Four Tips on Getting Help Around the Home

My hubby quietly came in the kitchen and began scraping food from a large bowl into a smaller one. He found tops to cover the leftovers and put them into the refrigerator. I glanced at him and smiled, then turned quickly back to my dishwashing lest I somehow stop this miracle in progress.

He doesn’t like doing the dishes. He doesn’t cook on the grill. This area is almost foreign to him-his kitchen knowledge is limited to taking out the trash or coming in for meals.

He said almost apologetically, “I don’t know if I’m doing this right.”

I thanked him with a smile and washed off the counter. We finished our work and took a second cup of coffee to the deck to cool off and rest a bit. I needed to take time to tell him once more how much his help meant to me. I also reminded him that I liked his company.

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The Budgie – A Sensitive Soul

My mother passed away in February and I took on responsibility for her budgerigar Sky. He is a lovely little bird – very noisy and feisty – isn’t hand tamed and doesn’t like to be touched. Heaven help you if you try! He is approximately 5 years old – give or take.

Mum used to bring Sky with her when she visited, so I was aware of how to look after him, but other than that I really didn’t have a clue about budgies. I remember one we had as a family pet when I was a teenager and that was about it.

Sky and I got into a routine for the first 5 months – I opened his cage door every morning but he never left it. He was happy to flap his wings inside his cage which is large enough to do so with room to spare.

Then came the day about a month ago when he ventured out and the problems started. On the few times that he started to fly around he flew into the walls and had a nasty fall when he misjudged a shelf – this had never happened to him before and he went into shock.

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Even the Tiniest Hand Can Hold a Diamond

I recently attended a circus wedding. I’m referring to a circus-themed wedding, not a wedding “under the big top,” though there were a great deal of fanciful shenanigans and enough clowning around that one might have difficulty differentiating the two.

Near the tented entrance stood a table replete with circus-oriented curiosities presented as tokens for the enjoyment of the guests. One could enthusiastically snatch up an adhesive Dudley Do-Right mustache or enjoy a taste of pure spun, sugar candy. Or, perhaps the more pragmatic guest (with December being right ’round the corner) might choose one of the red foam noses, making it doubly useful for Christmastime. But for me, it seemed a risky temptation of fate to choose the mustache as I had recently seen tiny hairs sprouting from my upper lip where there’d once been none. And, although easily tempted by candy, I admit to being somewhat of a cotton candy snob by believing that consuming it from a pre-packaged bucket robbed it of all the delights of its intended fluffy purpose and sticky intentions. My lack of pragmatism (but to my credit, my knowledge of that lack) eschewed me from the red foam nose as I would never be able to locate it in its time of need. Surely it would reappear one day from behind a dresser or from under a pile of books during a cleaning spree, probably around Easter, thereby making it a moot point at the end of my nose.

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Hypertension – Telling My Spouse The Bad News And The Good News

I left my doctors office two hours after arriving. I decided I would drive to my wife’s work and tell her in person the bad news and the good news about my health. Rather than just sitting around and talking we went for a walk and talk.

Honey I have some good news and some bad news, Let me give you the short version during our walk starting with the bad news;

I have high blood pressure that is off the charts.

My food consumption can not have more than 1500 mg a day of sodium.

Dining out at restaurants is history for me.

Dried spices have sodium so I can’t use them anymore. Continue reading “Hypertension – Telling My Spouse The Bad News And The Good News”

Basic Survival Food Storage On a Budget

If you have not stored up food and water for an emergency or a disaster, this article could be a lifesaver for you and your family.

Is your reason or excuse for not being prepared the same one used by well over 300 million other Americans? The two most widely claimed excuses are, procrastination and finances, then there’s those with their heads in the sand or cyber clouds. Oh, almost forgot the 60+% that truly believe there is no reason what so ever to prepare period. Disasters? Those things happen anywhere but here in my backyard and besides, I’ll worry about it when it happens.

