The Most Amazing Cake Baking World Records

All over the world people are getting more and more elaborate with their baking, especially with the popularity of extreme baking shows such as ‘Cake Boss’ filling our TV stations. This has led to some amazing, and sometimes downright stupid, world records being broken. In this article, we will round up the best examples of baking that smashed world records with astonishing feats of cooking.

Largest Cake Sculpture

In one of the most impressive displays of baking ever, Fairy Liquid created a monstrous cake that broke the record for the largest cake sculpture ever. In association with the Make A Wish foundation, the huge creation measured 12.17 m x 9.8 m x 41 cm, and was consumed by over 12, 00 people at London’s Westfield shopping centre.

Tallest Cake

Created in Hakasima-Nilasari Culinary School, the tallest cake measured over 108.27 ft. This impossibly high dessert weighed over 20 tonnes, and took an insane amount of ingredients to create. 1620 kg of margarine, 1750 kg of powdered sugar, 100 litre of liquid sugar, 1620 kg of sugar, 162 kg of powdered milk, 3240 kg of eggs and 243 kg of powdered chocolate was used to create this stomach rupturing monstrosity!

Longest Line of Cakes

Achieved by a charity event, a community hall in Milton Keynes created a line of cakes that measured over a thousand and a half feet. This consisted of 27, 746 cakes, which were cooked by 25 different schools and special needs organisations as well as five different community centres.

Most Candles on a Cake

Everyone loves blowing out candles on a cake, and for spiritual guide Sri Chinmoy he got to take this to the extreme. While celebrating his 77th birthday in Jamaica, New York, a cake was created with 48,523 candles on, the most ever in recorded history.

Greatest Number of Layers in a Cake

If you’ve ever been disappointed by the number of layers on a cake, then this world record is for you. The greatest number of layers in a cake is 230 and was achieved by Jayn Parenti and displayed at the Springdale Country Club, Arkansas, on 4 July 2006.

Largest Gingerbread House

This record seems to have been ripped straight out of a fairy tale, but in Texas A & M Traditions club actually succeeded in building a life-sized gingerbread house. Incredibly, you can actually walk round the entire house and while there is some lumber and other construction materials used, you can take a bite out of the house. Although, altogether, the house adds up to a total of 5,823,400 calories!

Source by C Paterson