Treatments of Eczema – The Eczema Benefits of Chewing

No matter what sort of food you eat, there is always a way of increasing the amount of nutrition you absorb from it. If you suffer with any disease or ailments especially eczema you are more likely than not absorbing insufficient nutrients and this can be due to so many different reasons.

Maybe you’re just not eating the right food – which is very likely. Or you are not chewing your food sufficiently. If you are always on the go, never have time to sit, relax and eat your food calmly, and you tend to chop and swallow, then the important nutrients in your food will not be absorbed into your system.

The digestion of all food, especially carbohydrates, begins in your mouth. An enzyme called ptyalin found in your saliva begins the complex process of digestion. When you chew your foods well the ptyalin is given more opportunity to break down any tough outer layers of your food.

If your food is not chewed sufficiently and is swallowed too quickly the pancreatic enzymes in your stomach have a hard time continuing the digestion process. Undigested food particles will then moves to the large intestines where it sits and ferments.

Fermentation produces gas and bloating. Fermentation also results in additional waste and toxins. If you do not chew your foods sufficiently it can lead to your feeling heavy, uncomfortable, sluggish, irritable and moody.

Chew every mouthful of food between 35 and 40 times this will ensure proper digestion.

Other benefits you will receive from chewing your food thoroughly include the following:

Tip #1

Thoroughly chewing your food will create an alkaline condition in your system. When you achieve an alkaline state as opposed to an acidic one your body is healthy and will fight off eczema and allergies more readily.

Tip #2

Thoroughly chewing your food will stimulate the release of parotin hormones, which have the ability to protect and strengthen your immune system. Strong immunity will fight off diseases and illness.

Tip #3

Thoroughly chewing your food will result in your eating a lot less food. When you eat slowly and in a relaxed state a signal is sent to your brain earlier than usual telling it that your appetite has been satisfied and you should stop eating.

Tip #4

Thoroughly chewing your food will dramatically improve digestion. Whenever you take the time to chew your food the right balance of water, enzymes and other secretions are present which helps create stools that are easy to pass through your body.

Source by Janet Simpson