Whenever you think of Puerto Rico, sandy beaches, a lot of sunshine, some great music, amazing arts and interesting folklore is what comes to your mind. With the astounding cultural diversity there, you can find a vast difference in the ways of the people here.
With a desirable climate all year round, it is just the right place for all tourists. Transport to and from Puerto Rico has never been a problem as there are many flights in and out at regular intervals just to keep up with the increase in the number of visiting tourists. It is also considered to be one of the best places in the Caribbean for a honeymoon.
Entertainment for the tourists is available in many forms all around the year and the best part is that many people visit just to be part of the many festivals that showcase the many cultures that prevails in this amazing place.
The most famous events are held during the Patron Saint Festivals or Fiestas Patronales, in the memory of the patron saint of each municipality. The festival features a beautiful parade, with a lot of games and other live entertainment and also some of the best regional food. Continue reading “Enjoying The Puerto Rico Festivals”