower your body’s cholesterol and increase the level of HDL through Oleic acid. It also has lots of fiber that is good for the body. Indeed, a few slices of avocado to dress up your burger make for the healthiest alternative. Drop the mayonnaise, avocado is yummy, too!

* Raspberry – this fruit from the berry family has too many good benefits to the body to ignore. For one, it has Ellagic acid, a known component that can interfere with cancer cells. It is also equipped with vitamin C and fiber, which can help in your battle against high cholesterol, hypertension, and heart disease.

* Raisin – who would have thought that such small beings can bring in great advantage to your health? Raisins can help you enjoy sufficient supply of iron, which is an important component in transporting oxygen in the blood. It also has some fiber that is useful all the way. Continue reading “Healthy Food List”

Diabetes Management: A Healthy Food Guide

According to the International Diabetes Federation estimates, there were about 65 million people with diabetes in India in 2013. Diabetes is the health condition where blood sugar levels are higher than normal. Blood sugar is also known as blood glucose; it is a crucial source of energy for the body. Insulin is a hormone that helps the body utilize the glucose. If insufficient insulin is produced by the body or it does not respond to insulin, glucose accumulates in the blood resulting in diabetes. The body naturally produces blood sugar from the food we eat and stores in the body. Diabetes can be successfully managed by the combination of a well-planned diet and medication. Use websites that provide free nutrition databases and food labels to look up the nutrition information of food. A healthy balanced diet is essential for diabetes management. The food you eat affects your blood sugar, body weight, and heart health. The three major food groups that contribute calories are carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Continue reading “Diabetes Management: A Healthy Food Guide”

Healthy Food For Breakfast

If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a thousand times, “You need to eat a healthy breakfast!” We all know by now that breakfast is important, and you’ve also no doubt heard, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”

That first meal boosts our energy levels to help prevent fatigue, loss of concentration, and more. We know we need that healthy meal, so how does a person get in the habit of eating a healthy breakfast?

First off, do just that, make it a habit. If you skip breakfast once, then twice, then before you know it, not eating becomes a habit. A bad habit that’s not good for you. Instead, reinforce a good-for-you habit and eat breakfast every day.

No doubt a lot of you are thinking, “I don’t have time to make breakfast!” It’s important, so make time. You’re important, so make time! Take care of yourself and have a healthy breakfast. Continue reading “Healthy Food For Breakfast”

Gain Weight by Eating Healthy Food

Being underweight is as destructive as being overweight. Being too skinny may directly affect your work and personality. It can also lead to health issues in the long run. Several medical conditions such as thyroid problems can be responsible for a person being skinny. While some people can be naturally skinny and healthy, it is difficult for some to gain weight easily. It takes several days to gain weight; it is not an overnight job. Slowly and steadily weight can be increased while maintaining a proper health balance.

The most important thing to do in this scenario is to have a better caloric intake. These 5 tips may come handy for those aiming at gaining weight in a healthy way.

1. Intake of maximum proteins: Out of the top tips to gain weight, the most important is eating plenty of proteinous foods. As muscle mass is made out of protein, eating calories in terms of proteins is vital. Continue reading “Gain Weight by Eating Healthy Food”

No Animals Were Harmed – All About Animal Actors

ANIMAL ACTORS: Interview with Sandi Buck, American Humane, Certified Animal Safety Representative

Q: What is the American Humane Film & TV Unit?

A: American Humane (AH) Film & TV Unit is based in Los Angeles and we monitor the use of animals in media. American Humane is a national organization with headquarters based in Denver, Colorado. I’m one of the Certified Animal Safety Representatives who go on set and monitor the use of animals in film and television. We award the “No Animals Were Harmed® in the Making of this Movie” disclaimer seen at the end of the credits in a movie.

Q: How did the American Film & TV Unit start?

Continue reading “No Animals Were Harmed – All About Animal Actors”

Alternative Medicine Treatment For The Crohn’s Disease

If you are reading this, you are looking for the answers about Crohn’s disease. You were told that there is no real cause for it; therefore, consequently, there is no cure. The only option you are left with is treatment with the powerful pharmaceutical drugs.

Most likely you are confused. You are afraid of pain, bloody diarrhea, fatigue, possibility of the colon removal, cancer, and side effect of the drugs that you are taking. In the jungle of internet, thousand websites promise and sell miracle cure. The situation with Crohn’s disease is extremely complicated. Even medical authorities in this field write “Seventy-five years after Crohn’s characterization as a unique entity, we are still in the dark”.

Let me share some ideas about causes and possible non-drug treatments for this illness. Everything what I will tell you, is information from statistic and medical literature, practice of the doctors from other countries and my own 40 years of experience with Crohn’s disease. Yes, we do not know what the real cause of this disease is, but some facts can bring light to this problem. Continue reading “Alternative Medicine Treatment For The Crohn’s Disease”

Which Study on Effects of Alcohol Consumption Should You Believe-Take Your Pick?

The short answer to the question posed in the title is attributed to Ben Franklin-“Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see” (or read).

First, recognize that research (could apply to any research) concerning the effects of alcohol on one’s well-being, could be initiated and conducted with various degrees of bias. For example, I recently noticed conflicting research data from two seemingly benign sources concerning the benefits, or lack of, in alcohol consumption. Two somewhat contradictory articles were published on August 22nd and 24th, 2018. Both studies appeared in the Health section on the Newsmax website on August 24, 2018.

The lead article on the 24th had a headline: “No Safe Level of Alcohol”, the other appeared on the 22nd: “Moderate Drinking May Protect Your Health”. With just the information implied by the titles, what take-aways should the reader be left to contemplate? Continue reading “Which Study on Effects of Alcohol Consumption Should You Believe-Take Your Pick?”

Is Anorexia a Form of Brainwashing?

I have been interested for a long time regarding what makes people change their beliefs, mindset, and attitudes towards things. I firmly believe that most eating disorders are caused by people’s wrong beliefs and attitudes towards themselves and others. Genetic predisposition also plays the role too.

Once I was reading an article about brainwashing. Brainwashing is any effort aimed towards instilling in the mind of one person different beliefs and attitudes that eventually make a person behave in a certain way and believe in certain things. Brainwashing was used a lot by communists to spread the mentality of communism. It was also used on war prisoners in the Korean war – when American soldiers after being captured and kept in Chinese camps sometimes ended up taking the side of the communists and considered themselves to be their supporters.

Continue reading “Is Anorexia a Form of Brainwashing?”