If you have uterine fibroids which are causing you problems, you will no doubt be exploring all your options and eating a fibroid diet is something you may have considered. Like many women, you have probably discovered the stark fact that even if you have a surgical procedure to remove your fibroids, they are likely to regrow as the root causes are still there. Some women consider hormonal treatment, but this is really only suitable for short term use as it effectively will put you through a temporary menopause and this can cause problems in itself such as osteoporosis, skin drying and thinning, wrinkles, vaginal dryness and a dwindling sex drive.
Eating a fibroid diet will not in itself cure your fibroids. However, it is an integral component of an overall system for shrinking your fibroids and is undoubtedly a good plan for your overall well-being. To be successful, you must apply a system which eliminates each and every possible cause of fibroids, effectively making your body a “fibroid-free” environment-in other words the conditions within your body will not support fibroids.
In general, fibroids sufferers should pay great attention to what they eat and even without knowing the specifics of a fibroids diet, sticking to the principles of eating a good healthy diet will almost certainly help. We all know the advice which is given about eating a diet low in animal fats, rich in complex carbohydrates, drinking plenty of fluids and eating a minimum of 5 portions of fresh fruits and vegetables.
10 Key Elements Of A Uterine Fibroid Diet
1. Choose organic foods where possible
2. Avoid foods which could be contaminated with environmental pollutants
3. Pay attention to portion size. Do not overload your digestive system-moderation is the key
4. Eat lean meats and cut off any visible fat. Do not eat meat from animals given hormone growth
5. Avoid dairy foods
6. Ensure that around three quarters of your food is eaten raw where appropriate
7. Avoid over-refined and over-processed foods
8. Limit your intake of grains and beans
9. Eat plenty of non-starchy vegetables. Only eat fruits if you do not have the symptoms of Candida
10. Your diet should be mainly alkaline-forming
Following these uterine fibroid diet principles will certainly help. However, you may wish to further explore your options to ensure that you are also looking at other aspects of your lifestyle and well-being which will also impact on fibroid growth. The best way to do this is to look at a tailor-made system which will finally guarantee you relief from your fibroids.