Quick Vegan Desserts For the Busy Parents

Vegans are faced with tough food choices everyday. A lot of times people seem to take things for granted. What is a no brainer for you, can be a tough hurdle to tackle for the vegan. With major grocers beginning to recognize the burgeoning growth of the vegan market, things are getting easier but their are still some hurdles unique to vegans.

One of the biggest is “quick and easy desserts.” Non-Vegans have a wide variety of choices when it comes to putting out a quick dessert. Cookies, cakes and pies are all readily available for people to buy. Anyone who is in a pinch can run to a local store even minutes before a party, and come back with quick dessert. Vegans don’t have the same luxury because most of these items contains stuff like butter, eggs, cream and etc…

Vegans have to be more creative when it comes to desserts. I think two things will help with this and can make your life a little easier:

Fruit and Berries: Fruit and berries are vegan of course and readily available for good prices. If you have a good selection on hand at all times, you can top off your desserts with them. My friend buys a great vegan cake, and tops it with fresh fruit. It is a quick and delicious treat that will even appease the carnivores in your life. For a more decadent surprise, macerate your fruits and berries in a bit of sugar and a distilled spirit of your choice. Grand Marnier is one of my favorite choices. Just toss the fruits with the sugar and liqueur and let stand for half an hour. Yum.

Nutri Whip: Nutri Whip is vegan! I know it is hard to believe, but it is mostly oil based, no real cream. I don’t know if it is a health food, but it is vegan. Everyone likes to treat themselves now and then, so what better way than to add some “whipped cream” to their desserts. The only thing missing is the actual cream. Nutriwhip is not certified Vegan – and I am not sure why, but a simple phone call to their head office confirmed it is indeed vegan, so enjoy! Pair it with your macerated fruits for a real treat.

Vegans definitely have to be more creative, but quick and easy fixes are out there. I hope those above tips will help kick your desserts up to the next level.

Source by T. Payne

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