Despite legal limitations, captive breeding challenges, and of course their high cost, the Asian varieties will probably always be the most sought after Arowanas. Perhaps nothing can compare with the splendor of Cross back Golden Arowanas. The brilliant coloration of Red Arowanas is equally hard to rival. No matter what type of Asian Arowana one considers, no other species rivals its status as King of the Aquarium.
Yet for many, the King remains off-limits due to their geographical location and trade restrictions. Others simply cannot afford the prices Asian Arowanas command. What can you do if you’re one of the many without access to your favorite fish? Until it becomes available, take a practical approach and enjoy an intriguing, amazing alternative.
Introducing the Silver Arowana
Osteoglossum bicirrhosum was first given its species status in 1829 in France. Zoologist George Cuvier is responsible for its recognition. Silver Arowana originate from South America where they naturally inhabit floodplains and freshwater areas of the Amazon River and its Basin. They inhabit mainly swamps and shallow waters of flooded areas, and their distribution indicates Silver Arowanas do not swim through rapids. As surface dwellers, in the wild they consume fish, insects, spiders, birds, and even bats.
Physical Attributes of the Silver Arowana
Like Asian Arowanas, Silver Arowanas are true bony-tongues. These are primitive and prehistoric fish. In addition to their bony tongues, Silver Arowanas also possess the chin barbels characteristic of Asian Arowanas. They have a more elongated, tapered appearance than their Asian cousins, and their fins are significantly longer. The dorsal and anal fins of Silver Arowanas appear nearly connected with their caudal fins. The females tend to have a deeper body shape than males, and males have a more elongated jaw in comparison with females.
Silver Arowanas are very large fish typically reaching 24 – 30 inches in captivity, although they can grow up to36 inches. In the wild, Silver Arowanas may grow as big as 4 feet long!
Those unfamiliar with Silver Arowanas often consider their coloration to be “silver” without much variation. In fact, there is a great deal of variation among these fish in terms of their brilliance and coloration. The coloration of Silver Arowanas is so pronounced, many hobbyists boost their color through special diets just as Asian Arowana enthusiasts do!
Silver Arowanas may have a silvery, light grey, or strikingly white body coloration. It may appear highly metallic with a high sheen, or more flat and dull in tone. They may be solid in color or possess and/or reflect flecks of blue, red, or green in their opalescent scales. Most have a characteristic blue coloration behind the gills. The fins and tails of Silver Arowanas can be red or blue along the edges or in their entirety.
Silver Arowana Temperament
Silver Arowanas are predators with similar temperaments to Asian Arowanas. They may consume anything small enough to fit in their mouths and are best kept alone as a single species representative. Tank mates suitable for Asian Arowanas will likely do well with Silver Arowanas. They should be large, bottom dwellers or fast, mid-tank swimming fish that tend to stay out of the Arowana’s way!
Many experienced hobbyists claim Silver Arowanas are slightly more skittish than Asian Arowanas. They also have a reputation for being more easily “tamed.” Silver Arowanas are often trained to take food directly from fingers, while Asian Arowanas are rarely so docile!
Care of the Silver Arowana
Silver and Asian Arowanas require nearly identical habitats and care. They need very large tanks, immaculately clean, well-maintained water, and a varied, high quality diet. Careful attention to their environment helps prevent the onset of typical Arowana diseases. Droopy Eye is perhaps the most common affliction Silver Arowanas suffer.
One consideration applies to Silver Arowanas that is no longer a concern when acquiring an Asian Arowana. While they are currently bred in captivity, a large majority of Silver Arowanas commercially available are still wild caught. Be sure to inquire about the origin of the fish you purchase and take extra precautions with wild caught specimens. If they are thriving in captivity at the pet shop, mimic their water conditions and tank set-up as closely as possible.
Jumping is of course a concern with any Arowana, but particularly one that is wild caught. A very tight lid is absolutely necessary to prevent a Silver Arowana from harming itself, especially during the first few weeks and months of captivity. Many hobbyists suggest lowering the water level of the tank somewhat during the first few weeks of acclimatization.