Elderly Nutrition and the Supporting Role of Goat Milk

Elderly nutrition is a topic of concern for many senior adults and their caretakers. Naturally occurring changes in our bodies create challenges for adequate nutrient intake and absorption as we age. Goat dairy products have properties that can help meet these challenges to reduce the prospect of inadequate nutrition for the elderly.

Goat milk is high in calcium, protein, beneficial fats, and many vitamins and minerals. But, as you’ll see, the nutritional components are not the only important aspects of goat milk products for meeting senior nutritional challenges.

The first set of challenges to consider involves changes of reduced physical sensations, and therefore, reduced desire for nutritional intake. Many elderly no longer experience or recognize feelings of hunger. This, by itself, can cause a significant reduction in the intake of food, particularly if the elderly person lives alone, with no one to remind them to eat. Continue reading “Elderly Nutrition and the Supporting Role of Goat Milk”

Dry Skin Rash – 5 Eczema Benefits of Chewing Your Food

One of the easiest ways to improve your health and thus begin to heal your eczema is to start chewing your foods more thoroughly. We are all busy people and we tend to eat on the go which means we are chopping and swallowing food without any thought to whether our food is being sufficiently broken down in our mouths.

However if you develop some patience and self-mastery you can totally change the way your food is digested which will result in healthier skin amongst other things. When you chew your food more of the nutrients will be absorbed by your system, which will lead to healthier skin.

When you chew your food you encourage nutrient assimilation and strengthened digestion. Continue reading “Dry Skin Rash – 5 Eczema Benefits of Chewing Your Food”

Can the Ayurvedic Diet Help Control Blood Glucose Levels?

The Ayurveda lays great emphasis on nutrient rich meals for optimum health, ie to keep the three doshas in a state of equilibrium within yourself and between you and your environment.

An individual’s personal diet is based on that person’s own unique dosha. In the Ayurveda, all is personalised.

The most nourishing ayurvedic foods

The most nourishing foods in an Ayurvedic diet include: Continue reading “Can the Ayurvedic Diet Help Control Blood Glucose Levels?”

Season Your Pans for Non Stick Cooking

Nothing is more frustrating than trying to cook a delicious meal and having it stick to the bottom of the pan. A well season or cured pan will make cooking more fun, easier to clean and create better tasting food. There is a saying in the restaurant business; Hot pan – Cold oil. Meaning never put the oil in a cold pan and then heat it up. By heating the pan first and then adding the oil, then immediately the food, you’ll have much less sticking. Furthermore if you season the pan when you first purchase it, you will have even better results.

Curing by metal types

Stainless Steel – Unfortunately stainless steel cannot be seasoned because of the hardness of the metal. A matter of fact I don’t know of a single restaurant which uses stainless steel pan. They are great for storing food because the food won’t react with the metal, but horrible for cooking. My advice is just stay away from them altogether. Continue reading “Season Your Pans for Non Stick Cooking”

A List of Nutrisystem Flex Meals – A Sample Menu

I’ve been getting a lot of questions about the Nutrisystem flex meals.  There’s a lot to like about this program because it allows you to take two days off each week. And, it’s about $100 cheaper than the regular women’s program.  But, there’s some misconceptions about the food which I’ll address in the following article.

The Food Really Isn’t Any Different.  You’re Just Getting Less Of It: There are no “special foods” for the Nutrisystem flex plan.  But, you are getting enough meals to eat five times per day for 20 days rather than for 28 days.  So, when they ship your order, less food will be in the box since you are taking eight days off per month.  But, the choices for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and desserts remain the same. You can still chose any foods you like off the menu. You’ll just be choosing for 20 days rather than for 28.  I’ll go over a sampling of the foods below.

