People who are known to suffer from heartburn should understand there are certain foods that people eat which can cause acid reflux worse than other types of foods. Acid reflux patients know which foods give them acid reflux than that is just as important as knowing which foods people can eat without getting acid reflux. Basically there are some foods that effect different people and in different ways. Some people might suffer from heartburn after eating a nice Mexican meal but other people would wince at the thought of eating Mexican food because they know that the spices will cause them to have acid reflux symptoms. However, people can make a few smart food choices that can hold off acid reflux. Acid reflux is in part caused by the amount of acid in your stomach. If you keep filling you stomach with acidic foods it will promote and increase the amount of acid in your stomach.
Can milk cure Acid Reflux?
No. Some people think that drinking milk or eating ice cream is good for heartburn but milk is really one of the foods that can cause acid reflux. Milk will temporarily provide a coating to the esophagus. But milk also starts the production of acid in the stomach. It allows the possibly of acid to slip through the lower esophagus sphincter (LES) which causes heartburn and that terribly uncomfortable felling in your chest. Many dairy products including cottage cheese and other milk based products can cause an increase in the acid secretion.
Can Meat and Vegetables cause Acid Reflux?
Cheeseburgers, some steaks as well as Buffalo wings and can cause acid reflux in some people and can prove to be disastrous if they are eaten. There are some spices used in preparing many foods will also cause acid reflux but eating too much of anything can prompt acid reflux. Other foods that can cause acid reflux are French fries and raw onions and surprisingly so can mashed potatoes. The extra starch can cause more acid to be produced in the stomach.
Can fruit cause Acid Reflux?
Fruits such as oranges, strawberries, grapefruit, cranberries and lemons are also listed as foods that cause acid reflux. Plus if these citrus products are mixed with alcohol you create a double whammy. Coffee and tea either caffeinated or decaf are both on the do not drink list for acid reflux. Since every person may be different it is important to keep a diary of foods consumed that cause reflux and avoid them at all costs.