It’s that time of year again. Time to start looking for some great Thanksgiving dinner recipes. In my family I am in charge of this dinner and I want to satisfy myself and my family. I do this by trying new recipes. This way I’m challenged when time comes to cook, and my family gets their old tried and true Thanksgiving favorites and gets to try some new dishes, some of which may become tried and true too!
It’s easy to do an internet search for Thanksgiving menu ideas. If you do this you’ll end up with millions of search results, but how do you know you can trust a recipe? There are hundreds of thousands of food blogs out there and frankly, not all the recipes are good. The way you know you can trust a recipe is it’s source. It doesn’t necessarily have to come from a “food site” but, if it’s referenced it should be from a cook book, or other trusted source, such as a well known chef, and that source should be named.
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