Sample Nutrisystem Flex Menu:  When you order any Nutrisystem package, you’re given the choice to go with a sampling of the most popular items (“order favorites”) or you can hand pick your own (“chose your menu”)  Below are items from the order favorites.  But, the entire lot of food choices is available if you want to hand pick your foods.  There is no additional cost for this. The base price of both of these is about $234 (and that is before coupons, specials, or incentives, which usually bring this down even more.) Continue reading “A List of Nutrisystem Flex Meals – A Sample Menu”

Food Specialties in a Marathi Wedding

Of all the other cultures in India, Maharashtrians tend to have the simplest weddings. These weddings are complemented with simple, yet healthier wedding cuisines. Marathi food promises less oil, less salt, minimal butter, thereby making it a fitness freak’s delight.

The Menu

Wedding menu of a Marathi family is almost always vegetarian, and more so if the couple hails from a Brahmin family. There are some sects of Marathi’s that eat meat, yet their food menus are all vegetarian. This is because wedding rituals and receptions generally take place in temples, where non-veg is restricted.

Continue reading “Food Specialties in a Marathi Wedding”

Go Home & Go Green: How to Minimize Waste in Your Kitchen

On a global scale, one third of the produce that we grow is thrown out, culminating in 1.3 billion tons of wasted food every year. After confronting themselves with these appallingly high numbers, most people gasp in disbelief, but then simply sigh and say, “Well, I personally don’t throw out that much. I can’t be part of the problem!”

But that’s where most people are wrong. There are many ways – both large and small – in which all of us can help minimize food waste in our everyday lives. If you’re serious about making a difference, one of the best ways of cutting down on food trash is attempting to go near-zero-waste in your kitchen. We know that this is easier said than done, but hear us out: there are four surprisingly simple additions to any and all quality kitchens that will decrease your waste like never before. Let’s check them out! Continue reading “Go Home & Go Green: How to Minimize Waste in Your Kitchen”

How to Lose Weight Without Exercise and Get Rid of Belly Fat

This is how to lose weight without exercise – you just have to eat sensibly.

A good healthy meal is simple and doesn’t have to be complicated. You just have to prepare your own meals and eat out less.

If you have been on a high processed food diet, it’s time to make the change and eat more fresh meals. Without question fresh, unprocessed meals are more nutritious and healthier for the body. You just have to compare our previous generations diet, there were less processed foods, less take aways and people just ate in more!

So take control of what you are eating and think ‘Fresh’. Continue reading “How to Lose Weight Without Exercise and Get Rid of Belly Fat”

Infrared Grills Which Are Less Than $500 and Are Great for Cooking at Home

Is the lack of space your excuse for not hosting a barbeque party? Or does the tedious work which comes with cleaning up put you off? If you said yes to any of the questions above, read on to find out what you can do to make these excuses a thing of the past. First, you must invest in a great cooker, and below is an overview of some of the leading brands in the industry to help you choose the best-infrared grill under $500 for your home.

1. Char-Broil Signature TRU Infrared 3-Burner Cabinet Gas Grill

This is a black medium-sized grill that uses infrared technology that heats food while sealing in juices to prevent the food from burning. It has a sure-fire electronic ignition system that provides an automatic source of fire no matter where you are. It has a wide cooking surface and warming rack that makes it spacious enough for use as a working area. Continue reading “Infrared Grills Which Are Less Than $500 and Are Great for Cooking at Home”

Using Claypots For Healthy Cooking – A Beginner’s Guide

If you are looking for a healthy new way of cooking, why not try claypot cooking Asian-style?

Claypot cooking is an ancient technique in many cultures from the Romans, Etruscans, Chinese, Indian, Mexican and Moroccans. In Asia, claypots have been widely used as a cooking style for centuries. From China, Vietnam, Thailand, South East Asia to the Indian subcontinent, claypots are an essential utensil in any well-equipped kitchen. In fact, food is often served in claypots to tell people about the way it is cooked.

Claypots are used for boiling soups, noodles and porridge, making stews, and steaming meats and vegetables. With the claypot uncovered, claypots can also be used for frying and grilling meats, vegetables, tofu, rice and noodles. Many dishes are aptly named after this unique cooking style – claypot rice, claypot chicken, and so on. Continue reading “Using Claypots For Healthy Cooking – A Beginner’s Guide”