If you’re in the “not likely will happen” camp, you must be or were living in the outback with no connection to the outside world. It’s no longer a matter of what the disaster will be but rather when one will occur. As I’m writing this article Hurricane Harvey is bearing down on South Texas, and many coastal residents interviewed by news reporters, expressed doubt regarding the severity of the storm and the media’s expressed urgency regarding immediate evacuation of the coast. If my memory serves me correctly, it is the very same scenario regarding skeptics of Katrina’s forecast, resulting in 1,800 deaths. Continue reading “Basic Survival Food Storage On a Budget”

3 Steps to Stop Aggression in Your Beabull Puppy

Just like their Beagle and English Bulldog ancestors, Beabull puppies are normally affectionate, loyal and playful. However, there can always be a bad apple in any bunch. If your Beabull puppy is showing signs of aggression, here are some tips to nip that in the bud before he gets too old or it becomes dangerous for your family.

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Banana Cue: A Comfort Food

Filipinos love to eat. Most say that the world eats 3 square meals a day, that is breakfast, lunch and dinner. We, Filipinos, eat 6 square meals a day. It is broken down into breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, mid afternoon snack, dinner and midnight snack. It is already written in the society’s psyche. What am I trying to point at? We love food and we love to eat. As long as there is something on the table or inside the fridge, we would tend to finish it.

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Dogs With Food Allergies: Novelty Protein Dog Food

The Story

I have a boxer, bull mastiff mix named Leo, who struggles with itching and scratching all the time. It got to the point to where I felt so bad for him not only because he’s my best friend but because I can tell he was uncomfortable. I finally had enough and gathered up my veterinarian’s phone number and took a trip to the vet. Leo was having rashes on his belly and kept licking his paws to were they were getting infected. Continue reading “Dogs With Food Allergies: Novelty Protein Dog Food”

The One Super Food That Can Speed Up Your Penis Growth – How to Enlarge Your Penis Naturally

Women all around the world prefer men who are packing. And when I say packing, you know exactly what I am talking about. So if you feel like you need to learn how to enlarge your penis naturally, and are looking to do it quickly then I have one super food for you. This food is one that is eaten often, and regularly by maybe billions of people, but when it is combined with the awesome techniques that I will tell you about, it can cause you to grow 2-4 inches very fast.

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A Guide to Food "Allergy" Etiquette

Likely you’ve noticed, but there are a growing number of people with food “issues.” It might be a food intolerance, a food sensitivity, or even a very serious, life threatening food allergy. I’m one of them. Maybe you are too.

But maybe you are not. And maybe you are now daily exposed to people talking about their food avoidances in the work place to stores promoting the latest in allergy-free products, and are even told not to bring your favorite foods to schools or potlucks for the sake of a small minority that might have an adverse reaction to such foods. SO annoying, right? But seriously, does this make you angry?

Just let me tell you, no one chooses to have food issues. Parents do not choose for their sons or daughters to go into anaphylactic shock when exposed to peanuts, dairy or any other random foods that might normally seem completely benign. In fact, it’s something all of us parents fear. While you are grumbling about peanut butter, can you imagine the fear of that parent praying their child does not accidentally ingest or even come in contact with the food that could land them in the hospital, or worse, while they are at school or out in the world? In a far less serious example, I did not choose to break out in painful acne all over my back every time I eat dairy. And others did not choose to experience terrible gas and bloating when eating foods with gluten, sugar, soy, etc. I know sometimes it may seem that people are using food avoidance as a diet or other regimen apart from a true food allergy, but give them the benefit of the doubt. All of us in a second flat would choose to be able to eat anything we desired if given the ability. Oh how I would LOVE to eat a piece of cheesecake without paying a price. Or really, just to have a simple latte. Or buy a thick chocolate chip cookie full of high quality butter. Great, now my mouth is watering, and I digress. Continue reading “A Guide to Food "Allergy" Etiquette”